Dead to the World - Sacrifice by A. K. Denic - HTML preview

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Chapter 6 - Egeryon

‘’Are you in pain?’’ a voice asked. Everything was dark around Kane and he

couldn’t see anything. It seemed that he was laying on his back on a pool of liquid,

but no matter how he prodded and turned, he couldn’t get a firm hold and stand up.

Somehow he turned towards the general direction of the voice.

‘’No’’ Kane replied. ‘’Where are you?’’

‘’Everywhere and nowhere’’ it replied again.

‘’What do you mean? Who or what are you?’’ Kane asked annoyed.

‘’I am you, and i am not you. It is hard to explain. Are you sure you want to

know? If i do tell you, you have to promise me that you will let me take control over

your body more often than just when you are weakest. I have to save you time and

time again. I do not like that. I want to enjoy freedom every now and then.’’ it said

sinisterly. Kane did not know what to say or think at the moment. The voice really

sounded awkward and fearsome, sending chills down his spine. Then again, where

the hell was he? Was he dead? Oh yes, he remembered. He died. Shit! He died!

‘’Janine, my love’’ he managed to speak.. What will happen to her and the otehrs


‘’What will happen to her now? Is that what you ask yourself?’’ the voice said


‘’Yes i am. How the hell do you know?’’

‘’I just told you. I am you, even if i am not’’

‘’Ugh. Alright, just tell me. Where am i, who are you and what is going on,

please’’ Kane said. The voice was silent for a while.

‘’I am Egeryon. Who or what is Egeryon, you ask yourself. Well, i will tell you

young one. I am an ancient monster. A demon to be more precise. Your cursed

father and mother somehow trapped my soul with yours. How or why you ask? I have

no idea. One moment we were fighting, the other i awakened inside of you, taking

control when you were fighting your first monster. Now, even though i no longer have

my own body, i still possess some powers which grow by each drop of blood we take.

Some of my powers are mental, some are metaphysical. One of them is

regenerative, the other is destructive, the third is possessive. Maybe more will

awaken in time, but for now, i have already shown you some interesting things,

haven't i?’’ he said and roared in laughter.

‘’So every time i lost control, or did something new without prior knowledge, it

was you?’’ Kane asked

‘’Yes, it was me, young Kane. I know a lot more things, and i will teach you in

time, that is, if you let me heal you. Before you even just say yes, my price is the

following. When i ask you to, you will relinquish control over your body. I need blood,

massive amounts. Especially for what i am to do now. I will use up all of my reserves

to heal this wound. Still, the hole will not close up, but just the edges. I do not have

more power than that at the moment. Do you agree?’’

‘’I do, but on my own terms. I will not just relinquish my body whenever you

like. If you are ancient, you must have lived for thousands of years. The relinquishing

will not happen in my lifetime. You will stay with me and protect this body until i am

ready to move on. By then, you should have enough new reserves to get into another

body or regenerate this one, make it younger or whatever you are able to. Also, you

will never hurt Janine, Thanis or Alpha, even if it is self defense. Do you agree?’’

‘’I do’’ he said after a few moments. ‘’Man did I mess up. I took all of your

goodness and transferred them into that mut. Somehow, you managed to regain

some of it and prevented me to take control of your body. You have a strong will and

a strong sense of justice. I will refrain from doing anything stupid for the moment, as

it will only endanger myself also. Anyway, now, close your eyes and count to ten’’ he

said and his voice disappeared.

Kane did what he instructed, praying with all his soul it would work. As he

arrived at zero, intense pain came over him and he convulsed, throwing up on

himself, almost choking in the vomit. Something turned him over and he threw up

again, on the ground this time.

‘’He is alive!’’ a female voice yelled. ‘’Do something, Alpha!’’ it yelled again.

Kane slowly tried to open his eyes, but everything hurt as hell. Even his eyelids felt

the weight of the whole world as he couldn’t even open them. It was as if the silvaren

had run him over and ground him to dust. He tried to get up, but instead convulsed

again and lost consciousness for the second time

When he came to, he was covered in darkness, again. A harsh voice was

singing a song, which sounded awful.

‘’Why are you back so early?’’ the voice asked. Kane then figured out who it

was after getting his bearings again.

‘’Egeryon? Why am i here again?’’ Kane asked.

‘’How should i know?’’ Egeryon responded and went quiet. ‘’Well, maybe the

sudden recovery was a too big shock for you mentally and got sent back here. Let

me try something else. Again, count to ten’’.

‘’Wake up, Kane’’ a voice whispered into his ear softly. He tried opening his

eyes slowly, and bright light assailed his eyes. Slowly he opened them wider and saw

a beautiful face close to his. It was his dearest Janine. The love of his life, the one

person whom he would come back from the dead for. And he literally did.

‘’What happened?’’ he asked whilst groaning in pain. His chest felt like

something heavy was sitting on it. And with heavy, he meant a silvaren sitting atop of

him heavy. He couldn’t even move his fingers, his head, feet, or any part of his body.

‘’What is going on?’’ he asked more panicking this time.

‘’I have no idea’’ Janine cried out falling over me.

‘’Damn woman that hurts, get off of me’’ he said laughing gently, painfully. She

immediately withdrew and took a gourd and poured some water into his mouth. It

tasted better than anything in his life before.

‘’Help me sit up’’ he said groaning. She took him slowly and helped him to sit

up. Alpha came sitting next to him, letting Kane lean on him for support. They both

were expectedly waiting on Kane to talk. ‘’What? Is there something on my face?’’ he


‘’Damn you! You scared me to death! Don’t you dare leave me so early into

our life together!’’ Janine cried out, hitting his chest, then remembering he was in

pain and apologised. It hurt like hell. The hole was hurting like nothing before in his

life. The edges of the wound were already mostly healed up, but the hole in his chest


‘’Shit, what will the people think when they see me with a hole in my chest’’ he

chuckled to himself. ‘’Anyway, sorry to worry you guys, but, i got owned. I was

careless. I’m sorry’’ Kane said pulling Janine closer until she leaned her head on his

bloody chest. After a few moments she withdrew her head, an expression of fear

painted on her face, the like he had never seen before. An expression of pure horror.

‘’What the hell is wrong, woman?’ he yelled.

‘’Your heartbeat. It’s gone.’’ she said with a low voice. ‘’How the hell are you

still alive?’’ she asked. Yes, if Kane hadn’t known better, he would have said God.

But, this was no God. This was a devil. Sell your soul to live on your life. At least for a

bit longer. Life sure is ironic.

For a long moment he was gathering his thoughts, thinking about how to give

them the news they surely did not want to hear. Then just decided to keep it simple.

‘’I have a second soul living inside of me’’ Kane said abruptly. ‘’Basically, he

offered me help, in return for favours. He would let me survive and i would let him eat

our enemies. Simple as that’’.

All of them were stunned by this turn of events. Thanis had walked up to Kane

and kneeled, his head bowed forwards, whilst looking Kane in the eyes. He could see

the shock and terror in his face.

‘’You don’t get skewered like a pig every day and survive to tell the tale’’ he

laughed, trying to soften the mood up. ‘’Speaking of which, what the hell hit me?’’

Kane asked no one in particular. He felt Alpha moving behind him so he turned

around and looked at Alpha. He stood up and walked a few meters, took something

into his mouth and returned. He dropped it next to Kane. It was like a fang. The

silvaren must have somehow been able to launch one of its teeth towards Kane.

Brutal. O well, he was alive again and that was all he cared about at the moment.

‘’I am going back to sleep’’ Kane said and he slumped back over and fell

asleep right away. When i woke up again, what looked like half a day later, he found

himself bandaged and covered in a blanket, Janine, Thanis and Alpha sitting just a

bit away from him, around the fire, a big pot on top of the fire. A bit further away was

another, bigger fire where a big group of women was sitting. They all turned to him as

they noticed he woke up.

The smell of deliciously prepared food was assailing his nostrils so he sat up

slowly and felt a lot better than before. The pain was mostly gone and he could move

his limbs again.

‘’Do not get penetrated again’’ a voice said in his head. Kane just laughed

slightly and shook his head.

‘’Damn monster can talk directly to my mind now’’ he said under his breath.

‘’As if Alpha wasn’t already annoying enough to have around in his head, now a

second voice. If i didn’t know better, i would think i lost my sanity, tho i am not far

from it, i guess’’ he muttered to himself.

Alpha turned his head towards Kane and laughed, reading Kane’s thoughts.

‘’You are awake, finally. I was thinking about starting to eat by myself already’’

he said and roared out in laughter, or, howling sounded more like it, combined with a

snorting noise. The sound made Kane laugh out loud, hurting all over. The whole

group joined in on the merry laughter and the other women and girls came over to

their fire, to hear what was going on.

‘’Hey big guy. Janine, Thanis, ladies, Hawk, Tiger... Sorry for worrying you

guys. I can’t help it but get into trouble’’ Kane said and laughed out, then gripping his

chest, the pain still present. He bit through the pain and got up slowly, Janine,

standing up hurriedly, rushing his side. She took some of his weight on her shoulders

and helped him over to the fire. Thanis rushed towards them already and put some

cushions on the ground. Kane sent him a gentle smile and a nod, his face lit up like

the sun itself.

‘’How are you feeling, master?’’ Thanis asked, helping Kane sit down. ‘’We

were worried as hell. Never again do that to us!’’

‘’Im fine, dont worry. I’m pretty hard to kill now, trust me’’ Kane said and felt

the confidence he was showing the others. Kane knew he was hard to kill, especially

now that his heart was gone. He was basically dead. What a turn of events.

The group ate more or less in silence, the sound of the fire crackling was like

music. Kane loved it, or at least thought he did, or was it the other him. After they

were done eating, Kane stood up, deciding to go for a walk.

‘’Alpha, accompany me’’ he said and started moving. Alpha stood up and

walked after Kane. Some minute later they stopped at a big tree, Kane turning his

back to it and leaned on it for support. He still felt weak and he was feeling like it. He

needed more rest for sure.

‘’You know, we are not alone anymore’’ Kane said as Alpha sat next to him.

He just nodded his head and slumped to the ground.

‘’I will be honest’’ Kane said and stopped, looking for words.

‘’I know everything you think, everything you feel, everything that is on your

mind, every doubt, every moment of love, pain. I am you, just in a different form. Stop

thinking of me as a dog or a wolf, or an animal for that matter’’ Alpha said angrily. He

was right to be angry, Kane had thought of him as just an animal, a pet. But, he was

a part of him, a part which he missed now, a part which he needed to fight his inner


‘’I know. I am sorry. I have just realised that you are more to me than just a

pet. U are me, in a different way. You know, if i do what i planned to, and i kill the

king, how many people do you think will die? How many people will lose their loved

ones if a revolt sparks up’’ Kane asked, not knowing where all the emotions came

from. He had never cared about others, but now, something just flipped inside of him.

Kane did not know why, but, he loved Janine, and even her little brother in a different

way. Maybe he had a chance at redemption. Maybe he had been given a second

chance in life to be part of a family. He had to keep it alive at all cost. Nothing and no

one would do them any harm. He would kill anyone and anything that would seek to

harm them.

‘’I feel the same way’’ Alpha said and turned his head up, to gaze at the stars.

Kane loved to do that as well. Shit, again he was thinking of him as just a pet. He had

to stop doing that or he would lose him, or rather, himself.

‘’Say, Alpha, do you think i am a good person?’’ Kane asked abruptly. The

question caught Alpha off guard, he could see that much.

‘’A… good person?’’ he replied. ‘’Can you define what a good person is?’’

Kane couldn’t really. Never had he done anything good in his life, except this one

time, trying to save Thanis and the other prisoners. It.. felt good, to be honest. To do

something, not purely for yourself, but genuinely just because it was the right thing to

do. He rather liked it.

‘’Don’t let that smile go any wider, or your face might tear’’ Alpha said


‘’Let us go back, you big oaf’’ Kane said as he turned to go back. Alpha

followed him silently. Upon their arrival at the fire, Tiger and Hawk met them, doing a

perimeter search it seemed. Kane stopped a moment to talk to them.

‘’You two were marvelous today. I am very glad to have been able to fight

beside you two’’ Kane said, meaning it. The two of them looked at each other, not

expecting this, then looked back at him and lowered their heads.

‘’So are we’’ they said in unison.

‘’I am glad to hear so. By the way, how about you two get real names, like i

named Alpha’’ Kane said.

‘’How would you name us?’’ they again replied in unison. Kane thought hard

for a moment and then replied.

‘’How about Beta and Gamma?’’ Kane asked.

‘’What do the names mean?’’ they asked.

‘’Nothing much. Just something i read somewhere a long time ago. We could

make it mean second and third, coming in with strength just behind Alpha’’ he said

and laughed.

Janine walked up to Kane and took his hand just then.

‘’I see you like my familiars’’ she said.

‘’I sure do. They are good to have around. They might have been the factor

that let us survive today’s silvaren’’ Kane said. ‘’We just gave them names’’ he added

and smiled.

‘’So i have heard’’ she replied. ‘’But they were never like today. Something

must have happened for them to have transformed like they did’’ she added.

‘’That might have been me’’ Alpha said. ‘’I shared some of my power with

them’’ he laighed sheepishly, which sounded like a snort, again.They all laughed at

him and shook their heads.

‘’Anyway, you are coming with me, kind sir’’ Janine said, leading Kane towards

the big tent which they had set up for the two of them. Morning couldn’t be far

enough away, Kane thought to himself. Alpha sent him a laugh, mentally.