Dead to the World - Sacrifice by A. K. Denic - HTML preview

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Chapter 5 - Death

‘’Good morning, love’’ Kane said, stroking Janine’s hair. She snuggled closer

to him, absorbing his warmth into her own body. ‘’How did you sleep?’’ he asked.

‘’Morning, love’’ Janine replied cheerfully, her eyes closed. ‘’Awesome. Have

you slept well?’’ she added.

‘’I slept like a log. In fact, i haven't slept so good since i can remember going to

sleep’’ he said, laughing. ‘’Let us get up, the day will be a hard one and we need

every moment we can get. Janine lift herself off him and sat up straight, her naked

body gracing his eyes. A smile appeared on his face, but she just winked and stood

up, getting dressed as fast as she could. He did the same a few moments later.

Thanis approached Kane after they got up and were dressed.

‘’Good morning, master’’ he said and he bowed his head slightly out of

respect. It kind of startled Kane. He wasn’t used to that kind of behaviour.

‘’Good morning, Thanis. U slept well?’’ Kane asked cheerfully.

‘’As good as one could sleep with all the noise you were making with my

sister’’ he murmured. Kane just greeted his comments with a broad smile.

‘’Oh boy, she is worth every breath. Trust me when i say that’’ Kane teased.

All he got in response was a flat look coming from Thanis.

‘’Breakfast is almost ready. Since you two woke up so late, i took the liberty to

prepare food for the women already and your own breakfast is waiting for you at the

fire. Do you want me to heat it up for you?’’

‘’Sure thing Thanis, we would appreciate that a lot’’ Kane said and nodded.

‘’Anyway, master, i have an idea. Behind the cave, there is a small stable i

have built myself. There are two horses which i used for getting groceries or other

stuff and a cart. We could use those to travel from here. Do you agree?’’ he said,

hoping Kane would say yes. Kane could see it in his bright little eyes.

‘’Sure thing, Thanis. Need help with setting them up?’’

‘’No sir!’’ he yelled. ‘’Everything is already prepared, sir!’’ he yelled again.

‘’We are not in the military Thanis.’’ Kane said amusedly.

‘’I know. Its just, i’ve always wanted to say that’’ he said and smiled.

‘’Ok then. Go fetch the horses. We will prepare the bags and tell the women to

prepare their own stuff in the meanwhile. Will they all fit?’’

‘’Ok master, right on it. Regarding the women, i think so. The cart is pretty

large. It will be a little cramped, maybe, but they should fit on. I will ride on front with

Janine and i assume you will ride Alpha? Anyway, i am off heating up the food for

you. Eat up fast and don’t do anymore naughty stuff for the morning!’’ he said and

ran away. Kane walked over to Janine and kissed her on her forehead.

‘’Ready to eat?’’

‘’Yep. Let’s go eat, i’m already dressed for the trip, so dont even think about

undressing me. Eat, now!’’ she said and pushed Kane towards the fire. His head

drooped like a little cub’s, but he complied. Thanis had put the food already into

plates and was gone, getting the card ready as they sat down to eat.

‘’Say’’ Janine broke the silence as they ate. Kane looked up at her, awaiting

the question but Janine kept dragging it out.

‘’Yes?’’ he finally said, annoyed by the long wait.

‘’Don’t give me that tone or i won’t give you something else’’ she said. His

mouth opened wide up as he almost choked, giving her a mean look. ‘’Why did you

take the man up on the plea to check in Ithice?’’ she asked finally. The question was

something he hadn’t really expected so it took him a few moments to reply.

‘’Well, i honestly have no idea. Life was dull for me. All i did was live a day at a

time. Go kill a monster, sell some necessities, drink, eat, get laid.The people at

Homitage more or less all know me and they know my skill. It just evolved from a

check it out to a search and destroy to a rescue operation. I just basically went with

the flow’’ he answered.

‘’Liar, you ain’t really telling the truth, but you are close enough’’ she chuckled.

Kane stood up and leaned forward, kissing her forehead.

‘’You have no idea how much i love you. It’s basically over night, but, there just

is something between us no one can deny. Poor anyone if they dared to take you

away from me. You are everything i want and desire, so they better not dare try to do

anything, whoever they might be’’ he said, honestly. Janine smiled gently and kissed

him back.

‘’I love you too. I have no idea why or how it came to be, but i sure am glad,

my love’’ she replied. At that moment Thanis came back to clean up.

‘’Let me clean this up. You gather your stuff and i will go get the cart and set

up the women in the meanwhile. We should depart within half an hour’’ Thanis said

and turned away.

‘’Everything done, Janine?’’ Kane asked.

‘’Yes. We can leave whenever the other women are done, which should be


‘’Good. We are waiting on Thanis to come with the horses and cart’’ Kane said

and walked over to where Alpha, a tiger and a hawk were seated.

‘’Hey there big boy’’ Kane said tapping him on his broad shoulders. ‘’Slept


‘’Guess so’’ he answered, somewhat sluggishly. ‘’Been all night up, talking to

Hawk and Tiger’’

‘’O, Janine’s familiars?’’ he asked.

‘’We are right here, you ignorant fool’’ the tiger said.

‘’So it seems. You sure got her temper, kitty’’ Kane teased. The tiger stood up

and growled and to whose response Alpha stood up and growled a bit louder. The

tiger lowered his head in submission and sat down again, the hawk standing on his


‘’Turns out i’m superior to them. Who would have guessed’’ Alpha said and

roared out in laughter. Something was off with him. He was too cheerful this morning,

but Kane decided not to pry any further. Suddenly, a scream could be heard. It came

from the general direction Thanis ran off to.

‘’Shit, Alpha, move it! You two as well!’’ Kane said as he started running

towards the way Thanis went earlier. ‘’Soul forge! Weaponize! Materialize!’’ Kane

yelled, arms out to his sides as he was running. Two bčades appeared in his hands,

glowing white. He gripped them firmly as he was getting around the bend to the spot

the stables should have been. When they rounded the corner, from the earth

emerged a monster. A silvaren, and a big one at that.

A snake like monster, up to thirty meters in length, generally up to three

meters thick. The general populace usually just called it an earth snake or earth

dragon. Its skin was slick with a greenish fluid, giving it abnormal slickness. It glided

through the earth like through water. The head was wide and thin, giving it the

necessary form to be able to glide through the soil. It had eyes on both the forehead

and on the back of its head. Three on each side, huge, half a meter in diameter, with

hundreds of small eyes inside of them. Believers even compare them to Gods

forsaken children. The snakes could foresee movement with all of their eyes. Given

enough time, they could deduce patterns and foresee what the opponent would do,

before he even knew it. The tongue was long, rolled up and razor sharp. It looked like

metal, but it was organic. It could spew poisonous mist as well as just dart out its

tongue at extreme velocities, to pierce opponents. The tail was razor sharp and very

thin. The body was generally brownish and the head was pitch black with red

markings. As Kane was absorbing the view, Thanis was leaning on the stables as the

silvaren was taking its time strolling towards him, probably wanting to enjoy the fear

Thanis was showing. Kane couldn’t help himself, he just had to stop to look at the

thing. It was huge, maybe even bigger than the biggest one observed yet. Maybe

even forty meters long and five thick. It looked like a huge, crawling meat wall.

‘’Thanis!’’ Kane yelled. ‘’Snap out of it. Run towards Janine and do not look

back!’’ He was still standing still, afraid to move. ‘’Thanis!’’ Kane yelled, even louder

this time. Finally, the boy snapped out of it, turned around and started running. By

then the silvaren had noticed the newcomers, Alpha, Hawk, Tiger and Kane

approaching and it moved its front body upwards, as if readying for a frontal blow.

Thanis had cleared the back of the cave already so at least he wouldn’t get in the


Kane snapped out of it as well and ran towards the silvaren, Alpha right behind

him. Hawk and Tiger transformed, partially, as well. They’re bodies became almost

translucent and double their size. Hawk’s talons grew longer and his wings turned

into steel blades. Tiger’s paws turned into big claws, half a meter in diameter. His

whole body had somehow morphed as well, but stayed the same. He looked like a

giant razor. And finally, Alpha yelled, ‘’soul forge, immortalize’’ and summoned his

own soul gear, projecting a monstrosity as big as twenty meters in height.

As if knowing what Kane was thinking, Alpha hit him with one of his paws,

sending Kane flying towards the silvarens head, while he kept moving towards the

general part of the silvarens body. Kane could hear the trio scream and roar as well

as they were going in for the battle.

‘’What the hell?’’ was all Kane could say as he flew at the silvaren a lot faster

than he thought he would. Alpha collided head on with the silvaren, knocking it

backwards, it fell onto the ground on its back, what it seemed like. Again, as if Alpha

could read Kane’s mind, he pinned it to the ground with his huge paws, clawing at the

thick meat. It was slick so the attacks just bounced off harmlessly. Hawk and Tiger

had closed in as well and tiger jumped on top of Alpha, running all the way towards

the silvarens head, jumping down on its head and shredding into it. The head was

different and didn’t deflect blows as well, so every now and then a chunk went flying

through the air, blood and meat spraying him. Tiger seemed to enjoy the moment

and kept on it until a tentacle that appeared out of its head sent him flying, at which

moment Hawk flew in and severed the tentacle with its wing. A number of tentacles

grew out of its body now, going for hawk and Tiger was there again, shredding at the


‘’Good, they are keeping it busy’’ Kane thought. ‘’Blood forge, incantation’’ he

whispered, as if afraid someone would hear him. Kane’s blades turned a slightly red

tinge, imbuing them with a new power, a moment before he landed on the silvaren.

Upon landing, he stabbed his blades into the beast. ‘’Blood surge, explode’’ Kane

yelled, not even knowing what he was saying. A few meters in diameter of where his

blades had embedded themselves inside the silvarens body, the silvaren exploded

into red mist, shaking violently, trembling in pain, hissing uncontrollably. When Kane

looked at his blades, he saw that they were absorbing the blood and gore. The

chunks of meat, instead of flying all around them, floated in mid-air, disintegrating

into a fine red mist and flowing into his blades.

‘’More, more, more, more, more, more!’’ a voice in Kane’s head screamed to

the point of his head almost bursting. The silvaren was trying to get free from Alphas

weight, cringing underneath him, trying to move the wounded part away, but it was

engaged against four enemies who were drawing its attention constantly. It

succeeded slowly as it slid underneath Alpha towards the hole in the ground,

probably wanting to run.

‘’What the hell was that voice?’’ Kane thought. He shrugged it off as he had no

time to think about it now as the silvaren’s head was gaining ground after slipping

underneath Alpha’s weight. It opened its mouth and snapped towards Kane who got

saved in time by hawk, who had lifted him off the ground at the last moment. Tiger

was climbing up its body towards the head again, Alpha trying to get a hold of its

body again, now also covered in the slick green stuff.

‘’Hawk, lift me up towards its head where Tiger is, hurry, i have got an idea’’

Kane said. About ten seconds later, he was landing next to Tiger and ran straight into

the silvarens mouth. Everyone was stunned at the moment, including the silvaren,

who hadn’t expected that move.

‘’Explode, explode, explode’’ a voice kept yelling, becoming louder and louder

each time. The silvaren’s body kept shaking and it screamed in agony, a painful

sound of a dying animal.

‘’Blood surge, explode!’’ Kane yelled out over and over again and finally he

exited at the monster's side. Kane was covered in gore and bile, blood and intestines

of the beast. Everything that kept exploding was being absorbed at an extremely high

rate. The silvaren was already shuddering and in extreme pain, but still had some life

in it.

ed me, as i had no idea what was going on.

‘’Again!’’ Alpha yelled at Kane, trying his best to keep the silvaren down.

Suddenly, the silvaren rolled around, bringing its wounded part to the other side and

threw Alpha off of its body. He brought the tail down and hit Alpha fully into his right

leg, cleaving it almost straight off. Alpha howled in pain and rolled on his back, the

soul particles flowing outside of the stump. Kane’s mind went blank at the sight of

Alpha being wounded so badly, and then, the blood lust took over. He tore his gaze

away from Alpha who was being protected by Tiger and Hawk, subconsciously

knowing he wouldn’t die even if his soul forge died. He would just be severely

wounded, so Kane lunged at the silvaren.

‘’Blood forge, exodus’’ came out of Kane’s mouth, and suddenly, the two

blades grew a good meter in length and some thirty centimeters in width but

remained still as light as a feather. He cut into the silvaren’s body and every time the

blades connected, a chunk of meat flew into the air and vaporized, the swords

becoming a darker red by the moment. After a long minute, there were gashes and

holes in half of its body. It kept trying to catch Kane eat him, but every time,

instinctively, his body moved of its own and evaded, cutting the beast up even more.

The silvaren’s moves were less and far between, it was obviously dying, but

still dangerous. Kane ran up its body towards its head, cutting the body up as he ran

upwards, slipping almost with every step, as it turned its head towards him and went

for a bite again. The gush of air warned him a moment before its tail struck him to

jump aside, so instead of hitting Kane, the tail stuck itself into its own body, cleaving

it almost in two. Kane dropped to the ground a moment after the collision, and the

silvaren followed a few moments later. Before it even had hit the ground, Kane was

already running towards its head, and the moment the head hit the ground, he

jumped on, stabbed the swords into both halves of the head and said ‘’blood forge,

explosion’’. The head exploded and chunks of meat were flying in all directions.

‘’Next time just call me’’ a voice in Kane’s head said. ‘’Just say the magic

words, demon appear, and i will take over, and in the meantime make sure to do the

job, since you yourself aren’t very capable of doing so’’ it said and laughed

maniacally and disappeared. Was that a dream or was it real?

‘’I heard it too’’ Alpha murmured through clenched teeth.

‘’You in a lot of pain, big guy?’’ Kane asked as he ran towards Alpha who was

trying to get up with the help of his new friends.

‘’Not really. It will be over in a few minutes. I heal fast. What about you? What

was with that voice? I heard it as well’’ he said.

‘’No idea. When you got hit, i froze up. Suddenly, my body started moving from

itself. It was as if i was just a spectator, looking through my own eyes and doing

nothing else, the body moving on its own accord’’ Kane said and slumped to the

ground. Janine came running towards him, screaming. He couldn’t understand her

since she was too far away and he was exhausted, but she was trying to say

something with her hands. As if dreading the act, Kane looked back, slowly, afraid to

even think about what was happening there. As he turned around, a huge fang

pierced right through his chest, leaving a gaping hole in its wake. The world became

blurry and his eyes began to tear. A fuzzy feeling like drowning in quicksand came

over him and his thoughts were drifting away. The last thing he could see was Janine

dropping to her knees, her hands over her mouth and weeping. ‘’Damn, wish i could

have been a bit longer with her’’ were his last thoughts.