Destiny Scorns by Beryl Oduor - HTML preview

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Victor had intended to go straight to his own house after getting back but something was making him impatient to get to speak with Henry. This was completely out of character. He therefore went into the large residence knowing that Henry was still around. He saw Timothy Hayman walking around the grounds and ignored him.

Henry was sitting in his seat in his large home office working on a laptop. He looked up expectantly and found Victor waiting by the door. `Come in.' he paused whatever he was doing and turned his attention to the latter. `I was expecting you sooner.'

`I found Sidney in Tyrone.'

`Your sister?' Victor nodded. `What is she doing there?'

`You didn't know she was there?' Victor narrowed his eyes at Henry.

The former shook his head and looked at Victor questioningly. `Are you trying to accuse me of something?'

`Did you or didn't you know she was there?'

`I didn't.' Victor seemed to relax a bit. `What is she doing there anyway?'

`She's with Gorham.' Henry's eyes widened. `They met each other a short time after Diane died.'

`That was completely unexpected.'

`You haven't heard everything yet.' Victor scratched his ear as he thought of how to proceed. `They are engaged and she's pregnant.'

`Nothing is going to surprise me after that.'

`Nothing?' Victor chuckled. `You know the legend that Izanami, Cognoscenti and Jansenist's spirits are normally reincarnated within every generation?'

`Yes, I remember it.'

`Sidney is Jansenist.'

`She's what?'

`The reincarnation of Jansenist as Gorham is the reincarnation of Izanami.'

`That would explain why they are getting married so soon after Gorham lost the love of his life.' Victor was quiet for a long time. `What is it?'

`I've been thinking of that a lot. If Gorham is indeed Izanami which I think he is, then I don't think that he can ever love anyone as much as he loved Jansenist.'

`He loves Sidney, doesn't he?'

`Of course, but the point is that he loved Diane almost as much.'

Henry's face darkened. `The point being?'

But Victor's thoughts were not coming in any sort of order. `Diane was born almost at the same time that Sidney lost her powers. Jansenist's spirit was originally a wizard which would make sense that she would be reincarnated in a wizard's body.'

`And you are saying your sister was the chosen body?'

`No, I've known my sister for a long time and she was never anybody's reincarnation. But then the line of the Izanami are half wizards which would make sense that Jansenist's spirit would choose Diane after the wizards all moved away.'

`You want to tell me that Diane was also the reincarnation of Jansenist?'

`Think about it. She was the only exception in her line that would tolerate our kind much less sleep with one. She also loved Gorham no matter what happened and even you knew that. But still, she couldn't abandon her people which she would  have done had she been fully a wizard.

Diane must have been half the reincarnation of Jansenist because she was not a full wizard and when Sidney lost her powers there was a void within her that allowed the other half of the spirit to take refuge.'

Henry couldn't argue with logic. He could see it also as clearly as Victor seemed to have. `What happened then?'

`Remember that reincarnation doesn't mean that you are possessed. Whatever decisions they both made were of their own volition. Maybe some part of Diane did love you and maybe some part of Sidney just wanted a family that would love her for who she was. But when Diane died, Jansenist's spirit left her to go where it knew it could stay and that was in Sidney.'

`Did you tell Gorham any of this?'

`I didn't see the point.'

`Good, because you don't know how he would take it that he was destined to love only her.'

`No,' Victor shook his head. `I thinking more in the terms of he's happy, she's happy, who cares what happens next.'

The door to the office opened again and Charles walked in with a tray of tea. He was setting it on the table. `Okay, but if those two are already reincarnated then who is Cognoscenti?'


`Nathan?' But he didn't wait for an answer. `Makes sense given that Cognoscenti was the right hand of Izanami. He must be plotting something. He always is plotting something.'

`Whatever it is I'm sure Gorham can take care of it.'

`How? He doesn't know who he is.'

`He knows and he knows that Nathan is Cognoscenti and Sidney is Jansenist.'

`Did you tell him?'

`No, he's bright. He was able to figure it out on his own. Is there a problem with that?'

Charles who had already set everything found it hard to leave at that point. `The problem is that Izanami was the person he was because of the ignorance he had for his wife's powers and his brother's feelings. Because he now knows that his  wife had an affair with his brother sometime back and his brother may still have feelings for her, he is already a changed man.'


`Because he knows that once before Cognoscenti had outwitted him and had his wife killed, he won't make the same mistake again. He will do whatever it takes to preserve the life of Jansenist this time, including kill for her.'

`He has already killed for her but he didn't even know who he was at the time.'


`Diane's husband Eric.'

`What did Eric do to him?'

`Tried to rape Sidney but that was not what made him kill him. From what I heard, Eric was threatening to expose Sidney as a wizard.'

`So he killed for her before even knew it.' Henry was thoughtful. `Then this is the end.'

`The end of what?'

`The end of all three of them.The end of the cycle. If now Izanami is willing to kill for her beloved then the chances for Cognoscenti to win back Jansenist's love have gone up dramatically. But the latter will still want to destroy Jansenist before realizing that she still loves him.'

`What does that have to do with anything?'

`Gorham will want to destroy Nathan who in turns wants to destroy Sidney but Sidney's love for both of them is faltering. If Gorham succeeds then she will be heartbroken and if Nathan succeeds then Gorham will lose heart and continue existing for eternity without Jansenist.'

`Why wouldn't Nathan just go after Gorham and be done with it?'

`Because Gorham is the only reason that they exist. Destroy Gorham, destroy all of them. Besides, it's much easier to destroy Jansenist.' He paused and looked at Victor. `Destroy everyone with the Izanami bloodline and you destroy her. Once she dies, there is no way that she can come back.'

`That's Diane's bloodline and the last people on that mighty line are her children. That includes Wendy.'

`Which means that we have to keep her in our world until this thing ends.'

`I thought she was thinking of staying...'

`I know for a certain that she will go back and she will stay there ruling her people.'

`So you saw the future too?'

`I saw more than a future. I saw two great destinies unfold before my very eyes.' He stared at Victor for a moment. `You will have to go get her. We are going to train her the old fashion way.' Victor blinked several times in surprise. Charles decided that he'd better leave at that moment.


Wendy had been doing well and she could see that Madison was quite impressed by the way she was handling herself in the field. It had been four months and as far as Wendy could tell, Madison's guard was still down which meant that she still had a long way to go. Anyway, as expected she was always allowed to go out at the end of the week but because she was progressing so fast she had made many enemies than friends. So she was always walking alone in the town but she had things to do like dye her hair which was now almost completely turning white. For some reason she liked seeing it like that for longer hours than she used to.

She had gotten updated with the fashion in the this world and now had brought herself more clothes with the card that Henry had given her.  She was now dressing better and was very comfortable in the clothes. She went to her favorite saloon and was immediately assigned to someone. She was in the middle of her hair being washed when she felt a new presence in the small town. She kept her eyes closed as she thought that whatever the stranger was doing around wasn't any of her business.

Then a bell rang as someone walked into the saloon. She turned her hands into a fist instinctively, then a familiar voice said, `Relax Wendy, it's only me.'

She opened her eyes and saw him smiling down at her. Her heart warmed up. `Victor,' she managed to say. He leaned over to her and brushed his lips over her cheek then turned and pulled up a chair and sat in front of her. Wendy could see that everyone's eyes were on Victor, as always. She smiled knowing that his attention was completely on her though her hair had foam all over and didn't look in the least bit pretty.

`I see you are doing very well,' he started.

`I thought you did not expect less from me.'

`Of course, but it has to come to a halt.'


`You have to stop training. I'm taking you home.'

`I thought you both insisted that training is a must if I'm to survive then I have to go through it?'

`There is a change in plans and your father wants you home.'

Wendy stared at him, `What are you not telling me?' she asked looking very serious at him.

Victor hadn't been told to lie to her and so he started to explain. `I went back,' Wendy's eyes were questioning enough. `Back from where we came from and...'

`Why did you go back?'

`I went back to see if they were ready to receive you but they aren't. At the moment they have problems of their own and everybody wants to kill each other.'

`If that's the case then shouldn't I go back now that they are distracted and reclaim my throne?'

Victor noted that the woman who was washing her hair raised her eyebrows at that point. `It would have been as easy as that had their not been someone out to kill you which in fact is everyone else except for Gorham.'

`What do you mean?'

`The council, if they had any choice would rather they kill you than to have you claim the throne. They have many reasons for that but the main thing would be that it would bring your mother's death back into people minds and they will start to question how she died. Two, Nathan wouldn't mind if you took over but he will wait until you are comfortable enough before he starts plotting things against you like he did against your mother. Then there's Alice who wouldn't want to give up her position willingly. There will be a contest between the two of you and if you are not ready, the two of you will make the people have a civil war which you may lose,' Wendy frowned at that. `That is if you are not ready. But if you are and you are willing to show them what you can do, the soldiers will follow you no matter what Alice tries to do. Furthermore, if you have the army behind you, no one will be against you. Not even the council!'

`But I'm not going back yet so why are you telling me that?'

`Because either way you will need it.'

`All this relates how with my training?'

`Your father thinks that with every step that you take in your training, your heart goes back home and your true nature is revealed.'

`So he doesn't want me to go home?'


Wendy sighed. `I'll have to go back and take my things...'

`Madison wouldn't let you leave if she knew your intentions. Not to mention that she will try and kill me.'

`Say that's true, then what about my training?'

`I will be your teacher again.' Victor sat back in his chair and watched Wendy. Meanwhile the latter's heart beat faster. She could only imagine one way that this was going to end and she wondered if he thought about it as she did. `Of course,' he said after awhile, `Your father will be supervising.' Victor smiled knowingly, Wendy looked away in embarrassment. He knew what she was thinking!


Sometime after Wendy was done with the saloon and they were walking through the deserted streets, the former was thinking of something else to say. She normally had questions and no doubt she still had questions. The only problem she always had was putting the pressing question first.

`Right after you told me your age, you disappeared.' Victor looked at her then back at the road. He seemed to be expecting something but she didn't know what. `Why did you tell me that that is not really old for a wizard?'

`With reference to a three thousand year old wizard, I didn't think I needed to be more clear.'

`You want to know what I think?'

`Yes,' but Wendy didn't seem to want to say it. `Amuse me, please,' he coaxed.

`I think that you wanted to make me angry.'

`Why would I want to do that?'

`Because of what happened in the forest,' she folded her arms before her and smiled wittingly.

Victor looked at her and then back at the road and turned to look if they were being followed. Wendy didn't press. `I admit I was a little mad but I understand why you didn't want me.'

`And what reason would that be?'

`Doesn't matter now.' She was about to open her mouth before he added, `I know now that I shouldn't have kissed you in the first place'

She turned away to hide the disappointed look on her face but Victor had seen it. It didn't matter though because he knew she still didn't need distractions and he would be the biggest one. He agreed with Gorham on that but that didn't mean that he liked it. His thoughts were drawn to a group of people before them.

He grabbed Wendy's arm and pulled her through the alley but halfway through, there was another group before them. He turned to go back but the other group were behind them. Victor stopped short.

`She's not going anywhere,' a voice said before them. Both groups were closing in on them then they stopped. `You just have to give her up then we'll let you walk out of here.'

`How did you know I was here?' Victor asked.

`Madison tracks both you and Henry. The minute you set course out of Henry's residence, she knew you were coming.'

`Why didn't you just keep Wendy instead of letting her come here?'

`Madison knows how you think, Victor.' One lone person stepped out of the group. `She is after all your mother!'

`What?' Wendy gasped but no one was paying her attention.

`She knew that if you didn't feel Wendy's presence then you would sense the trap. She had to lure you in.'

`You used her as bait.'

The lone figure moved further towards them. `Now,' he stopped. `Madison knows about Wendy's feelings for you. With one answer, you can put her doubts at rest and she will let you live.'

`What's my question?' Victor didn't beat around the bush.

`Do you love her?' Both the lone figure and Wendy watched Victor carefully.

`What kind of question is that?'

`Your mother is concerned. You don't keep in touch and she doesn't like finding out from other people, you know that.'

`I'm not going to answer that.'

`Why Victor? Aren't you sure of what you feel?'

`That's why you still haven't attacked. She can't stop being my mother, can she?' Victor made a step closer. Wendy tried to  stop him by grabbing his arm but he pulled away. Another step. `Why won't you finish me off?'

`I need an answer.' They were standing inches away from each other.

`How about I give you this, Andrew? My mother's faithful servant,' he hissed into his ear. The next thing anybody heard was Andrew's painful howl. He sank into the ground. Victor put his hand on the latter's head. The screaming continued and then it was suddenly cut off. Everyone watched Andrew turn into dust. Victor looked up at the stunned faces, `Well, well, it turns out I did learn from my mother after all.'

It took a moment longer for the groups at the back and in the front to realize what had happened. They both started moving towards them at the same time both in panic and in fear. Then two people ran ahead of both groups. Wendy was about to defend himself when Victor lowered her hands. The two people came and stood defensively beside them.

Victor stepped away from the group of four now. `Unless you want to start something that you cannot win, go home!' he ordered.

The others were a bit unsure but with their leader dead, they decided that they had risked a lot and whether or not Madison will be disappointed, she wouldn't kill them for giving up. They turned to their heals and left.

`What's going on?' Wendy asked.

But she was again ignored by everyone. `What now?' one of the people who had joined them asked. She was called Amber, if Wendy could remember well. She stood like a soldier in front of Victor as did the other one.

`We need to land in a familiar safe place when we teleport.'

`You can't be serious! From here?' Amber objected.

`Yes. We need to go before Madison decides to come over.'

`I know a good place,' the young man said. `Just a couple of more blocks from here.'

`Where will we land?'

`In a warehouse in Australia. I just hope it is empty.'

`We don't have time to be cautious. We need to go now.' Victor grabbed Wendy's arm and as the young man started to lead the way. She wanted to object but she knew whatever she said would fall on deaf ears. She was guided through the streets. The man walking in front of them.Amber behind and Victor at her side. She seemed to be cover all round.

When they got to the alley that the man was talking about, it was as if they were stepping into another country. She didn't even notice the transition. They went into a street in a place where she assumed was Australia and then Victor took the lead. They went into an apartment which was obviously his and again with the transition. It took them a few more of those transitions before they again appeared in another apartment. This one had boxes in it but nothing was arranged or unpacked. They walked into the bedroom and that was the only comfortable place.

It had a large bed which was well made. The curtains were opened and there was nothing out of place. The others were about to go when Victor held them back. He went to the closet and opened a cabinet and behind it he opened a safe. Took something out and then closed it. He went and joined the others. Barely nodding, they were standing before Henry.

Henry looked at the two additions then he understood. `Problems?'

`Just the expected one.'

`Your job is not done,' he was talking to the two.

`Yes, your Lordship,' they said in unison then bowed their heads respectfully.

Henry turned to Wendy and walked to her. `Are you alright?'

`I'm fine but...'

`You should eat something and get some rest. You will not be safe here anymore. We need to get you moving.'


Henry's attention had already moved from her. `We need a perimeter lock down around the estate. Victor, all the wormholes should be blocked and Amber, you are with Wendy.'

`I guess that leaves me the perimeter,' the young man said as he started walking away. Amber didn't also seem very enthusiastic with her job but she went, grabbed Wendy's arm and dragged her out of the room leaving Victor alone with Henry.

`Hey, watch it,' she pulled her arm away with force and stopped.

`We need to get moving. We need to get you some food.'

`I know my way to the kitchen. There no need to get brutal with me.'

`If you'd move faster perhaps I wouldn't see the need to do so.'

`Well, don't touch me.' they walked to the dinning room and when  Amber stopped Wendy continued on into the kitchen. Two seconds later, the former was walking into the kitchen door.

`Do you ever think of what you do before you do it?'

`I'm here to get my food. I thought that was what you wanted me to do?'

`Whatever you are supposed to do, I should not leave your side at any given moment. I'm here to protect you.'

`I don't need protecting.'

`You don't?' Amber laughed sarcastically. `What kind of queen are you going to be when you can't even recognize when you need help?'

`And who are you supposed to be to lecture me on how to be queen?' Wendy could feel the anger rising in her. `You should get out of here before I lose my temper.'

`I'm not afraid of you,' she walked over to Wendy. `Go on and lose your temper because you know what?' she stopped in front of her. `I have spent the last ten years waiting for you to arrive and here comes the ungrateful bi...'

`Ladies,' Victor's voice interrupted. They both turned in shock at him. `Is there a problem?'

`No,' Amber looked slightly at Wendy then she stormed out of the room.

Victor didn't take her eyes from Wendy. After Amber had gone and her footsteps faded into nothing, he said, `I understand that it isn't in your nature to feel grateful to wizards but it wouldn't hurt if you were a bit courteous to Amber.'

Wendy was going to open her mouth but again, like before, Victor left before she could say anything. She turned and faced Charles and Greta, who like the other servants, were shocked at the exchange. `Can you believe that? He turned on me but it was Amber who came storming in here.'

`Honey,' Greta started, `We don't know what is happening.'

`Because I am partly from the Izanami bloodline everybody thinks that its my fault if something goes wrong. Look at now what happened. Victor comes in and starts assuming that I am the one on the wrong,' she stood up. `Even my father ignores me because I'm not one of them.' She headed to the door.

`Aren't you going to eat?' Greta called after her.

`I'm not hungry.' She walked away.


Greta walked around the house and met Victor whom she was partially looking for. He was in one of the numerous rooms within the house. What he was doing, Greta couldn't figure out.

`Master Raymond,' she started and Victor looked at her expectantly. `Do you want any food to be brought to you?'

`No, thank you Greta.'

Greta turned to walk away but stopped. `Forgive me for speaking out of place and maybe out of context but I think you being a bit unfair to Wendy.'

`Why is that?'

Greta couldn't tell whether he was genuinely interested or feigning it but she answered, `She did nothing to be ungrateful to Amber. On the contrary she did what she was told and you had to come in and defend Amber. You probably don't expect me to say this because of my son, but every time that you ignore her, turn her away or undermine her, her heart gets broken. She becomes even sadder than she is at the moment.' She left after that because she was not expecting a comment.

She did not know it but what she said did touch Victor and made him decide that maybe he should find out if she was alright. He therefore climbed up the stairs and after establishing that the lights in her room were still on, he knocked on the door.

`Come in,' said Wendy from inside. He walked in and found her sitting in her bed reading a book. She didn't seem as sad as Greta had suggested. `Victor,' she said. Her voice had an unusual calmness in it. `I thought you would be busy doing something important.'

`I came to check in on you.'

`I haven't eaten if you want to know and I probably won't eat tonight anyway.'

Victor walked across the room. `You are mad at me!'

`Would it be more obvious if I threw something at you?'

`So you are mad.' He turned to her when he didn't get an answer. She was staring at him. `Why are you mad at me?'

`Why didn't you tell me that Madison is your mother?'

`This has nothing to do with Madison.'

`On the contrary, it has everything to do with her,' she pulled away the covers and stepped on the carpeted floor. She walked briskly to him. `You could have told me that I was intending to kill your mother, for instance. You could have told me that she is the woman who gave birth to you. You could have told me...'

But Victor put his hands on the sides of her head and made her look at him. `I didn't think it would have mattered whether you knew or didn't know.'

`And that was what you chose for me?' Wendy's eyes were on his.

`I didn't make a choice for you. I just wanted you to know her as a stranger just like I see her.'

`But she can never stop being your mother. You pointed that out yourself.' Victor turned away but Wendy stopped him. `You see me differently just like the others.'

`You are one of us Wendy and we treat you differently because you are the person we are trying to protect.'

`Is- is that what you tell yourself?' she searched his eyes. `That you want to protect me?' No answer came from Victor. `Because if you wanted to do that, you wouldn't keep things like that to yourself. You wouldn't push me away.'

`I didn't push you away, you did that.'

`And then you retaliated the same way,' she took a few deep breathes. `Answer me this. Why didn't you give Andrew the answer to the question he asked?'

Victor smiled. She was getting more slyeveryday. Instead of asking if he loved her, she was asking it indirectly. `Because it was inappropriate.'

`Why would your mother be interested in that aspect of your life if she was going to kill you anyway?'

`Because my mother is crazy!'

Wendy stepped back. `She didn't seem crazy when she was teaching me.'

`You really want to know why?' He moved closer to her. It was like a dance. She steps back and  he goes after her. He steps back and she follows him. He placed his left hand on her right cheek. His fingers slowly traced her face and then her lips. He looked at her in a strange way. `My mother is concerned because I'm of age.' his hand went to her neck and then at the nape of her neck. His thumb tilted her face to his. `She is concerned because she knows I may be consciously or unconsciously be looking for a mate.'

`A mate?' she asked but her voice came out in a whisper.

`Yes, someone that gets to have my child or children. Someone I get to have a family with.' Victor lowered his head to hers.

`And she thought that I may be that person?'

Their lips were barely an inch apart. `I don't know,' he said then raised his head slowly. He kissed her forehead gently. `Goodnight Wendy!' He walked away before she could answer.

She almost cursed him when the full realization dawned on her. Why he was always doing that she didn't know. But he couldn't hide the fact that he is indeed attracted to her. She needed someone to talk to though she couldn't imagine having this sort of conversation with Amber. But then Greta could also not understand the complexities that lay ahead. The only person left that she could talk to on a woman's level is Diane's spirit. She hadn't contacted her ever since the first day that she had put the necklace on. She had been mad at her and didn't think that she was ready to apologize to her. Unfortunately she needed advice which only her mother would be able to provide.

She went and lay down on the bed. Began concentrating on where she wanted to be. The good thing about Madison was that she was a very good teacher and she had been taught how to take herself to a trance and how to wake up from it by herself. Within a few minutes she was standing before her mother's spirit. She explained what was going on and what she wanted from her.

After she was done her mother's spirit smiled. `There's nothing that you can do.'

`What do you mean by there's nothing that I can do?'

`Because there is nothing you can do,' Wendy looked at her warily. `Don't get me wrong when I say you can't try but your efforts will probably be wasted. He knows what he feels about you but may have some compelling reasons to stay away from you.'

`What reasons?'

`Reason's such as you breaking his heart for instance.'

`But I love him.'

`Are you sure about that? Because if you are not then I may suggest that you take a step back and reevaluate your feelings.' Diane went and sat down under a tree which to Wendy was pointless because the sun was being controlled by them. `You see, for Victor this is not like a crush that one has when they are teenagers. When wizards fall for someone genuinely, they fall hard and if it doesn't work out, it may potentially destroy them. He may be afraid of that.'

`But I know what I feel about him.'

`I told you there are probably many reasons he keeps leaving you.'

`What is the most likely one?'

`Patience. He's probably waiting for the right time.'

`And this is not the right time because...'

`You are still training and let's be honest, you get distracted when he walks into the same room with you.' There was a slight nod from Wendy. `Stop worrying about him because as you know he isn't getting older and certainly isn't going anywhere.'  Wendy smiled and walked over to where Diane was seated. `How about we now talk about your Izanami training!'


Time flew by quite fast but in the mountains where they were hiding, one day seemed very much like the last. Wendy was undergoing her training under the supervision of her father and she had two additional sparring mates. She had also discovered that the old fashioned way of training a wizard included a lot of theoretical lessons and a lot of wizard history lessons. All of which were handled by her fa