Destiny Scorns by Beryl Oduor - HTML preview

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Alice didn't like the fact that Wendy was back much less the fact that she was quite powerful. She had asked Jared what she was doing back but like him, he never told her anything that was substantial. She was starting to hate him especially after the incident during the festival when she was not told what was going on because she was being left out deliberately. Every since then, Jared had made Gorham's castle his headquarters and abandoned her to her castle. Not that she wasn't glad about that but now she had a bit of privacy and her relationship with Joel was progressing slowly. She found out the hard way that Joel was one of those people who's forgiveness never came easily.

Now she decided to go speak to the only person who could understand the dilemma that she was going through. She went directly to Nathan's castle. As she rode through she could see Nathan's two little children, a boy and girl playing in the field. She was always surprised by how the latter normally kept his family life private.

When she exited the carriage, she was taken directly to Nathan's office. It seemed to her she was expected. She went to sit down on her own waving away any help that she was offered. She laid out her predicament to Nathan and the latter listened intently to her.

Finally he leaned back onto his chair as if in deep thought. `Why don't you go and ask Gorham his advice?'

`Wendy is there, not to mention she is getting her own advice from  Gorham.'

`Whether or not that is true, Gorham is entitled to give you his advice.' Nathan's eyes were keen to note the hesitation in her. `Or is it that you are afraid of her?'


`You are afraid of Wendy and though you don't want to admit it, you think that she'd be more capable to take up the crown.'

`I didn't say that.'

`You didn't have to. The fact that you are even here proves it. You should have listened to Diane about not showing what you are thinking.'

`Her daughter isn't doing well on that either.'

`She's a fast learner. She'll get it in no time.'

`So what you are saying is that I have no hope to retain my crown?'

`No, what I'm telling you is that you have to get better advice from the person who is capable to give it to you. If you are afraid of meeting Wendy then have spies who can tell you if she is around or not.'

`Gorham never supported me taking over. His advice would be that I step down.'

`Probably but you have to show him that you have no intentions of doing that. He's a man of the people and would never support a civil war.'

`Wendy has with her two wizards and Victor is probably on his way back.'

`Three wizards can never match an army as big as yours. They may have incredible powers but, they still tire out like the rest of us.'

Alice was quiet. `Why did she have to come back now and why is she not leaving?'

Nathan watched her wondering if he should tell her. He shrugged and then started, `My spies tell me that they are more focused with Sidney. She hasn't got out of bed since the time that Wendy and the others showed up.'

`Why? What's going on?'

`I don't know but I was told that all three of them take turns to watch her and she is never left alone. You are better suited to find out than I am.'

`And if it is something bad then we can use it against her.'

Nathan shifted in his seat nervously. `I'm sorry but I can not join you in this.'


`I have my own interests to protect and whether or not you win this battle with Wendy, I want to stay on Gorham's good side. You will do this on your own.' He stood up ad left her there flabbergasted. There goes her only ally. At least she had been given a place to start looking. She knew she could never persuade Nathan into joining her but she knew someone whom she still had a grasp on. Joel. He may not be much in the circles but he was bound to have heard something given that his brother used to be very close to Sidney.


Jared was caught in a position that no one would have ever wanted to be in. Everywhere he went he was being asked if it was true that Diane was alive. If he answered no, then he would have to explain the white haired replica of the late queen. If he answered yes, then he was going to be asked if she would take over again from Alice.

There was no hiding Wendy's presence anymore. Not to mention that she was now riding towards him with the company of one of the wizards whose name he had found out was Ken. He was quiet most of the time. Jared watched as they approached. Wendy's head was covered which only highlighted the fact that she was hiding her hair. After she passed the people turned to watch her. She slowed down as she neared him. She dismounted and walked the rest of the way to him pulling the horse behind her.

`Hallo Jared,' she said the reached out and kissed him slightly on his cheek.

`What are you doing here?' he asked.

`Gorham wanted me to look around and I thought that it would be best if I started where you were.' Then she laughed cheerfully. `But to be honest,' she leaned forward and whispered, `I think he wanted to get rid of me because I remind him so much of Diane.'

`Anybody can understand that.'

She punched him slightly, `I was kidding.' She walked to the table that was before  Jared. `So, what are you doing here?' She looked at the map.

`I'm trying to see if the defenses on the city are strong enough.'

`Gorham told me that the security was getting slack. What I want to know is how are the country side people coping with all the changes?'

`As far as I've heard, they are okay.'

`As far as you've heard?' she looked at him sceptically. `You are supposed to keep abreast of the on goings within the plantations. Who arrests the thieves?'

`What thieves?'

`The thieves who steal from other people's farms. There is always someone stealing from another. I grew up in a farm, I know.'

`Well, there have not been any thieves...' he hesitated before he finished, `Caught.'

`You should work on that. They are the ones who provide food for the rest of us and we want them happy doing what they do best.' She looked over the map. Jared couldn't help but study her instead. She was intensely looking over the map. `Here, here and here,' she pointed then looked at Jared. `There used to be stations in those parts. If I remember correctly. You should send someone to check on them and you probably need to circulate them if they are not doing any work.'

`Will do.'

Wendy was quiet as if in deep thought. She looked round and saw a carriage. `Who's carriage is that?'

`Don't know.'

`I need to borrow if for a few hours.'


`Victor is back and has brought with him a visitor who I don't think will be comfortable on a horse's back.'

`If you don't mind me accompanying you...'

Wendy thought about it thinking that Jared had better things to do but she knew it would be good for Dr Ryan to meet a friendly face. She laughed at that then waved to him to follow them. Jared had someone drive the carriage as the rest of them got on the horses.

It was a reasonably long ride but eventually they got to where they were heading to. From some distance away, they could see two figure walking and a horse at one end. They went closer and Wendy could make out Victor's figure and Dr Ryan. She went and dismounted before them.

`Miss Wendy, a pleasure to see you again,' he said as he hugged her.

`Well, Dr Ryan, I can't possibly try to start explaining to you how happy I am to see you here. You did come willingly, didn't you?'

`Of course. I was very curious as to where you come from...' his voice trailed as he looked around. `The air is even fresher than in the mountains back home. Wendy, did you know that we are in an alternate universe?' he asked excitedly.

`Yes, yes, Dr Ryan, now please meet these friends of mine,' Wendy said as she pointed to Ken and Jared. She had forgotten the fact that Ken was a wizard and almost shouted but a hand held her shoulder. She looked round and her eyes met with Victor's.

He leaned down to her and whispered in her ear, `The rules don't apply here.'

He straightened up back Wendy couldn't help it when her mind started whirling with thoughts. `Oh my god!' she exclaimed, `Amber was right.'

Victor was confused. Wendy was staring at him strangely and then she suddenly turned and was heading away. `Amber was right about what?' The former refused to look at him. He turned questioningly to Ken but he was beaten to it by her. She gave him a stern look. Ken shrugged his shoulders.

`We should be heading back. It will be dark soon.'

`Wendy,' he called. She looked at him with a blank expression on her face. `Never mind.' He went back to his horse. Dr Ryan was opened for the carriage door and her was surprised at how comfortable it really was. As they passed the houses, he was stunned. Architecturally they were a bit advanced but their mode of transportation was still the most basic one. The carriage was eventually drawn into a large compound. He looked out and could see the massive building that seemed to be the center of all the activity. The door was opened for him and he found that everyone else was already on the ground.

They walked into the building. Victor and Jared were at the lead. Wendy was walking next to him and Ken was behind them. Then a guard as he now was aware of the attire, approached them. He went straight to Wendy, `Miss Summer, the king would like to see you.'


`Whenever it is appropriate with you.'

They went up the stairs and Dr Ryan now knowing that they had to follow Victor was suddenly tugged aside. He watched as Ken passed them while the others kept walking. Another door was opened for them and they walked into a single room. There was a desk in front of them and a middle aged man was sitting alone in the room. They walked until the table where the man looked up and Wendy curtsied. Dr Ryan quickly assumed that this was the king and he therefore bowed deeply to the ground and almost seemed to be bending.

The man stood up and held out his hand for them. `Your Majesty, this is Dr Ryan. Dr Ryan, this is King Gorham. One of the kings of our people.'

`A pleasure to meet you, your Majesty.'

`Same here,' he turned to Wendy. `Alice came to see me,' He sat down and waved them both to sit down. `I don't like that she is assuming that I am helping you. Not to mention she is already talking about a civil war.'

`She's already thinking of fighting me?'

`Apparently you were not clear enough in the council meeting...'

`I told you that it went okay.'

`Let me make myself clear so that you also know this. I am not going to have us go into a civil war. The two of you need to settle things in a civilized way but I should advice you to quit when you think that you can not handle the power.'

`I assume that you told her the same thing?'

Gorham sighed. `Wendy, I want you to know that I will support you if you are to be sworn in. And personally I think that the crown belongs to you. Unfortunately Alice is determined not to let go.'

`But I told you that I'm not interested.'

`I'm afraid that you will realize too late that this is what you want.' The door opened and Victor walked in. He headed to the table where everyone was assembled. `Victor, can you make Wendy see there is no sense in what she is saying.'

`And what is she saying?'

`I'm sorry, will you excuse me?' she got up bowed and then left.

Gorham and Victor stared at each other. `What is going on between the two of you?' Gorham asked.


The former looked at him sceptically, `That can't explain why she suddenly turned nervous when you entered the room.'

`She started acting strange when we met today.'

`You are still training her, so whatever it is, let it not go into the training.'

`Yes sir,' he turned and he also left the room. The only reason that he went there in the first place was because he knew she would be there. Now that she wasn't there, there was no point.

`I'm sorry Dr Ryan, it's just that somethings always need to be solved at that particular time.'

`I understand, your Majesty.'

`Please, when we are in the confines of a privacy I am no longer a royalty. I remember reading something about you.'

Ryan raised his eyebrows in surprise. He didn't realize that he was a celebrity in this world. `Where?'

`In Diane's diary. We have a custom here that when a queen dies I read their diary.'

`How many people have read the diary?'

`Many, but I tore the part about you and burnt it in the fire.' he answered knowing where he was going with the questioning.

`Why?' Dr Ryan couldn't believe it. He thought he was famous but he was not.

`Well, doctor, in Diane's diary she referred to you as a healer given that we do not have the term doctor in our language. And according you with such status your must have really impressed her.'

`I was just doing my job.'

`Don't be modest doctor, I'm surrounded by wizards and modesty is not one of their traits. I am used to everyone bragging now and then.'

`Very well then, I did impress her.'

Gorham smiled. `I only hope that you will not cut Sidney open.'

`Not unless it is necessary which I doubt will be.'

The king was quiet for awhile before he asked, `Why did Henry pick you? From what I've heard, he really loved Diane.'

 `Loved is an understatement. He really adored her but I doubt that she felt the same way about him.'

`What made you assume that?'

`She would be lost in her thoughts and Henry would find her like that and he would leave as if he had a broken heart. It was a long time ago. So, I really can't remember much except that Henry's servants had never seen that side in him which scared them more than his normally stern self.'

`So he's a good person?'

`I suppose one can say that but he has his own set of rules that he rarely diverts from.' Ryan watched him. `Why are  you so interested in him?'

`Everybody keeps telling me that I remind them of him or I'm like him. Even Diane.'

`You do resemble him in build but you are older of course by a few years. You may seem like him in how you view issues but that takes time to note.'

`Okay, back to what brought you here. You will stay within my castle. If you are to go out then you will need a guard assigned to you by Wendy, Victor or Jared to accompany you. You are to refer to your patient as only my wife should anybody ask which somebody is bound to. If you are asked where you come from, just tell them you are from far away.'

`Am I in some sort of danger?'

`Not when you are under my protection. Another thing, if anybody seems too interested in you, then you should inform Victor.'

`Not you?'

`Victor, is more capable to keep abreast with what is going on around than I am. Naturally, my name is supposed to keep the bad people away but Victor is the one who will know which group is which. I should also inform you that you can tour around the city until Sidney will deliver, then after that you can stay here or even tour the outskirts and other kingdoms should you choose.'

`That is very generous of you.'

`Regarding your payment...'

`Already taken care of.'

`By whom?'

`Half by Henry, the other half by Victor.'

`So you came here fully paid for services that you have not even rendered?'

`That is just the way it works.'

`You don't trust them?'

`On the contrary, they are the only people I do trust in business. They deal that way because sometimes they disappear for years and they do not want to do that when they are still in debt.'

`So they also trust you?'

`I suppose that is a yes.'

`But how much is your pay when it requires two people to pay your fee?'

`They not only pay for my services but for privacy and the background of the story I am to tell other people. And a lot of other things.'

`I would have felt better if there was some way that I could pay you.'

`I am staying in a castle and in the company of a king, that is payment enough for a simple peasant as myself.'

Gorham stood up and Ryan took it that they were now ready to see the patient. `My castle is not as big as Alice's so I doubt if you will get lost. In case you are, you can always ask anyone where to go. People are helpful here.' They walked through the corridors as Gorham explained the functions of most of the rooms. At least the ones that he knew their functions. Eventually they got to Gorham's room which was now turning into one of the public rooms. He found Ken and Amber there. `Where's Victor?'

`He's looking for Wendy.' Amber answered.

`What is going on between them?'  Gorham hopefully fished.

`The usual your Majesty,' Amber said as she shrugged. They let Dr Ryan have a look at Sidney. Gorham watched with a lot of interest. He remembered bits of what Diane had said in her diary. But what surprised him was when Sidney woke up. She looked curiously at Ryan then seemed to realize who he was and closed her eyes seemingly very relaxed.


Victor had gone to Amber to ask her what she had told Wendy to make the latter afraid of him. Of course Amber laughed at the way he had put it but she did not offer any other explanation. The only thing she did explain was why she was not telling him and that was because Wendy had sworn to kill her if she ever repeated the words to anyone.

He went to Wendy's room knowing that she would be there. He knocked on the door but the knob opened halfway then stopped. `Who is it?' Wendy called out.

`It's me,' he waited for the door to open but it didn't. `It's Victor.'

`What do you want?'

`To talk to you.'

`You can't come in.'

`Fine, how about you come out then.'

He waited but the door still did not open. `I'll meet you in the ballroom in five minutes.'

Victor was about to object but thought better of it. `Five minutes.' Five minutes he was pacing about in the ballroom. Wendy came in about a minute after the five. She seemed more herself than she was earlier. She stopped a few steps before him and waited. `What did Amber tell you about me?'

`It wasn't about you.'

`Because you need to understand that it was a long time ago and it ended years ago.'

`What ended?'

`Didn't Amber tell you that we dated?'

`You dated Amber?'

`I guess that was not it,' he wished he hadn't said it.

`How come you didn't tell me?'

`You never asked,' Victor countered.

`I should have known, the way that you were always siding with her.'

`I can't believe this.'

`That you were naturally inclined to side with your ex-girlfriend?'

`That you think there is something between me and Amber.' He paused. `Yes we went out but it was only because we had nothing better to do. There was no attraction and no passion between us.'

`Then why were you going out?'

`Because we were age-mates and to be honest we were just experimenting on things.'

`Right!' She retorted sarcastically.

`If you didn't know, Amber is now with Ken and she really likes him.' Victor stared at her. She had nothing to say. `Are you going to tell me what Amber told you?'

`No, it's embarrassing even if I think about it.'

`Well, then,' he removed something from his pocket. It was a small box wrapped with a ribbon. He handed it to her. As she was removing the ribbon, he said, `I would have given it to you sooner but you were avoiding me.' She laughed softly and opened the box. In a soft cushion there was something like small thin chain with an ornament hanging from it. She pulled it out. `It's an anklet.' Wendy raised her eyebrow. `I was thinking more in the terms of what you could put on every day. And since I have never actually seen you putting on jewelery, I figured nobody would be looking at your legs.'

`Except you?' she smiled at him.

He looked away slightly abashed. `I- guess that's true.'

`Then would you do me the honor,' she handed him the anklet and went to sit down. He followed her and when she put her right leg over her left and raised the hem of the skirt she was wearing. He got on his knees. He put the anklet on her ankle but instead of letting go he passed his hand over her leg as he admired her skin then found himself looking up at her. She was holding her breathe.

`I love it,' she could barely hear herself.

He reached to her face and tacked her hair behind her ear. He moved closer to her and barely an inch from her lips he whispered, `And I love you.'. Her lips were warm, full and moist. He could feel the heat rising within him as he deepened the kiss. How he wished he could do this every time he saw her. She suddenly thrust her tongue in his mouth and moaned. She came down to him and pressed her body on his. Oh god please! He shouted in his thoughts.

`Victor,' someone called from far away. He tried to stop but every time he pulled away he wanted her more. `Victor,' the voice sounded much closer.

`Wendy,' Victor called then pulled suddenly away from her. He didn't see the questioning look from Wendy. He turned back to her and realized that they were both panting. `I have to go,' he said then brushed her lips again then stood up and helped her up.

`Victor, Sidney is asking for you. Amber is about to take her back into the trance.'

It was Ken's voice. Then he wasn't imagining it. `I'll be right there.' But Ken was waiting for him. It seemed reasonable to him since he knew what Victor was going through. He realized that the person that they needed to watch was Victor since he was now so vulnerable around Wendy. Victor looked up at the former. Ken gestured something and Victor sighed. He turned to Wendy. `Goodnight.'

`Goodnight to you too,' she replied before he walked away.

They walked through the corridors for a long time with none of them talking but Victor could feel Ken's eyes on him. `It's a wonder Henry let you stay around his daughter!'

`What are you talking about?'

`You can't keep it hidden for long, your passion for her and Henry should have known it.'

`I gave him my word.'

`That is not the point Victor, you were going to have her right there on the floor if I hadn't interrupted.'

`You can't be sure I wouldn't have been able to stop.'

`No, I can't but I can tell you the next time you find yourself alone with her in the room there is no escaping what will happen next. Unfortunately, once you cross that line, you can never go back.'

`What do you mean?'

`I mean that once you commit to her then you will never be able to look at her differently than that. You have to be sure that she does love you.'

`Are you speaking from experience, Ken?'

`Not personally.'

`Then I should tell you that I can take care of myself and I don't need you to come checking up on me.'

When they entered everyone's eyes turned to him. They could see the slightly frazzled Victor but none of them said anything. They just assumed that it was because of what Sidney had told them a few seconds earlier. When Madison had died, her powers were divided between them but for Sidney, she didn't have her powers and so the new ones just took over the empty space but for Victor, it was different. He had his own powers and therefore the ones that he got were additional ones. He would need time to adjust to them but he had to do so on his own. Now that they all knew that they didn't want to hint at anything like that. Like Sidney had said, he had to find out on his own.


To everyone who was on Gorham's staff, the attention that Sidney was receiving was a bit unnecessary but they put up with it anyway. It was until now she was in her labor pains that the castle turned into chaos. The healer that they had brought was ordering one thing to be brought after another and though the midwives were ready at the call, he preferred to have Wendy and the other girl, Amber as his assistants. The men were left out to hear Sidney's screams from afar. The healer had told Gorham that he could stay in the room but their traditions were always that the man be called after the birth.

Finally the door opened and the healer came out. He looked happily at Gorham, `You have a boy...' he saw the relieved face on Gorham before he added, `And a girl.'

`Twins,' he asked in shock.

`Yes. Sidney had asked me not to tell you.' He stepped away from the door. `She's asking to see you.' Then Gorham's face turned to happiness after the shock of having twins wore off. He went in without another word and found that Wendy was rocking one baby back and forth while the other one was quietly suckling on Sidney's breast. Sidney looked up at him with a smile on her face. She looked so tired but happy.

Gorham went next to her and sat on the bed, `How are you feeling?'

`Tired and happy.'

`How come you didn't tell me you were going to have twins?'

`I didn't know until Dr Ryan had come. I wanted it to be a surprise. Wait, do you have a tradition saying that having twins is a curse?' she asked worriedly.

Gorham laughed, `No.' He looked at the baby then almost as if the baby sensed his presence, he turned toward him but couldn't see him since his eyes weren't opened yet. He let go of the breast and Sidney handed him to Gorham. Wendy walked over to her and gave her the little girl who screaming at her. Immediately she was put on the breast the screams stopped.

Wendy and Amber left them in private and going out they found their respective men waiting. The former not caring anymore, put her arm around Victor, `They are beautiful,' she said in his ear.

`I doubt they'd be anything compared to yours.' Wendy pulled back and looked at him. Was he proposing something? She couldn't tell.

Then Ken interrupted. `Are you waiting for an invitation to see your nephew and niece?' He was walking in with Amber. Victor shook his head and followed them in though his hand was still holding Wendy's.


Alice's castle was no longer a fun place to be in given that her mood swings were drastic and her paranoia about Wendy taking over was getting onto everyone's nerves. They had somehow relaxed that Wendy was not aiming at the crown, at least not yet. Unfortunately that never calmed Alice one bit. She was always questioning the guards on where their loyalties lie. Everyone was getting tired about that.

Then she saw Jared heading out. `Where are you going?'

He stopped and looked at her like she had lost her mind. She never inquired where he went at night. `I'm going to Gorham's castle.'

`To continue plotting with Wendy on how to overthrow me from my throne.'

`To see Sidney's babies.'


`Yes, she just delivered twins. A boy and a girl.'

`And why wasn't I told?'

`You are not really a friend of the family and you are not in any condition to go see them tonight.'

`Who sent you the news?'

`Wendy Summer,' he said the first name that came to mind but in actual sense, Martin had sent him the word. He had been keeping tabs on Sidney for awhile now. He saw the frown on Alice's face. `Is there anything else that you may need?'

Alice shook her head. He continued on to head to the door. The journey to Gorham's castle was supposed to be a short one but then it seemed that everyone was heading there. Apparently he wasn't the first one to find out. He went into the castle and found that the other people were waiting downstairs. He went up and found Martin in a queue.

`This is strange,' Jared said as he looked at the long queue.

`It was the healer's idea. He didn't want people crowding in the room.'

`Still,' Jared laughed. `Why didn't you just look for Wendy? She would have gotten you in.'

`Why would she do that?'

Jared always had to remind himself that Martin had no idea that Wendy was his half-sister. He might have suspected like everyone else but because Jared had never confirmed it, he left it at that. But then to Jared it was also a suspicion and he had never heard it from anyone worth taking their word.`Wait here, I'll go find her.'  He found Wendy with the rest of the group in the dinning room. He approached her. `Can I talk to you in private?'

`Of course,' she stood up. They went to the end of the room. `What is it?'

`Martin is waiting in line to see Sidney's children, yet he is very close to Sidney.'

`So why are you telling me?'

`He is very close to Sidney and considers her as his only family.' He paused slightly then added, `Unless you are willing to admit that he is wrong.'

Wendy looked at him sharply. `I don't like what you are insinuating. Nonetheless, he should come and wait in here with us given that both Sidney and the babies are asleep.'

Jared left her and went to get Martin who was taken aback by the request. It was going to be a bit comfortable for him but he opted to get to knowing the group that was now the center of Sidney's well being. When he got there he was surprised at the wizards being very much like everyone else. They were talking about the same thing that was on everyone's lips but he was drawn more to Wendy. He suspected, like everyone else that she was his half sister and had even suggested the same thing to Joel who could not allow himself to think that.

To his brother, Wendy being their half-siste