can get better dreams.”
“No.” David said, his mind and heart seeming to resign to
what was happening. “My dreams have always been dark,
it is a thing I have always experienced. I cannot control
them and if I keep dreaming I will keep manifesting these
horrific scenes.”
“There has to be something!” Kira insisted. “Something
we can do to prevent this.”
“There is.” David said as he opened a bottle of caffeine
pills and poured a bunch into his mouth like candy. “I can
never sleep again!” He ate all the caffeine pills that he had
in his possession, but unfortunately it killed him with a
massive heart attack and he died. Once he died everything
bad that was happening in the world stopped.
The End
Nichole Haines
can get better dreams.”
“No.” David said, his mind and heart seeming to resign to
what was happening. “My dreams have always been dark,
it is a thing I have always experienced. I cannot control
them and if I keep dreaming I will keep manifesting these
horrific scenes.”
“There has to be something!” Kira insisted. “Something
we can do to prevent this.”
“There is.” David said as he opened a bottle of caffeine
pills and poured a bunch into his mouth like candy. “I can
never sleep again!” He ate all the caffeine pills that he had
in his possession, but unfortunately it killed him with a
massive heart attack and he died. Once he died everything
bad that was happening in the world stopped.
The End
Nichole Haines