Dragons Hill: Book III by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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“My God,” exclaimed Lady Ashley.

Daniel took a breadth and continued, “We are all in big trouble if we don’t deal with this guy as soon as the spring thaw starts. He’s hell bent on destroying everyone and everything. But first things first, we go after Vicky tomorrow night. Adam’s friends will be returning soon and we

will know more about the area.”

There was a slight knock on the door and Joe got up and went over and opened it. A young boy

was standing there.

“You sent for me Joe?” he asked a little hesitantly.

He was barely a teenager, maybe 14. Slight of build, he had a nasty burn down one side of his

lower face and it disappeared below his shirt. He had the bluest eyes that Kate had ever seen.

He looked her way and there seemed to be a moment of recognition in those eyes, and then he

smiled. That smile was so genuine, so real, that it erased away any thought of the ugly scar he

bore; Kate couldn’t help herself, she smiled back.

“Ah David, come in, please come in. Everybody, this is David; best damn artist you ever saw.

David, this is Daniel, and Lady Kate,” the boy was dumbfounded. He took Kate’s offered hand

and stood there holding it and grinning. Joe continued with the introduction, but the boy heard

none of it until Joe boomed, “David!” He jumped and let go of Kate’s hand and turned around.

“Sir, I’m sorry, but, but this is Lady Kate!” Joe softened a bit remembering his first meeting

with Daniel and Kate.

“David, we have an emergency going on here, and we need your help boy. I want you to come

with me; there is someone very special I want you to meet in the next room.” Joe put his arm

around the young boy’s shoulder and led him into the living room. Adam was standing by the

fire. “David, I’d like you to meet Adam, a personal friend of Jake’s.”

David stood still staring at Adam wide-eyed, and mouth open. Adam smiled and came over to

him extending his hand.

David took his hand and smiling said, “you…you have wings!”

“Yes I do David, and I can fly too!” Adam smiled and took the boy over towards the fire. He

began to talk to him in low soothing tones. He explained the situation, and what they were

trying to attempt to do. He explained how he could communicate with all animals.

David was enthralled, “all animals?”

Adam nodded and then told him he had asked the birds to fly to the camp and study the area

carefully. They were waiting for the birds to return; “they will relay pictures to me David.

And I will need you to draw those pictures; I’m told you are very good. Do you think you can

do that David? We are all counting on your ability with the pencil.”


“Charcoal, I use charcoal,” he replied softly. “I can draw anything Adam, it’s the only thing I

can do real well.”

“Good. We’re going to get along just fine. Do you need to get your materials?” The boy

nodded, “ok, then go and get them. But David, say nothing to anyone about this, ok?”

“You can count on me Adam, I’ll be right back.” He ran past Kate and smiled again and ran

out the door.

“Joe, what is his story, does he have family here or is he alone?” Kate asked, curious.

“I found him several years ago living in a cave; he was almost feral. Scared of everything, took a lot to coax him out, he’s come a long ways since then. He’s a good boy, and his drawings are

almost life-like. When a Town Crier comes to town he’s always there listening to the stories.

He drew a picture of you from memory of one a Crier carried with him one time.”

The door opened and Stu came in and went to Joe, “a flock of birds are headed this way Joe.

They are a mixed flock; small brown ones and large hawks, very strange.”

“Everyone, this is Stu, my second in command.” Joe made introductions all around, Stu never

showed any emotion, even when he met Adam. All he said was, “nice wings man.” He went to

the door and was reaching for it when David returned.

“Adam,” he called excitedly as he burst inside, “your birds are coming!”

Stu turned to Joe, “The sun will be going down shortly; I’m going to walk the town, make sure

everything is buttoned up.” Stu turned to the guests and said with a short bow, “nice to meet

you folks. See you later Joe.” He was out the door in seconds.

Adam quickly asked Joe “Is there a back door to this place? I need a spot where I can converse

in private without the prying eyes of our enemy.”

Joe turned to Daniel, “is the barn available?”

“Not a problem, clean as a whistle,” answered Jerry quickly.



Adam and David left and went to the barn. As the rest of them watched from the front porch,

the birds began to arrive in small groups and flew thru the open hay door. The sun was

making its way down rapidly, so Joe and Steve set up some lights in the barn for David. The

rafters were soon filled with chirping birds. David watched in thrilled admiration as they all

went silent when Adam entered.

Millie came out onto the porch and announced that dinner was ready and they all went inside.

She sent two steaming trays of food out to the barn for Adam and David along with a pitcher of

tea. She assumed that they would be busy for some time. She also sent out a large bucket of

water (for the birds).

Inside the house everyone took their seats and joined hands; Joe led them in a prayer of

thanksgiving. The meal was a simple beef stew loaded with carrots and potatoes and green

beans. It was spicy and very tasty. There were three long loaves of homemade bread with a

large tub of hand-churned butter. There was also tea, spring water, and coffee. Dessert was

the biggest and tastiest apple pie they had ever eaten - Millie’s specialty. Kate made sure she

complimented Millie profusely on the meal; and Ashley asked her for the recipe for the stew.

Both women helped her clear the table and Millie loved the attention.

Daniel was impressed with the way Joe had set up his town and his ability to provide simple

things such as flour for his people.

“Joe, where do you get the flour for the bread?” He asked curiously, “do you trade with

another town?”

“As a matter of fact we do, Daniel, it’s about two days ride from here. They have more grain

then they know what to do with. I bring them two steers every couple of months and we get

two wagons of grain. Millie knows how to turn it into flour; she used to do it when she was just a girl.” He smiled up at her as she came into the room, “she’s trained the women, and some

men, in how to process it. She makes great bread; fresh from the oven with some of that hand

churned butter on it, oh man on a cold night, it hits the spot.”

“You’re pretty self sufficient here, and you run a very tight-knit town. Your people are very

friendly and they seem to really care about each other.” Daniel was praising Joe on his

leadership. “I commend you on your endeavor here, Joe; you have done very well.”

“Ok, what’s all this praise for?” Joe was suspicious of being singled out like this.

“I assure you it is long overdue. Jake himself says that what you accomplished here is truly

amazing. He says you are a moral man of strong convictions and just what we need in this new

world of ours.” Daniel smiled, “You see Joe, dragons pride themselves on the company they

keep. A compliment from them is a rare honor.”


Joe looked at Daniel as if judging the man. “Thank you, but we all did this; it wasn’t just me.

Every one of those people out there,” he said pointing towards the door, “they had a hand in all

of this. We all sweated blood to make this happen.”

Kate walked into the room and Joe rose immediately, he was still the gentleman where women

were concerned. “But Joe,” she said softly, “they all did this because of your vision for the

future. They followed you Joe, because they believed in you.”

“Yes ma’am, thank you ma’am,” he said softly. Kate could see that he was unaccustomed to

praise. To him it was simply the right thing to do.

Daniel could see that he was uncomfortable and quickly changed the subject. “Okay gentlemen

let’s get some plans in motion. First off, Joe, do you have a town doctor here?”

“Yes we do, he was a plastic surgeon before the burning. But he’s come along real fine as far as what we need here. He says he feels useful again; he really seems to enjoy helping others.” Joe looked at Kate, “He’s always searching for medical books; you wouldn’t happen to know of

where any could be found, would you?”

Kate smiled and quickly answered, “As a matter of fact, yes, I do! There’s a library I can take

him to; he can have whatever books he needs from there.”

“Ma’am, you just made his year! He’ll be delighted,” Joe grinned at Kate. Ashley came into

the room and sat down on the large leather couch.

“Joe, we brought Kate and Ashley along for Vicky’s sake.” Daniel began to explain, “We don’t

know what happened to her yet, and she may need friends she knows, women friends, you

understand?” Daniel explained.

Ashley placed her hand on Joe’s arm, “Joe, we became very close these past few weeks. I know

for a fact that she was looking forward to seeing you again. She wasn’t planning on going back

to Sandstone, ever.” Ashley was trying to tell Joe how much Vicky cared for him, without

breaking the confidence she has shared with her.

“Lady Ashley, Lady Kate,” Joe began in a gentle voice as he leaned forward, “I had every

intention of courting Victoria when she arrived here. And if we hit it off like I know we would

have, I was going to ask her to marry me. She is a good woman; strong and independent; just

the kind of woman this new world of ours needs.”

Daniel could see now how strongly Vicky had affected this man. He guessed correctly, that Joe

had been a loner all his life, never needing a woman to make his world complete until he met

Vicky. He had carved a town out of the Wyoming countryside, and built a new world for

himself here. After meeting Vicky he realized how lonely he was without someone to share it

with. Daniel felt for him, he had known the same thing.

“We’ll get her back Joe, I promise you,” Daniel said putting his hand on Joe’s shoulder.


The door opened and Adam and David came in smiling. “We have it all,” Adam said


He went to the dining room table and took the papers from David and placed them carefully

around. Everyone gathered about the table. Spread out was a complete layout of the

marauders camp, right down to pictures of each man. And in one was a perfect rendering of

the inside of a cave depicting Vicky lying against a wall, still and silent. Her clothes were torn and ripped; there was dried blood on her face and shoulder.

Joe picked up the picture, his face pale, “Victoria,” he said in a barely audible whisper.

“Joe,” Daniel raised his voice to snap him out of it, “we need your team here for this; will you

call them please.”

“What? Oh yes, I’ll get them right away.” He was off out the door in flash.

Joe returned a few minutes later with Stu and four very tough looking men. Introductions

were made and they all gathered around the table. Plans were drawn up; Daniel’s group would

come up from the backside of the mountain. Joe’s group would make their way silently up the

front of the mountain. Stu saw a possible hitch in their planning. After explaining they all

agreed that Stu was right; they needed something to distract the attention of the lookouts.

Daniel told them not to worry; Jake would take care of that himself.

Vicky regained consciousness and stayed very still. She called to Jake immediately.

Jake, can you hear me? Jake, please be there.

I am here Lady Victoria, he told her reassuringly. We know where you are, and help in on the

way to you. Stay quiet and still till it is over. Your wolf Duke made it to Joe and warned us of the

danger lurking in the mountain. No matter what you hear, stay in the cave.

Yes Jake, I’ll do as you say. Vicky sighed a breath of relief, Oh thank you God.


Everything was in place and ready, they would wait till dusk to begin. Joe and his men spent

the better part of the afternoon slowly getting into position at the base of the mountain. A final flight from two of the hawks confirmed that nothing had changed. As the sun made its way to

kiss the red mountains on the western side of the valley, Daniel and his men were almost at the

top of the side of the mountain.

As darkness settled on the mountain Jake began his charade. Suddenly off in the distance there

was a great flaming; it lit up the night sky. All the sentries at the top were drawn to the sight.

Jake was attacking the other band of infiltrators and making a big show of it. Binoculars to

their eyes, concentrating on what they were watching, they never heard Daniel and his men

climb up behind them. They were still watching intently as their throats were slit.

Two down, six to go.

Joe and Stu made their way up and over another set of boulders. Hand signals sent two of

Joe’s men to the horse pen to free Samson. Joe had voiced concern earlier that that part was

going to be tricky, the horse could spook. Adam alleviated his fears when he said that he had

informed the horse that help was coming.

Joe and Stu silently moved thru the brush towards the main camp. They counted on Daniel

and his men to be doing the same from the other side. Two men were sitting by a fire eating

some jerky. Slowly Stu and Joe inched their way towards them. Daniel and Steve watched as

they slipped out of the brush and silently came forward. They slit the throats of the two men

before they even realized what had happened to them.

Four down, four to go.

Inside the cave Vicky was waiting with growing dread. Listening carefully and making sure no

one was in the cave; she managed to remove her blindfold. Slowly she began to untie her

hands. She wasn’t making much progress when she spotted a large Bowie knife by one of the

rocks that circled the small fire they had left going to keep her warm. Believing her to be

unconscious, they did not fear any trouble from her. That was their first mistake. After all she was only a woman they deduced, what possible trouble could she be? That was their second


Vicky dragged herself to the fire and retrieved the knife. She quickly cut her bonds and stood;

dizziness swept over her and she fought to keep her balance. She was weak from loss of blood,

but she was also very angry. Her anger at her treatment was fueling her resolve to take action,

do something. Jake had told her to remain in the cave, but she was worried these men would

try to kill her when they saw they were outnumbered. She went to the sidewall and quietly

made her way to the cave entrance. As she peeked around the corner she saw two men on the

landing about twenty feet away. She watched them carefully, waiting for a chance to slip out of

the cave. They seemed to be arguing over something one of them held. One of them was

talking into what appeared to be a radio. He was spewing a string of profanities and slapping

the radio.


It suddenly dawned on Vicky, like a light bulb going on; she could inform Jake what was

happening at this end. She could keep him apprised of what the ruffians were doing and he

could relay it to Joe. She eased back to the cave and leaned against the wall and concentrated.

Jake can you hear me, she called. They are having trouble raising their men on the radios. They

are getting very agitated.

Stay in the cave Lady Victoria! Jake’s voice was commanding, and Vicky slid back inside quickly. Joe is almost there.

Vicky’s shoulder began to throb and she could feel something sliding down her back. Her

movements in trying to rid herself of the bonds had caused her wound to open again.

Damn, I’m bleeding again.

Vicky peeked around the corner of the cave again and suddenly saw a change in the two men.

They quickly threw sand on the fire and put it out. They pulled out their pistols and a rifle and moved towards the edge of the landing. They had on some funny goggles that she recognized as

night-vision goggles; they seemed to be looking over the landing towards the valley below. One

of them took the rifle and cocked it and took aim at something below.

As Joe and Stu were crouched down in the brush, they spied one more of the rogues inching his

way around the