Dragons Hill: Book III by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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Duke lifted his head as Joe entered the bedroom, acknowledging him. Joe went into the

bathroom and showered. He changed into some pajama bottoms and a tee shirt, and made a

pallet on the floor in front of the fireplace. After checking Vicky he settled in for the night. He was bone tired, and fell asleep almost immediately. His dreams were filled with future events

that he would remember when the time was right.

Duke liked this strong man; he cared deeply for his mistress. He would make a good mate for

her. Duke waited till Joe was asleep and then he came over and lay down beside him.

Yes, he would be a very good addition to their pack.

Duke woke about four in the morning; Vicky was stirring and calling out. He began licking

Joe’s face, to wake him. Joe sat up quickly and looked towards Vicky. She was moving her

legs about mumbling, trying to rise up. He went to her quickly and tried to comfort her.

“Easy girl,” he said softly trying to push her down. “It’s ok Victoria, you’re safe.” She fell

back on the pillow and reached out for his hand, “I’m here woman, and I won’t let you go.”

“Joe, I was… I was so scared!” She began to cry, “Oh Joe… hold me Joe, please hold me,” she


“Oh baby, you’re hurt really bad; I can’t move you,” Joe told her tenderly, “but I can hold you

a little.”

He went around to the side of the large bed and climbed under the covers and scooted over to

her and curled himself around her. He placed his arm across her and cupped her gently,

placing his other arm around her head. He leaned in close to her and whispered, “I’ve got you

Victoria, your safe here with me.”

Vicky leaned towards him and cried her heart out. All the pent up emotions she had felt came

flowing out. In her fear, she sought refuge in Joe’s arms. They fell back to sleep together and that was how Kate found them the following morning.

She discreetly backed out of the room and smiled as she closed the door.

Kate went into the dining room and put on a pot of coffee. She then heated some water and

poured herself a cup of tea. Daniel joined her and she filled him in. He smiled and said he was glad it was over and they were together at last.

Kate and Daniel heard Jake calling to tell them. We have worked thru the night my Lady. Lady

Victoria’s fever has broken and I believe that she will recover; she must rest and sleep now.

Thank you so much Jake, Kate answered, and please, thank all your dragons for me for their

hard work.

A few minutes later, Joe opened the door and came shuffling out rubbing the sleep from his

eyes. “Good morning you two,” he said yawning.


“Good morning Joe,” Kate called to him, “Jake just informed me that Vicky’s fever has


Joe smiled as he wrapped his robe about him, “Is there nothing that the dragons can’t do?”

He grabbed a large mug and poured himself a cup of coffee. “Victoria’s fever has indeed

broken and she is resting quietly now.” Joe put his mug down and took Kate’s hands in his,

“Kate, uh sorry, Lady Kate...”

“Oh please Joe, just call me Kate,” she said smiling, squeezing his hand.

“Kate,” he bowed slightly, “I can’t thank you and Daniel enough for what you’ve done for

Victoria. I will forever be in your debt.”

“Oh Joe,” she replied, “We are all family here; if one is in danger, all are in danger.”

“That’s right Joe,” added Daniel, “you’re one of us now.” Joe was surprised at the statement

and yet grateful that they considered him family.

They had just finished breakfast when Stu came in smiling,

“Good morning everyone! Joe, the town is up and running just fine; everybody is where they

are supposed to be. No worries today man.”

Joe stood up, “well I’d better get some clothes on.” He bowed slightly to Kate, “If you’ll excuse me for a moment, Kate, Daniel.” He left them and headed for the bedroom.

As he opened the door Duke came out and went to the front door and scratched. Stu went over

and opened the door and let him out.

“Man, that is one beautiful animal,” he said with admiration as he watched him pass by.

Joe changed into his customary jeans and shirt and boots. He checked on Vicky and then came

out to join the others. He invited Daniel and Kate to come along and take a good look at his

town and people.

“I thought you might like to see what we have done here. Victoria will in all probability sleep

thru the day.”

Joe further explained that he couldn’t just sit around waiting; he had to get busy doing

something or he’d go mad. They understood and agreed to join him. They quickly got dressed

and everyone grabbed their coats and headed outside.

Stu brought the buggy around and Kate climbed up, “It’s been ages since I did this. Oh Daniel

this is really sweet.” Stu helped Kate settle her self and then did the same for Lady Ashley. He took the reins, whistled once and the horses took off.

Daniel quickly asked to see his herd of cattle. Adam wanted to come along also and asked Joe if

it would pose a problem. Joe thought for a moment and said that was a distinct possibility that

he might spook the herd. So Joe saddled up horses for Adam and Daniel, and led Molly out for



The three of them quickly joined up with Stu and Lady Kate and Lady Ashley. The town was

abuzz as they passed thru, everyone waving and greeting them warmly. As they rode along,

Joe pointed out the different areas of the town.

“We found an old-time printing press and one of the men has almost got it up and running. It

is very small and breaks down continuously. We’re going to try for a small one-sheet

newsletter to start.”

They passed a beautiful little house set off by itself, and Adam remarked how much it looked

like an English cottage. Joe laughed and said, “That is Miss Gloria’s house.”

“Who is Miss Gloria?” Kate asked innocently.

“Let’s just say Miss Gloria keeps the lid from blowing in this town.” Joe raised his eyebrows

and smiled continuing, “There are not enough women to go around, and she um, makes things

pleasant for the men.”

Kate blushed red and asked, “You have no problem with the others? I mean in their treatment

of her?”

“Hell no, she provides a needed service. After all, there are 72 men in this town, and not nearly enough women. She keeps things from blowing up. And, she is treated with the same respect

as any other businessperson. That is something I insist on; there will be no rash judgments or

name-calling. We all work together in my town.”

“Bravo Joe,” Daniel replied, “good for you! That’s the way it should be.”

They left the town behind and came to a small rise. As they reach the top Daniel and Adam

could see the pasture on the other side spread out before them. It was lush and green, and

there was a large herd of cattle grazing over the land.

“Whoa! I didn’t realize that your herd was so large,” Daniel said enthusiastically. “How many

head do you have now?”

“The herd numbers 76 right now,” Joe said proudly, “but come spring there will be a lot more,

that is, if they survive the winter. That’s my main worry now. Winters are very harsh here on

the plains, and I know we will lose some.”

Daniel complimented him on his ambitious endeavor. It was obvious that he had worked long

and hard on this project.

“You guys want to see our pride and joy?” he asked smiling. “Follow me!”

He took off at a dead run and they followed. As they came over a small rise they saw a field

below separated from the main herd. And in the middle of it was the largest bull either had

ever seen. He was grazing nonchalantly as three cows stood nearby.


“Gentlemen, meet Casanova; and believe me, he earned his name,” Joe laughed heartily.

“This gives new meaning to the word ‘stud’,” Daniel chuckled. “My lord man, he’s huge.

Wherever did you find him?”

“Believe it or not, he found us. He wandered in by himself some years ago,” Joe explained.

“Needless to say, we have kept him very busy, and he seems to like it here.”

Daniel looked about the pasture and saw several riders, but not nearly enough for a herd this

size. “Looks like you could use more horses and riders, Joe. Maybe we could scout the land

and try to find some more horses for you.”

“That’s why Victoria was coming to town. She has a magnificent stallion, we were going to

breed him with the mares I have here.” Joe looked back towards the town, “I don’t know now.

I haven’t given it much thought lately.”

As they watched Adam dismounted and flew to the field and approached the bull.

“You know, he is a marvel to watch.” Joe commented with awe, “I can never get enough of

watching him soar out over the land.”

Adam returned a few minutes later and he was laughing. “You’re bull is extremely happy to be

here, Joe, but he fears that he will not be able last much longer. The females are giving him no rest, and his great size requires that he have some down time.” Adam laughed for a moment,

“he says that if he should die, he will die a happy bull.” At that all three men burst out


They returned to the house and the doctor went with Kate and Lady Ashley on Daowyn to the

warehouse. His excitement at flying on a dragon was so overwhelming that Daowyn had to

calm him down. The doctor inspected the small pharmacy and they all returned with the

proper medicines. He gave Vicky some pills and came back several hours later and checked on

her and said she was doing very well. He explained to Joe that she should rest to regain her

strength; her recovery would be slow as there had been a great deal of trauma to her body. Joe

assured him he would look after her properly.

During the evening couples came by the ranch house and offered their help to Joe. Each

expressed concern for Lady Victoria’s welfare. He thanked them all for their concern and

asked for their prayers for her swift recovery. Both Kate and Daniel were impressed.

And then a beautiful woman knocked and came in. She was impeccably dressed in a brown

pantsuit that showed off her curvy figure; her soft blonde hair was accented beautifully by the

color, and her makeup was flawless. She went directly to Joe and he rose in surprise. She

expressed her concern for his ‘Lady’, and offered any help he might need. He thanked her for

her offer, but said all was well. He saw Daniel and Kate’s interest so he introduced her.

“Daniel, Lady Kate,” he said very formally, “may I introduce Miss Gloria.” She made a slight

curtsey to both and nodded her head.


Kate was very gracious, and engaged her in conversation. Miss Gloria was sweet and obviously

very intelligent. After a bit she excused herself and said she must be on her way. She just

wanted to drop by to let Joe know she was concerned for him and his lady. After she left Joe

seemed relieved.

“Your townsfolk care a great deal for you, Joe,” remarked Lady Kate.

“We are a tightly knit group. We have all been through a lot to get to this point. Yes, they are all good people,” Joe said with obvious pride.

Both Kate and Daniel smiled. This was a good man who cared for his people. That’s what

made him such a good leader. It is times like this that tests the mettle of people; and the strong come forward to lead the weak. Joe was definitely one of the strong ones.

“We will have to address the problem of the marauders soon. We need to come up with a plan

and put it into action before the thaw begins this spring,” said Daniel somberly. “But first,

Vicky needs to recover and we need to get your defenses in a tighter group around your town.”

They talked late into the night, each giving thought to what they had to do about the

marauders. Everyone was too tired to think straight and at a call from Jake to leave it till

morning they finally called it a night. They said their good nights and everyone retired for the night. Stu saw to it that guards were posted; and all was soon quiet in the town.



Joe entered his bedroom and made ready for bed. He sat and watched Victoria for a bit and

then retired himself. He was asleep in minutes as he was totally spent. The large wolf came

over and lay down by his side, on the pallet on the floor. He slept deep and hard; his

subconscious filled with hope for the future.

Just as the sky was making it self ready to receive the sun’s first rays, he turned over and

awoke. He heard the hawks outside calling as he lay there. He was going over everything that

had happened the previous day. He heard Victoria stirring and he sat up quickly. She was

trying to rise up and he got up and went to her.

“Easy Victoria, you should lie still,” he said softly, “your wounds will open again.”

She opened her eyes and smiled at him and he melted before her gaze. She raised her hand and

gently stroked the side of his face. She tried to speak but her throat was dry and nothing came

out. He quickly poured her some water and gently raised her up so she could drink.

“Thank you Joe,” she said softly. He placed the water glass back on the nightstand. She took

his hand and held it to her chest. “You came for me Joe, you came for me.” Tears of gratitude

cascaded silently down her cheeks.

“Don’t cry Victoria,” Joe was at a loss, he didn’t know what to say, “It’s over, and those men

are gone Victoria; you are safe here.”

“These are tears of relief and joy, Joe. I was so afraid I wouldn’t ever see you again. To be

here with you now,” she gently touched his face again, “is more than I hoped for.” She leaned

towards him and cupping his face in her bandaged hands, kissed him softly on the mouth.

“Oh!” she said as she felt her swollen lip.

Joe was dumbfounded; he smiled and told her, “You’ve been banged up quite a bit woman.

You have a split lip, and a nasty black eye. You took a bullet in your right thigh and an arrow

in your left shoulder.”

“Is that all?” she asked and then attempted to laugh, but that hurt her lip too and she winced.

Joe laughed for her, “I think it’s quite enough, don’t you? We are here now; the rest will just

have to wait.” She gazed into his eyes and he sighed deeply and slid his arm around her.

“I thought you were lost to me Victoria,” he sighed deeply, “I felt a cold place start to form in my heart when we heard what happened. I know this isn’t the right time, and all that

nonsense, but I don’t want to wait a second more. I can’t chance losing you again. I care

deeply for you Victoria, and I want to live my life with you by my side; I know love will follow.”

“I can’t think of anything I want more Joe.” As she leaned forward and reached for him the

covers fell away.


It was only now that she realized that she was swathed only in bandages from the waist up. Her

face turned red and her eyes were wide in embarrassment as she quickly reached for the


“My sweet lady,” he told her gently, “there is not an inch of you that I haven’t seen in the past 24 hours, but I understand.” He squeezed her hand and got up.

He went to his dresser and pulled open a drawer and picked out one of his white tee shirts and

tossed it on the bed. He gently helped her put it on cringing when she would wince at the pain.

He went around the bed and climbed in scooting over to her and curling himself beside her.

For several hours they lay there talking softly. Joe told her everything that had happened since she was taken. He told her about what had occurred at her old town, and the attempt to spy on

Dragons Hill. She was amazed at the effort that was put into finding her; she was very grateful.

Suddenly her stomach growled loudly and they both laughed at the sound. “Joe I am suddenly

starving,” Vicky said, “I think I could eat a bear!”

“Well, we’ll just have to do something about that,” he answered quickly. “I can have Millie fix

you something right away.”

“I think I’d rather get up and try to move about first.” She ran her hand thru her hair, “I

must be a mess.”

Joe got up and reached down and retrieved her bag of clothes and placed them on the end of

the bed and opened the bag for her. She slowly sat up on the side of the bed. She reached for

Joe’s arm and stood up, by the side of the bed. A little woozy, Joe put his arm around her and

she leaned on him to steady herself. She reached into her bag and pulled