Dreamscape Erin by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

The Elevator

I got into an elevator in a tall businesslike building. The grey, concrete walls were depressing and a little creepy to to be surrounded by. I felt cold and uneasy. There was a little old lady with silver white hair who was accompanied by a male relative of hers. She was a sweet little lady. I felt it somehow. She must have been over a hundred years old. She got off at a low floor and I followed her out, I think that I wanted to help her but I wasn’t sure why. She got into her car, a MINI Cooper. I couldn’t get over the fact that she was so small. She turned and looked at me with caring eyes. It was my grandmother on my father’s side which didn’t make sense, she shouldn’t have been there, she had passed away when I was just a toddler. I couldn’t remember ever having met her but I knew who she was and it felt nice seeing her so I didn’t dwell on it. I turned to go back into the building when I felt that she was in good hands and walked over to the dark elevator again which frightened me somewhat. I didn’t feel like I could trust it but I had to enter it in order to get to where I needed to be, wherever that was.

I pressed a number, the top floor. It started to move and I couldn’t understand where it was taking me as it was speeding up very quickly and then all of a sudden it went sideways. I felt as if I had no control over the elevator and I started to panic. The walls in half of the elevator began closing in on me and I was getting worried that I wouldn’t fit. I just wanted to get to my floor so that I could get out of this horrid concrete box. At the back of the elevator there was a toilet. It kept flushing and the water got all the way up to the edge which made me worried that I would get wet and I didn’t want to get wet since I had some meeting to attend to. I heard an alarm go off as I travelled sideways and then I heard traffic. It seemed that I was travelling over a busy road. I saw the commuters as I looked through a temporary small window that disappeared as soon as I had passed the road.

The elevator turned and I travelled up again and finally reached my destination. As soon as the elevator door opened I walked out fast feeling immensely relieved to have survived the journey. The room I entered was huge. I was here for some sort of meeting but I wasn’t sure what for. I looked around and noticed that everyone I knew was there, including my family…all except for dad.

Then it dawned on me. This was no meeting. This was a funeral. I looked down at my black dress and then up at their sad faces.

“No!” I yelled. “No!”