Elanclose by Krystyna Faroe - HTML preview

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Chapter 31


Fern had been sat for a while on the leather couch going over the occurrences of the day, cutting out the bits that still upset her, not visualizing Elm but thinking of him as nothing more than a name.   She started out of her reverie when the door opened.   To her disappointment it was not Ensign Jones that came through it but Ensign Rogers.

He gave her a quick once over, a look that said nice and opening the door wide said.   “The Captain requests your presence at dinner ma'am.”

Fern couldn't hide her sadness at not seeing Ensign Jones.   She'd hoped she could have a brief pleasant conversation with him to learn some more about the ship, about the Lakellers lives.

Ensign Rogers walked out holding the door as he waited for her to pass through.   She tottered along, wobbling slightly before stepping through and stopping next to him.   He quickly closed the door and with a long stride covered the floor of the corridor.   Fern stumbled along in her high heeled sandals following as carefully as she could, trying not to lose her balance and topple over.   To her relief she succeeded.   The young ensign opened the door to the dining room and as she passed him she gave him a brief smile and a thank you.

The room was a hubbub of activity, so much so no-one even noticed her enter.   She stood for a while invisible, watching them animatedly talking.   She heard a roar of laughter from the Captain as Simone gracefully moved her face away from his ear.   Lieutenant Rostin was watching from across the room, his face keeping a smile that didn't belong there.   Fern looked back to Simone, she looked beautiful and sensual, and she was using all of her abilities upon the Captain.

Fern was curious as to why she would bother when she was already attached.   If the Captain had wanted her, he would have taken her as his forever when they were together.   He'd cast her off for some reason and she'd sought companionship elsewhere but here she was flirting as if she had no connection to anyone.   The whole thing seemed implausible.

She drew away from her momentary lapse as she noticed Lieutenant Rostin walking toward her, his tight smile still holding although she could see the tinge of sadness in his eyes.   Taking her hand in his he gently kissed the top of it and gave her a genuinely glad smile.

“You look gorgeous Fern, an apparition of beauty.”

Fern smiled back, amused, knowing that he was going overboard with his comment but appreciating it none the less.

“I felt as if I should play a role,” she confided as his head quirked sideways and an eyebrow rose in question and continued.   “I am the Spartan Queen, kidnapped by the Prince of Troy.”

His smile beamed in amusement, a deep laugh came from his throat and a slight pink tinged his cheeks as he gazed at her in open admiration of her look and her wit.

“You make a perfect Spartan Queen.”   He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, his face held a comical twisted expression.   “When will the Trojan Horse arrive?”

“I believe it is already on board.” she whispered back and realized her slip too late as his face became serious.

Grabbing her arm gently he led her to a quiet area of the room.

“Don't let anyone know that you’re aware of what is going on,” he whispered his face concerned and anxious.   “Ignorance is the best act you can take; keep to it for your own sake.”

His kind eyes looked upon her in solemn worry as he swept a quick glance toward the Captain.

The Captain's eyes had fallen upon them so Lieutenant Rostin gave out a guffaw of laughter and leaning in toward Fern so that no-one could see his or her expression he continued his warning.

“Fern, you are sweet and innocent so be wary.   You could not only put yourself at risk but many others.   The Captain doesn't forgive; he expects loyalty, respect and most of all obedience.   Don't disobey him Fern, please heed this warning from a friend.   Now smile and laugh as if you have no cares in the world.”

Fern gave a tinkle of laughter although to her ears she could hear the falseness of it and Lieutenant Rostin laughed with her.   She was glad that she'd changed her expression because when she looked up the Captain was stood beside them.

He looked dismissively at Lieutenant Rostin.

“Thank you Lieutenant Rostin for keeping Fern amused I can take over from here.”

The Lieutenant bowed his head in acknowledgement and moved away as the Captain gave Fern what she now knew to be his guarded look.   Looking at his smile it was all contentment but his eyes concealed other thoughts.   He was perusing her body, she knew it was to distract him from his tumultuous thinking and Fern once more considered the words that Lieutenant Rostin had said don't disobey him.   So far, she had disobeyed him, but it had been done by accident.

“You look exquisite tonight Fern.   Well done.”

The hazel eyes surveyed her own as she quickly changed her thoughts to her dress and her character acting for the night.   Taking hold of the length of the material falling to the ground she gaily stated.

“I thought I would play the Spartan Queen for the night.   I believe a fleet of ships were sent to retrieve her from the Prince of Troy.”   She could see the Captain's interest spark and with a mischievous smile she leaned toward him.   “Do you feel like the Prince of Troy?”

She was rewarded with an amused laugh and his eyes lost their guard and were replaced with genuine humour.

“My dear Fern, I do believe that you look very much like the Spartan Queen.   I have seen pictures of her depicted as a feisty red head with wavy hair much as you yourself.

Fern, surprised, did a double take of the Captain to make sure he wasn't leading her on in his humour.

“My clan don't have a thousand ships to launch after me.”   She stopped as she realized once more that she had erred in her conversation.

The Captain's laughter stopped and the guard sprang to his eyes as the smile remained.

“Of that I’m glad.   I wouldn't want to have to wage a bloody war to keep you.”

The words seemed lightly spoken but there was an inflection behind them that she recognized as a warning.   Fear almost sprang to her gay face but she managed to quell it in time.   Once more the Captain had set a trap to catch her off guard and find out what she knew.   Playing dumb she smiled as if she were enjoying the game.

“Our simple canoes wouldn't get very far!”   She continued to laugh pretending to wipe a tear from her eye.   “I'm afraid my people are afraid of the envillions they wouldn't even dip a toe in the lake!”   She gave a small peal of laughter watching the amber eyes scan her for sincerity.   “Thankfully you are not afraid of the envillions and instead of fearing them you have put them to good use by eating them for dinner!”

The Captain laughed once more as placed his hand around her to manoeuvre her across the room.

“Talking of which we should not keep our other companions waiting.”   He whispered into her ear, his hot breath burning her lobe like dragons breath, making the heat of warning rise within her.

“Dinner will be served soon.”   He said as he guided her gently but forcefully.   She moved on the invisible chain he’d attached to her, close to him, unable to break free from the clasps of servitude he‘d placed upon her.

As she moved she took a breath, the aching smile left her lips momentarily as she walked closely beside him to the table.   He seated himself as he had the night before at the head of the table with Fern on his left and Simone on his right.   Simone was already sat and studying her cautiously, so she gave her a brief smile and a smile to Lieutenant Christian who sat beside her.   Taking her seat she drew a deep breath to continue with her new act, scene one was over, now to carry on with scene two.

The Captain was surprisingly quiet at the table but he listened with interest to everything that everyone around him had to say, including Simone who held his attention the longest.   Fern said very little except some polite replies to Lieutenant Christian as to whether she had had a good day and had enjoyed the journey so far.   She took the opportunity to question the journey itself but received only the same answers the Captain had given her.   Somewhat frustrated she changed her line of questions.

“Lieutenant Christian I am curious as to what the sails are made of, they seem almost luminescent.”

A smile of satisfaction crossed the hardy face as he gave his reply.

“The sails are photovoltaic solar cells; they are made from polycrystalline-silicon-wafer laminated onto the sails.   They pass the sun’s energy to storage where it is then transferred to the different areas of the ship requiring electricity for power.   We can sail the ship without the sails if we wish.   Everything on board is made to be as efficient as possible, so very little electricity is required.   This means we can travel for many days with no sun as we have the stored energy to rely on.”

He finished with a lofty smile and made a sweep of his hand toward his wine, upon grabbing the glass he looked at Fern, presenting the glass high before her, his face expectant.   Fern was clueless as to what he wanted; his eyes fell upon her own glass.   She picked it up silently questioning him as to what she was to do next, but he just showed his own to her once more, so she lifted hers level with his.   She was rather shocked when he hit it with his own, such a strange thing to do she thought but smiled nonetheless.

“To the Genoa!”   He said proudly encouraging her to proceed likewise.

“To the Genoa!” she stumbled out, wondering what they were going to do to the Genoa.   He knocked his glass back finishing all of it, so she followed suit and coughed a little after.

“I think Fern has heard enough of the ship’s operations for the night Lieutenant.”

Fern started from her chair, she'd completely forgotten the Captain and when she turned her face to him she could see that he'd noticed that too and was not happy about it.   She remembered playing with Pine's baby, Savannah, she was small and uncoordinated so there were limited games to play.   Her main difficulty had been giving her enough attention, when she stopped entertaining her she would cry.   The Captain it seemed was like a child, he wanted all of Fern's attention, and was jealous of anyone taking it away from him.

Smiling consolingly as she would have done to Pine's baby she saw his face give a look of annoyance and immediately changed her approach.

“Does chef make changes to the sauce he puts on the envillion Captain?”

His smile returned and a look of good girl crossed his face as he responded.

“The Cook does not just use sauces Fern, he fries them with herbs if he has them available or he bakes them with vegetables.   Alas, it is only when we have the produce that he can do that.   He has many ways to cook the fish, all ingenious and delicious.   He knows the envillions are my favourite entree and tries new methods of cooking them to please me.”

She had no doubt everyone constantly worked hard to please their Captain, he would demand no less.

“He is a talented man.”

She considered whether she should try the fish tonight since she hadn't the night before.   Her stomach gave a small gurgle and she knew she would rather not.

The doors opened and in came the ensigns with the food.   She was delighted to see Ensign Jones and couldn't prevent her expression of happiness at his presence.   He saw her and her joy, his face flushed brightly as he quickly averted his eyes away from her.   The Captain saw it too and the cloud that covered his eyes made Fern want to run from the room.   It was quickly replaced with the guarded smile as he continued to watch her.   Uncomfortable, she shifted in her chair and waited for the food to reach her.

She was approached by an ensign that she didn't know, he came directly to her without going to any of the others first.   She was confused and noted that the Captain looked upon the ensign with curious eyes himself.

“With the compliments of the cook ma'am, he has specially created a vegetarian dish for you in welcome to the Genoa.”

Placing the plate down before her the ensign smiled and backed away to the door.   She looked down at the wonderful meal before her.

“How honoured you are Fern.   Cook has never done such a thing for anyone other than me.”

She met the Captain's eyes with a tear in her own.   The thought of an unknown boy creating something for her palate alone made her want to hug him in gratitude.   Her glistening eyes caught Ensign Jones looking at her, his smile broad across his young face and she knew it was because of him that she was being treated so well.   Unfortunately, the Captain also saw the look and expression from Ensign Jones and his own did not express any happiness at all.   Ensign Jones hurriedly made his way out of the room he didn’t look at either Fern or the Captain again.

Looking at her meal she overheard the Captain.

“Best to eat it now when it is still at its best, rather than cold.   We wouldn't want to show disrespect would we?”

The question was twisted in the way it was said, a double-entendre that sent a cold shiver through her skin.

“I am sure it will be delicious.”

She hastily cut a piece of pepper and stabbed it with her fork placing it into her mouth and making the appropriate noises to show her delight with her meal.   She swallowed the food and although it was delicious her senses didn't notice.   They were already overwhelmed by the menacing vibrations coming from the Captain's words.

She had no idea how she made it through dinner, she smiled and laughed when required but she said very little and the Captain said even less to her.   His eyes watched her and her fear escalated unreasonably, taking her discomfort to a new level, and presenting a Fern to the other members that had never existed before.   A Fern so false; whose smile was not a smile, whose laugh was not a laugh and whose retorts to questions were meaningless.   She hated this person; she hated what the Captain was doing to her, even more, she hated the Captain.

When the meal was over she was able to talk to Lieutenant Rostin once again.   They managed to escape the group unseen to a quiet corner of the room.   He made sure they were out of the Captain's sight and he protectively kept her hidden from him by his bulky body.

“How are you Fern?”

She wanted to weep looking up into the kind eyes that questioned her with the anxiety of a friend.

“I have turned into someone I'm not!” she cried, “I hate it; I hate the way I feel, the way I act, I hate this game I have to play!”

Tears escaped her eyes and she quickly brushed them away.

“You must keep playing.   I'm sorry to say you have no choice.   We'll find some gratification for you, something that will pull you from the nightmare you have become trapped within.”

Her interest was piqued as she looked up at him again.

“What kind of…gratification?”

The last word was querulous; perhaps she had misjudged Lieutenant Rostin's kindness, maybe he was wanting more than friendship from their relationship.

He immediately saw her concern and shook his head to alleviate her fears.

“I mean something only for you, not involving anyone else, something that you can enjoy.   Do you like music?”

“Yes, but I don't sing well nor do I play any instruments.”

“We have instruments on board if you would like to try?”

She smiled, “No, I have had opportunities to learn, but my music sounded more like the strangled cries of the night creatures!”

He smiled back enjoying her humour.   “Do you paint?”

Shaking her head and scrunching her face she looked back at him.

“I am worse at painting than at music.   Once, when I had finished a painting, ants crawled across what I’d done after I placed it down to wash the paint from my hands in a stream.   When I returned the picture was magnificent compared to what had been there before.   I concluded that I was best to leave art to the talents of others or the ants.”

He gave a small laugh his eyes shining as he took in her exasperated face.

“Then I will work hard to come up with something to entertain you.   Perhaps I need to look into more unconventional methods.”

His smile widened and she gave him a smile back that said she appreciated his interest in making her happy.

“Lieutenant Rostin!”   Fern jumped at the sound of the Captain's voice.   “Could you escort Miss Fern to the deck where I will join her shortly?   I find I have a few matters to take care of before our evening stroll.”

The sinister look upon his face was not lost upon Fern or on Lieutenant Rostin who bowed his head and confirmed he would take good care of her.   The Lieutenant and Captain’s eyes locked briefly in what seemed to be a millisecond battle until the Captain turned and walked away escorting Simone from the room.

Lieutenant Rostin's skin was dark red when Fern turned back to him.   She wondered if she should ask for a glass of water for him, perhaps he was choking but the look in his eyes told her exactly what was going on.   His rage was evident and it was directed at both the Captain and Simone.   Taking her arm a little more roughly than she thought he normally would, he led her to the deck.   They walked to the fore of the ship; she could feel the ruffle of air from all sides.   His skin colour was now pink but his lips were clamped shut and his eyes had narrowed even more.

Standing, looking out into the black of night Fern could think of nothing to say.   She empathized with Lieutenant Rostin but she didn't know how to put it into words.   They both stood silent until he turned away from her.

“I must leave you.   I have matters to take care of.”

Fern grabbed his arm.   “I think you should let matters take care of themselves.”   She stared deep into his eyes to completely catch his attention.   “What use is it to attack without a plan?   You put yourself at risk and your opportunity to win is greatly reduced.   What good would it do, Rostin?   It wouldn't win her back to you.”   Fern lowered her voice to a softer tone.   “Was she ever really yours?”

The eyes staring back at her flashed with hurt and Fern for the second time that week found herself comforting another and repeating soothing words over and over again.   She was small compared to the broad shouldered Rostin but she placed her arms on his and pulled him into a sympathetic hug, she felt his vibrations of anger and sorrows gradually lessen.   When his head and body abruptly came away from her his eyes flashed in retaliation.

“You’re right Fern.   I do need to plan.   I can rid myself of the two most hated people in my life.”

“Yes, you hate them but you’re not cruel and inconsiderate as they are.   Neither of them is worth you even making a plan for.   Plan for you Rostin, get away from them and their appalling behaviour.   You deserve more, you deserve better.   Take your leave and course your own life without them.”

“Yes, why would I want that poisonous girl in my life?   She makes me miserable and a fool for having become her companion, a relationship that the Captain was happy to see take place and pushed with enthusiasm after he'd rejected her from his life.   How could I not see that she wanted to stay on the ship to be near him and this was her way to get back with him?   Perhaps that way she thought she would continue to receive the generous trinkets he'd often given her.”

Fern rested her hand upon his arm looking at the sad defeated face before her.

“You’re better than them, you’re a good person don’t let them reduce you to less.”

His eyebrows rose as he looked down at her and she knew he saw her as a wisp of a girl.

“You're innocent and ignorant of these vile things but you’re wiser than any of us thought you to be.”

“No, I’m learning that’s all, I will continue to do foolish things but I learn from them.   I'm thankful that I can meet people like you in whom I can trust.   The Captain almost had me fooled but no more.”

“I'm glad to hear that Fern; continue to be wary of him and as much as you hate what he demands of you, you must obey him.   Wear the dresses and the shoes; it will keep you in his favour.”

Fern nodded.   “I understand.”

Both held each other with sad eyes, silently acknowledging one another's entrapment.   Lieutenant Rostin leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss upon Fern's cheek.

“Goodnight young Helen.   I hope Achilles saves you soon.”

With a small smile he spun around and left her.   Her eyes followed him as he walked down the deck until he was claimed by the night shadows and vanished.   She gave a shudder as a feeling of dread rose within her, an unwelcome paranoid fear that she didn't understand and wanted to shake off.   Turning back to the lake and taking in deep breaths of the welcoming evening air the fear dissipated and her mind became blank as she performed a meditation.

“Is it safe to meditate when there are so many dangerous Lakellers around?”

“Elm!”   Her arms flew around him as she hugged him to her in an embrace that she gained comfort from and lifted her spirits.   They quietly held each other; no words were said as their bodies soothed their troubled thoughts.

“Is Pine going to save me?” she mumbled into his chest.

She felt Elm stiffen and quickly pulled back to look at him.

“Pine is going to save me?” she insisted louder.

“No.”   Elm turned away from her and leaned against the railing.

Tears were already flowing down her face.   Her own clan was abandoning her.


Elm didn't turn around but continued to look across the mass of black water before him.

“He believes trying to save you puts us all at risk and it isn’t worthwhile to place members of the clan in a situation where they could be killed for someone who is only at risk of violation.”

He spun around to her, the anguish showed in his eyes.   Self defeat washed through her as her body swayed and she felt herself crumble before him.   She would have fallen to the ground but Elm caught her and held her protectively against his chest.   He leaned back against the rail holding her carefully as if she were so fragile that she might disintegrate to nothing should he squeeze too hard.

“I'm so sorry Fern.”   He was saying his words were heartfelt laced with anger and frustration.   “What can I do?   I'll do anything you ask of me.”

Her sobs throbbed against him as she realized this was the boy she had always distrusted and yet he was putting his life at risk to protect her.   She gave no reply just leaned closer into him and he patiently waited for her sobs to subside.

She felt the soft kiss upon her head, the gentle rub of hands upon her bare arms.   Her emotions of defeat and despair weighted her down as she felt her body become heavy.   Forcing her head up, she stared into the sorrowful face before her.   She realized that he would try to save her no matter what the consequences and that she should be thankful.   Their eyes held a while longer until she flung her arms up around him pulling him into her as she thrust her lips upon his.

Elm didn't respond for a moment.   He was in a state of shock but soon cause and effect swung into motion and he wrapped his own arms around her to kiss her back.   She was unaware of anything but his presence, his arms, his lips and her mind crashing in waves of various emotions all struggling for identity in her befuddled brain.

The strong grasp that sent her sprawling across the deck caught them both off guard.   As she slid to a halt she saw the Captain's fist hit Elm full in the face sending Elm almost over the railing.   Blood flooded from his mouth and nose as she stared horrified at its misshapen form.   Elm regained his balance just as the Captain's fist once more ploughed its way toward him.

“No Captain,” she cried but she was already too late.

The fist caught Elm in the side of his jaw as Elm managed to move his head away.   He was thrown backward but was still grasping hold of the rail that he precariously lent over.   The next forceful blow sent him back further and he toppled over the railing.

Fern was quickly on her feet.   She rushed at the Captain hitting him in the belly with her lowered head.   The impact was not what she had hoped for.   Her floundering dress inhibited the rate of motion she sought and her wobbling feet did little for her balance.   The Captain moved only slightly and grabbed hold of her hair as he dragged her to the side of the ship away from Elm, who hung by one hand above the sinister waters below.

“I should have known you would be a whore like the others.   How often has Simone warned me of your type?   You would do anything to get your way.   When did you give yourself to Ensign Jones?   You have indeed been busy Fern.   Trying to fit in your Woodlander friend here in between the others were you?”

The words came from a twisted face of anger, disgust and cruel intolerance.   His nose was red and bulbous with rage, his cheeks rose and fell like a blacksmiths bellows.   Fern's fear was at its peak, this boy was insane, he believed everything he said and nothing she could say would change it.   Her only escape was to fight and get free.   Punching with her fisted hands she managed to pound his stomach only to cause an uproarious maniacal laugh.

“You think you can hurt me?   You are one of the puniest girls I've ever seen!”

His laughter continued until she managed to get her high heeled shoe onto his booted left toes.   His yell was a wonderful reward and she couldn't hide the satisfied smile smothering her face.

The pins in her hair had scattered long ago as he continued to drag her to the railing.   His adrenaline had peaked and no matter how she fought and struggled her own strength betrayed her as it ebbed.   His hands were on her arms gripping relentlessly, stopping her punches.   Her feet hit his shins with multiple kicks but he showed no weakening in his grasp of her.

Before she could realize what was going on, she was lifted into the air her hands trying to grab at whatever she could, but only rewarded with nothing more than a handful of his hair.   Her last image was of the Captain being pulled back as Elm placed a choke hold upon his neck.   Far away she heard Elm's cries as he repeated her name, becoming fainter whilst she dropped to the dank dark deadly water below.