Elanclose by Krystyna Faroe - HTML preview

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Chapter 32


For the first time in the last few days Oak found himself smiling.   He was walking away from where he had left Denver fighting to maintain his composure and not laugh at the somewhat inebriated Detroit, who was struggling to figure out how he was going to get information from Rancor without him knowing.   Detroit's biggest concern was how he was going to prevent Oak's supposed escape and not be subjected to Rancor's wrath.   Everything had worked out better than he thought it would and for once he had found a situation humorous.

Detroit would sweat out what he was to do and hopefully succeed at getting the information they needed.   Oak would have to keep up the pretence in front of Detroit by joining heads with Blackthorn and casting surreptitious glances around him as he whispered their imaginary plot of escape.   The boy would be up for it, his health was improved as were his spirits and he would enjoy tormenting his tormentor.

He approached Blackthorn's room, gave a short tap on the door and walked in.   Blackthorn was out of bed.   Jackson followed him into the room, he hadn’t said a word after they left the lounge and he quietly took a chair opposite Blackthorn.   The boy smiled brightly at Oak and Blackthorn, Oak smiled back understanding that Jackson's good humour was because of how he’d helped Denver prey upon Detroit in the lounge, it seemed Detroit was disliked by many in his own group.   Jackson had heard all of the conversation and Oak sensed many questions going through his head, especially about his relationship with his leader.

“I'm interested in this plan of escape that you have.   Will you sprout wings or will you just float down to earth?”   The smile broadened upon Jackson's face as Oak took a seat beside a puzzled Blackthorn before responding to the question.

“Ah!   Jackson you should know that neither will be necessary as we will be landing soon enough and merely a step from the ship will do!”

The black eyes cross examined him to see how serious he was and then the immense boy chortled with laughter.   “I believe that would be impossible with Denver at your heals!”   With a grin that set deep lines on either side of his face he continued.   “Detroit never was the brightest; I think that is why Washington placed him third in command because he knew he could squash him like a bug whenever he needed.”   He moved his eyes to Blackthorn and then back to Oak keeping the attention of both.

“Washington doesn't like to have too many powerful people around him.   He fears Denver and his popularity.   His safety from being usurped is helped by the fact that Detroit has never liked Denver.   He is respected and the protectors would die for him if he told them to.”   He leaned conspiratorially forward as he sat in between both boys, his action beckoning them to lean in as well.   “Washington used Detroit just as Rancor does and now as you and Denver are!   Detroit is a puppet, nothing more than a marionette that can be controlled.”

Oak was impressed by this Citan.

“You are insightful!   I'm impressed by your reasoning.   Where do you stand in all of this?”

“I am faithful to Denver as are all the others.   He treats us well, gives us a free rein to think for ourselves and listens to our ideas with interest.   He has at many times brought about changes to the Citan city that his protectors have suggested and always credits them for the accolades.”

“The Citan city is controlled by Washington alone?”

Jackson gave a small crooked smile.   “You may ply some information from me but this is the last.   I only gave my opinion so you would place your trust in Denver.   He is an honourable person.”

He hadn't answered the question but he didn't need to as Oak had already gleaned from him that when Denver was in the City all looked to him, and an aggrieved Washington watched on in fear of displacement.

Oak gave a small smile back as Jackson attempted to change the topic.

“Have no worries I'm not planning on using any information against you or the other Citans in the city.   I've faith in Denver too.   He is a good respectable person most of the time!”

The latter remark was spoken tongue in cheek as he gave a slight wink to Jackson and watched the boy rock back in laughter.

“He was known to be a bit of a heel but his thoughts lately have only been about making improvements to the city.   He has had no female encounters for a long time.   I think if he were to meet with an Aviatilian girl, if we were allowed to meet them, he might become interested once more!”

Oak laughed.   “I'm sure Denver's celibacy will not lose control over the appearance of one girl?”

Jackson leaned in to Oak.   “It depends on just how hot that girl is!”

“Hot?” queried Oak.

“Fiery, passionate!   That is the kind of girl he wants!”

Oak's face dropped.   He'd thought of those very words to describe Fern, Fern captive on the ship that followed them.   His mind and body ached at the thought of her but he pushed the red haired vision away and concentrated on the questioning smile on the quizzical face before him.

“Let's hope he doesn't meet such a girl on our journey or none of us will make it back alive!”

Jackson cracked up once more and Blackthorn even though he was somewhat bewildered, joined in with the laughter.

Oak raised himself from his seat; resting a hand upon Blackthorn's shoulder he gave him a glance over.

You seem to be in much better spirits, I'm glad that you’re recovering well.”

Blackthorn nodded enthusiastically.   “I feel much better.   Maybe we could talk of what preparations we need to make for our appearance before Kisin?”

Oak casually nodded.   “Yes, we will eventually.   I do want to discuss our journey on board the Avila Rose but it can wait.   It's close to dinner time, eat and we'll talk later.”

Blackthorn moved his head briefly up and down whilst Oak directed his gaze at Jackson.

“Jackson, I'd like to converse more with you tonight.   I think you can put a twist onto a plan I have in mind.”

“I believe I could add a twist to anything Oak!”   Jackson confidently replied and both of them laughed once more as Oak headed toward the door.

“Until later.”   Oak nodded his head and watched both boys nod back.

Oak left the room still smiling, his unsettled emotions were getting back to normal and the comfort of having a plan was raising his confidence and feeling of control.   He calmly made his way back to his own cabin, scanning the ship with his mind for any stray snippets of thoughts that he might benefit from; nothing of importance was retrieved as he approached his door.   He opened the door to find a smug Denver sat at the table with his feet upon the opposite chair.   Swinging them to the floor he swung his arm toward the same chair.

“Sit down Oak.   I think we've a lot to discuss.   Our preparations went very well; I believe the response will be what we’re after.”

Oak gave a satisfied smile back.   “I think our seed will sprout in a very short time.”

Denver leaned back and laughed.   “I must commend your self control and acting, it came in very useful!”

“Ah!   Now you believe my self control to be a good thing.”

“I have never said otherwise, only perhaps that it could be tweaked a little.   Self control is good but sometimes losing it can add some excitement to your life and not necessarily be a bad thing.”   His eyes twinkled and Oak immediately saw an unwelcome vision of Fern in his head.   His face hardened as he watched Denver laugh at him, he wasn’t sure he liked the games Denver played with his mind.

“I assure you I have all the excitement I need when I am in Elanclose.”

“I'm sure you do and she presents herself as a very pretty redhead!”

Oak stopped at the chair he was about to take and slowly turned to Denver.   His eyes fell upon Denver's own chortling eyes.

“I will not discuss Fern with you Denver; please don't bring her up again.”

Denver perked up an eyebrow as he stared back.

“I'm sorry if mentioning her upsets you but I think there is something you need to realize and I will not let it be pushed away.”

Oak took the chair offered and placed his hands upon the table to keep his self control.   He noticed his breathing had quickened slightly and felt agitated by it.   He put it down to being tired and hungry but he knew it was anger at Denver’s obsession with making Oak believe he was in love with Fern.   Taking a laborious breath he decided it was best to ignore what Denver was saying.

“Will dinner be here soon?   I'm extremely hungry.”

Denver leaned back in his chair knowing that hunger was not Oak's problem but being sensible he knew not to push him further.

“It'll be here shortly, if you're that hungry we can eat in the lounge where they're serving now.”

“No, I can wait.”

Oak fell silent and Denver followed suit.   Oak's mind was flashing images; pictures that he didn't want to see but wouldn't fade.   Taking a deep breath and clearing his mind of every vision of Fern in his head he went into a meditation.

When he came out of his reverie he found Denver quietly sat smiling at him and scolded himself for once more laying himself open and letting Denver invade his mind.

“Don't be angry!   I'm only envious of the emotions you feel for this girl.   She seems to be a dream come true.”

“A dream come true; she's anything but!   I don't want her, nor do I want her in my mind.   If I could dispel her image forever I would be a much happier person!”   Oak’s face vibrated from his words and Denver continued to smile causing Oak to become even more annoyed.   “If you had to deal with such a girl everyday you would soon change your mind about her!”

Denver laughed softly, his voice was warm as he replied.   “If I had such a girl my world would be rocked and I would no longer be the lonely boy that I am.”

Oak glared back at him.   “You don't know what you would be dealing with!   You think it would be all excitement, thrilling, stimulating until you realized you were exhausted just from talking to her.”

“I don't believe there would be much talking going on.”

A mischievous grin crossed Denver's face and Oak felt a burning anger over the very thought of Fern in a passionate embrace with anyone.   He'd taken care of her from when she was little, lonely, lost in the world of destruction and despair.   She'd grown into a perfect symbol of survival and strength of will; intelligent, athletic and full of energy.   To think of her energy being used in any other way than for supporting the clan was difficult for him to adjust to, yet he knew he would have to.   There must be a meditation that he could perform to help him for that.

“I doubt it!”   Came Denver's reply to his thoughts.   He caught Oak's cold stare and added a hasty.   “I'm sorry, I forgot I'm not to discuss her anymore but you did bring her back into the conversation.”

Oak moved his attention to the window and stared at the darkening sky and the approach of evening as it glided through the atmosphere down to the quiet waters below.   There was a short rap on the door and in walked an Aviatilian bearing a tray.   He smiled pleasantly at them as he placed their plates before them.

“I'm sorry to say it's not much.   We are short on supplies but I understand we'll be landing tomorrow to gather more goods.”   He gave a small apologetic smile.   “We also need to do some repairs to the photovoltaic cells.   It seems that on one of our past landings we brushed against a tree and some damage was done but nothing that will hinder our travel.   Captain Rumello likes to have everything in top notch condition that’s all.”

With a brief bow of his head he wished them a pleasant evening and hoped they would enjoy their meagre meal.   Both Denver and Oak nodded back their thanks and assured him they would enjoy whatever food they got.   When he'd left they both looked down at their plates.   He'd been correct there was not much there, in fact if both plates had been put together for one of them it would have still run short of completely satisfying.   They laughed at their mutual thoughts and tucked into the meal hoping that there would perhaps be a later supper before bed.   They both knew there wouldn't be.

After their meal was done they sat and discussed possible plans of action.   Now that they knew they were to land their manipulation of Detroit could go even further.   If they could travel only a few days and then need to replenish supplies they would be landing regularly depending on how far they were to go.   Both Oak and Denver agreed that from the bits of clear information from Rancor's thoughts that they would be travelling for a fairly long period of time.

Evening had closed in on them and the window showed nothing but black and sometimes a bit of a reflection on the lake below.   Denver was stretching more in his chair, complaining that for such a well equipped airship it could have at least been furnished with some nice large comfortable chairs.   Oak smiled back saying that in Elanclose the bare minimum of furniture was used.   Denver responded by suggesting that Oak never invite him to visit and Oak laughed heartily at his words, knowing that this was one boy he would allow to visit.

Leaning forward with a threatening expression he said he'd invite him just to see how uncomfortable and fidgety he would be.   He told him he would enjoy seeing him writhe in one of their bilubous chairs until it crumbled underneath him from his great weight.   To which Denver retorted that he would sit on the floor instead.   Oak nodded that it was a good way to sit and their gatherings were often performed in such a position.   Denver looked at him as if he were talking to a tree monkey and sent the vision to Oak who roared with laughter and sent him a vision of a large gangling giraffe trying to bend over to drink water, to which Denver gave a guffaw in return.

When Oak suddenly went rigid and wrenched his head toward the window Denver jumped to his feet.

“What's wrong Oak?”

Oak was trembling, his eyes were glazed and his heart was roaring through his chest.   “It's Fern, she’s in grave danger!”   The light blue eyes flashed with distress and consternation, Oak's face becoming a mangled contortion of sorrowful lines.

Denver was beside him his hand upon his shoulder and Oak knew he could see what he saw in the distant, despairing, darkness of night.