Elanclose by Krystyna Faroe - HTML preview

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Chapter 4


“Go to your homes,” Oak scanned the crowd all looking upon him for guidance.   “Continue with your lives.   We are here to take care of you and care for you we will!”   Again he swept his arm wide past his chest in a dramatic gesture and everyone cheered.   He stood smiling at them for a while and then he waved for them to go before turning back to Fern.   He could hear the crowd dispersing behind him and felt his defenders crowding toward him.   Turning his head, he directed his defenders to gather in the main building and wait for him there.   He listened to their retreating feet before he rested his eyes fully upon Fern.

He watched her fidget uncomfortably as she waited for the tirade to follow.   He didn’t rant; he’d learned how useless that was with Fern long ago.   He carefully chose his words and looked kindly into her eyes.   “Fern,” he said to get her complete attention for she already seemed to be somewhere else.   “I want you to listen to me carefully this is important.”

Her eyes flickered as she stared back at him and he held them as he continued.   “We know very little about the Citans.   We don’t know if we can communicate with them or whether they will strike first before we even get a chance to talk.   We have to consider them dangerous, do you understand?”   She nodded her head at him and looked down.

In a fatherly manner he lifted her chin and smiled at her.   Her eyes were unusually bright and liquid, she was even trembling a little but he ignored it.   “I know you want to help protect our clan but you have to protect yourself first.   You cannot help anyone if you are injured or worse still, killed.”   He gave her a long look before continuing.   “That is why I am asking you to keep away from the forest.   I want to know that you are safe and to be safe you must be as far away from the Citans as possible is that clear?   You’re not to go into the forest!”

He saw the fire light immediately and almost drew back from it.   Her face reddened and he knew he’d lost. The flames came out in her words as she glared up at him like her spitting viper, Abacus.   “Why do you always want to cage me up?   Am I no more than an animal to you?   I am as skilled as many of the defenders that you have at your side, yet you cast my skills aside like I’m nothing more than an annoyance.”   Her chest heaved as she released her emotions and continued.   “Don't talk to me as if you’re my father!   You’re not my father!   You don’t even resemble my father–he had a beard!”

Oak almost laughed at that but pulled himself together to tackle the next blast of anger from her.   “I’m old enough,” she spat out as she continued.   “I can use a sword, I can climb trees, and I can run as fast as your defenders!   I’m an adult…and I know of love!”

She glared at him her cheeks sucked in as she pushed her lips out in her struggle for self-control.   He drew in a breath.   He could feel his face become severe, feel the rage build at the thought that someone had played with her innocence.   His chest and throat were so tight he felt he was going to choke, his heart vibrated in huge thrums like a gong.   He faltered fighting fervently to get himself back together.

He hated it when she controlled him like this.   How could she cause such passion to burst forth within him, more than anyone or anything else could?   He thought he’d left his emotions behind with the dust from the Devastation long ago.

His lips were compressed, he could feel the blood trying to push its way back into them, as he watched her pull in a huge breath to steady herself and listened to her continue.

“I love everyone in this camp.   I want to protect them.   I don’t need you to protect me, I can protect myself and I’m capable of protecting them too but you refuse to see that.   When I find someone to love, I’ll be able to protect him too!”   She stopped, taking in another breath and steadying herself as she visually vibrated from her earnest outburst.

Oak's chest lowered, his body becoming more relaxed as he realized his misunderstanding–she was untouched.   His breathing steadied as he took in her brilliant green eyes almost the colour of the emerald he carried to remind him of what everyone had lost.   There were times when he would sit fingering the jewelled ring reflecting on the grief from the past and Fern would come to his mind.   Her presence beside him all these years had bonded him to her, their friendship once so important, was now disintegrating like the trees after the blast of the Devastation.

She was glaring at him, her face almost matching the colour of her hair, her lips trembling.   He could see the distress in her eyes as she stared into his.   She looked as though she wanted to climb in and tear him apart. “You used to love me, care about me!”   She was trembling, her body shuddering as if it were in shock.   He took hold of her shoulders to try and help her regain control but she shrugged violently out of his hold.   “Get your hands off of me!” she yelled.   “I hate you!   I hate you!”   Her face was contorted so much it was hardly even Fern anymore.   His thoughts stopped for a moment.   She just told him she hated him.

“What?”   He dropped his hovering hands.   Her head had dropped too; it was bobbing up and down from her shaking body as if it were floating on turbulent water.   To his horror he realized she was crying, Fern crying.   Fern didn’t cry.   Fern became angry and stomped off into the forest but she didn’t show weakness, not ever.   She was sobbing, loud broken hearted sobs of distress and pain.   He stiffened not knowing what to do.   She’d pulled away when he touched her; she’d told him she hated him.   So in effect she’d just told him that she didn’t want him there.

“Fern, what is wrong with you?”   He looked down on the mass of red hair that today looked like the gnarl of the limbs on the burneam bushes.   Her head shook and then stopped as her face jerked up toward him.   “I’m tired of you!   You treat me differently to everyone else and it’s not fair.   You pass me over to give opportunities to others.   Knowing full well they’re what I desired.   You know I am different from the other girls.   My skills are different to theirs, yet you will not let me use them.   Why?”

Oak was taken aback by this; he stepped away from her as the question ran through his mind.   He knew why he overlooked her but he couldn’t tell her that.   She was right, she did deserve more and he knew she needed a job to do.   It wasn’t for her to prepare the meals and mend clothing.   He couldn’t see her carrying a baby unless she was swinging it under one arm as she ran dashing through the forest and yet, he’d seen her gently caress Pine’s baby boy and softly coo to him.   She was everything opposing together in one.   What creature was she really because she was nothing like any of them and not knowing how to treat or handle her was driving him crazy!

“Fern, I’m sorry that you feel I’ve wronged you and I will do my best to make that up to you.   You’re right you are capable and skilled and...” he stopped for a moment searching for words and then continued.   “I’m allowing our past relationship to get in the way of our growth as adults.   My nurturing feelings toward you should have dissolved when I became leader.”

He felt his stomach clench tightly as he said the words and it made him angrier with himself and her.   “Those concerns should be passed on to someone else.   I will assign a defender to watch out for you.   My duties lie elsewhere.”

He knew that the remarks were cutting as soon as he saw the look of horror on her face, he felt remorse but he had to go on.   “I can promise you that from now on I will treat you like any other member of the clan and I will review your skills to find you a more suitable position within the clan.   However, for now my concerns are with the Citans and until they’re gone, I can make no recommendations for you.”   His eyes were hard as he looked down at her pitiful face and tremulous lips.   His mouth clamped shut showing their conversation was finished.

His face set in rock and determined that she wouldn’t change his plans at this time he bored his eyes into hers.   She looked like she would weep again.   He could see the remorse in her face and could hear her shriek inside her head what have I done?   It was too late, neither she nor he could take back what had just happened between them.   He’d made his statement, he was bound to it now and their friendship was severed.   The bond they had had for so many years was broken; he was lost to her now, just as she was lost to him.

She stumbled backwards but he didn’t grab her as he would have once done.   It was hard for him to watch, so instead he turned around and walked away as quickly as he could, leaving her alone, bereaved.

Oak aggressively strode toward the main building trying to dispel the event with Fern from his mind.   Now he’d made her resent him and with that resentment would follow disobedience.   Why would she not do as she was told?

His emotions were getting out of hand.   He was angry, hurt, confused and most of all he just wanted to vomit it all up and have done with it forever.   He was breathing fast, him, breathing fast.   The one person who was the fittest in the whole camp, the most controlled the most disciplined.   He thought he’d made himself done with emotions but she–that little viper had brought it all back to him.   He would make it so that she would never, ever, be near him again.   She would be sent as far away from him as possible, she’d never hurt him again.   He’d been hurt enough during the time of the Regime and the Devastation, he refused to be hurt anymore.

How could she say such things?   He’d done so much for her, saved her life, kept her from being alone, brought her here to a place where she could be part of a large family.   He’d taken care of her, been around to watch her grow up, was her best friend, her confidant.   He’d advised her, supported her, encouraged her; he’d done so much for her and what had she just done?   She’d spit at him in anger and disdain.

He had to be done with his seething; right now he had other concerns.   He threw his shoulders back as he approached the door of the main building and his awaiting defenders.

He could hear their mumbles as he walked into the building, a silence fell when they saw him.   All were looking at him including Elm who smirked a knowing smile.   How he hated having Elm around him, he made his life uncomfortable.   Like Fern he questioned why they were to do things and it irritated him.   Elm was always looking for a way to take his place.   He knew why he’d allowed Elm to be one of his defenders, keep your friends close and your enemies closer had been another of his father's sayings and he believed in it.   He had no doubt that Elm was his biggest enemy.

The only thing Elm ever thought of was ruling over everyone, having control.   He’d sneak around overhearing conversations, looking for a way he could destroy the respect everyone had for Oak.   He knew Elm purposefully didn’t pass messages on to him and he knew why.   Making it seem Oak was unaware of what was going on with his defenders would make him look weak.   But Oak's back was covered by Pine, who watched and made sure Elm never got the upper hand.   Elm knew Fern was Oak's only real weakness and Oak knew he was just biding his time to use her against him.   Yes, Fern had to be out of his life and soon, but then that had already been done.

Pine stood up to move the boys and make a place for him at the long table to sit with crossed legs.   He looked at the faces of his fifty best defenders all seated around the long woven bilubous table.   With agility he went down onto his haunches and crossed his legs in turn.   He turned his head taking them all in.   They were some of the tallest, strongest and bravest of the boys in the camp.   Each and every one of them had proved themselves to be worthy of being defenders.   They had all done a deed to protect and even save another member of the clan.   Yes, even Elm had proved himself.   Though, that was before Oak had been made leader.   Now, he knew Elm had no thoughts of heroism; he was just biding his time, watching and waiting for his opportunity to oust Oak from the clan and take over as leader.

“We must wary,” he searched all their faces to make sure none other than Elm were in doubt of him.   They all eagerly looked at him waiting to hear his plan.   “We will split into five groups.   That way we’ll cover more ground and also be able to conceal ourselves better.   We’ll leave the camp defenders in charge here on high alert.   They’ll be armed and ready having sentinels continually at all posts day and night.   We shall split into north, south, east and west of the forest to see what is happening in all areas.   My own group will follow behind the Citans.

His eyes swept his defenders again as he mentally picked out his groups and their appointed leaders.   “Pine, Blackthorn and Elm you shall be with me.”   Out of the corner of his eye he saw Elm give a small sneer.

“Yes Oak,” Pine and Blackthorn immediately replied.

“Yes,” Elm responded through tight lips.

Calling six other names for his group, their responses came back loud and firm.

Oak went through the names of all, naming the appointed leaders of each group.   Once he’d covered everything that was to be done he arose and everyone followed suit.   “I wish you all the best.   May all that is good be with you and may this interruption in our lives be brief and of no danger to anyone.   Now pack what you need and let’s be off.   We’ll all meet again at the west sentinel post.   All of you be there as quick as you can.   We can’t allow the Citans to cover too much ground.”

The defenders left the building except Pine and himself.   He smiled at Pine, resting a hand on his shoulder.

“Go, kiss Lily and Savannah goodbye.   Tell her she needn’t worry about you, I’ll take care of your back!”

He heard the rumble in Pine's chest as he forced out a bellowing laugh.   He smiled; it was what he wanted to hear from his friend, who at the age of eighteen was much more mature than his years.   Pine needed to laugh, he was too serious and worried too much, being one of the eldest bore too much responsibility.

He looked affectionately at Pine.   He was heavier than all of them, although a bit shorter than Oak, his body was thicker, larger than any other boy in the clan.   He was muscular and strong, no one could beat him physically except Oak and he’d done that through trickery, taking an unfair advantage that Pine had never let him forget.   

“You look after my back?”   Pine laughed as he gave Oak a look with eyes glittering filled with friendly mockery.

Oak smiled back in understanding.   Pine had saved Oak's life two years ago.   It was during a foolish time for Oak, his one silly plight at valour (he’d learnt from it and become much wiser from the experience).   He’d wanted to be looked upon with awe by the clan.   Had Pine not been there Oak would now be dead and some other member of the clan would be their leader.