Emilia Lawkens by MN Precious Charles - HTML preview

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Chapter 7

The Grave



milia felt like dropping a bouquet of flower by her father’s grave. It’s been a while since she had been there last. She hopped into her Medula Pod-Rover (M.B.R). She sped off to the nearest flower shop and purchased a bouquet of black roses. Her dad loved those when he was alive. It was almost dusk and she needed to get there in time before visiting her computer genius. She pulled off close to father’s grave and she alighted and moved close enough. She activated its Chameleon feature and the M.B.R blended with its environment, becoming invincible. She stared at his statue and she smiled. The management of the cemetery was doing a good job, the grave looked neat and well-kept and with beautiful red-grass lawn, properly cut. The statue paled at the beauty of her dad, she heaved and walked up and sat before the image. It was a bad habit she had, and she was not remorseful about it. She sat there in between her father’s grave and her grandmothers grave and just reminisced. This section of the cemetery was specially reserved for the Lawkens family. She was startled by the sound of a ramming car, speeding from a distance, her instinct told her to hide behind the three at the back of the statue. She spied as the an Armadullion-Zap pulled up close to her rover. A very handsome Lesner came out of the car with a huge bouquet of black roses and walked towards the grave by her dad’s other side. She noticed that the grave was quite fresh, but she had paid no attention to it. Lesner knelt before the grave and wept and what he said next shocked Emilia.

“Emilia, I am sorry…I failed you and I failed your Dad. I let you down. Sorry for letting you make me give up on you. You were not just my friend; you meant a lot more to me and sorry I never let you know how much I love you. Am sorry, “he wept uncontrollably. Emilia also wept uncontrollably. She knew that he was not at fault, he tried his best, especially for a teenager who was passing through hell himself too. He always tried to reach-out to her, even when she pushed him away. She imagined how he would have felt. She would not pick his calls and would snob him at the slightest chance. She felt ashamed looking at him weeping at the grave. It really pricked her heart. She was tempted to come out and say, I am not dead. I am alive…I know that you are trying your best. I am sorry, really sorry…please forgive me.

“Emilia” he continued ‘’I don’t know how to tell Mom when she wakes up, that her favorite little girl is gone. And most importantly, that I failed you. Please forgive me, forgive your snotty-nose Lesnie” he cried.

Emilia smiled even with her pain, she loved calling him snotty-nose Lesnie. As a child, she would run up behind him and rough up his hair and taunt him, snotty-nose Lesnie! snotty-nose Lesnie! She would turn it into song…but what surprised her the most was that he would always welcome her with a smile.

“I love you Emilia, I have always loved you my Emily and I will always love you...till the end of time.'’ he concluded

“I love you too my Lesnie.” She whispered under her breath with tears flooding her eyes.

Lesner came and knelt before Mike Lawkens statue.

“Uncle Mike, I miss you every day of my life. You made sure that I was never lonely and you also gave me Emilia. Sorry I failed you, you always told me that I must protect her. I wish I was strong enough… but you know that she is has always been stronger than me.’’ He joked with a painful smirk. Emilia, smiled too, hidden behind the tree. No, you are stronger…you have always been, Lesnie. She thought to herself.

Lesner continued talking to the statue. ’’I know that she is with you now, please tell her that she is the only girl I have ever loved, and life would be hell without her.” He stood up and was about to walk away, he turned. “goodbye Mike, goodbye Emilia” he bade the two graves farewell and entered his car and sped off, broken hearted.

Emilia made sure that he was out of sight before she came out from the behind of her father’s huge statue. She was still crying, regretting why she didn’t reveal herself to him, she knew that she had to remain dead to protect those she loved.

“Dad I love you” she bade the father’s statue goodbye. She entered her Medula-Pod-Rover and sped away. She needed to meet her mad computer genius, if she must track Louis Malice.