Emilia Lawkens by MN Precious Charles - HTML preview

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What is a verdict?

According to the renowned Miriam-Webster dictionary a verdict is defined as follows:

1: the finding or decision of a jury on the matter submitted to it in trial.

2: opinion judgment.

Who is Grace?

Grace is Gods unmerited favour, and that favour is that ‘GOD so LOVES US that He GAVE US HIS Only BEGOTTEN SON’ (john 3:16) All annotations by me. God so loved us, despite our sins and iniquitous living. He loved us regardless and so his love was never a product of what we did or didn’t do. Always remember that you never merited or qualified for God’s love, instead, His love qualified you, justified you and redeemed you. Jesus Christ is the evidence of Gods unmerited favour on our lives. We never deserved such a priceless sacrifice for our redemption but God paid it anyway because He loves us more than we can ever imagine. Grace can never be defined or explained, he can only be revealed and he[Grace] loves you, and Grace loves you just the way you are, and He says ‘’come and I will teach you how to follow and obey me and live a victorious life’’.

The Adulterous Woman [john 8:1-20]

The story of the adulterous woman in the bible talks about a woman caught in the act of adultery by the Pharisees and brought her before Jesus [Grace]. They already had stones in their hands ready to stone her to death because the Law of Moses had already condemned her. Friends, maybe like the adulterous woman, the world have accumulated evidences against you. Maybe they even know your past and present mistakes and they have taken up stones to condemn you. Maybe they are even your friends, your family and those you love or even fellow church or religious members. But today I want you to know that by the virtue of reading this article [the Verdict of Grace] that you have been brought before the Jesus [who is also Grace, Gods unmerited favour in your life]. They have brought you before him, thinking that he will condemn you and pass the verdict of condemnation on you.

7. They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, ‘’All right, but let the one has never sinned throw the first stone’’

I want you to know that the world cannot condemn you when you are before the master. They all dropped their stones and left knowing that they too were also sinners. We all are! We all need the grace of God.

Then after they had all left, leaving only the adulterous woman [you and I] before Jesus as he passed THE VERDICT OF GRACE on her [us].

10. Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, ‘where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?’ 11. ‘No, Lord,’’ she said and Jesus said, ’Neither do I. Go and sin no more’

Glory to God! He didn’t condemn her [you and I]. Note that she called Jesus [Grace], ’LORD’. At that point she accepted Jesus as the lord of her life and in turn the saviour of the world didn’t condemn her. Please I want you to know that anyone found in Christ can never be condemned [Rom8:1]. Jesus [Grace] forgave her sins, gave her the capacity to live a sin-free life and made her whole.

Friends no matter the crimes or sins you have committed, Grace [Jesus] wants you to know that he will not condemn you and is willing to receive you if you will accept Him as your lord and saviour. If you want to make Jesus lord of your life, pray the following prayer.

‘’Lord Jesus I have come before you to day like the adulterous woman and I accept you as my lord and saviour. I receive your life and thank you because I am not condemned but rather justified in you’’ amen.

Congrats! Welcome to the family of God the father, the Holy Spirit and Christ Jesus.


Lord Jesus [Grace] I know that your bore all my infirmities and sicknesses and that I am a new creature in you. I rebuke you spirit of sickness and infirmity in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Congrats! You are healed.

Always remember the difference between FACT, THE TRUTH AND REALITY. ‘Fact’ is what the world presents against you, the ‘truth’ is who JESUS [GRACE] says you are and ‘reality’ is any of the two you choose to believe. So, will ‘fact’ or ‘the Truth’’ be your reality?

Please we would love to hear your testimonies. Glory!!!!hallelujah!!