Emilia Lawkens by MN Precious Charles - HTML preview

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Mr. Gerret was driving and whistling joyfully. He was on his way to the Moon-light club as usual, today the boys were going to sing from the mutant rebellion new album. His heart was already leaping in joy; he had won two weeks in a row. They thought it just because he was gifted, but they never knew that he had practiced for five nights a roll before that night. jerks! Watch me take your money tonight. he thought to himself. Garret was really a very great singer…he enjoyed the money he won from the competition every night.

He was speeding, before he saw a beautiful Roving-Meduka car packed in the middle of the high way. There were two beautiful young ladies in beautiful gowns bent over trying to figure out what was wrong with their car. Garret’s smiled, like a mouse seeing a bag of cheese. He didn’t believe in any supreme being but he always looked for one to pray to for an opportunity like this. He drove closer and parked. He came down and checked himself on the reflection of his pod. He twisted his moustache and sprayed a mouth perfume. He pulled out a rag and shone his shoes and put a spring on his step. He bounced as he walked, trying to feign a false sense of swag.

“What are beautiful young girls like you doing on a lonely road like this?” he asked with an awkward smile.

‘’our car broke down.’’ Emilia answered.

‘’I would love to help’’ Garret offered to check the car.

“Thank you so much, you must be my guardian angel.” Emilia complimented Garret who was now blushing like a school kid.

“Thank you so very much. What’s your name, gorgeous?” grabbing her hand gently, he bent down and kissed her palm.

“Cyanide Rose. “she said briefly and stuck a tranquilizer to his neck, knocking him out flat.

They kept him in the back-seat. ‘’Let’s hide his pod in order to buy us more time.’’ Ivy drove Garret’s pod and they pushed it into the lake. They both made their way to the interrogation cabin in the woods.

“Hope he didn’t see our faces” Ivy asked.

“He couldn’t, we parked in the dark section of the road and I think that he was tipsy” Emilia explained.



Emilia set him up for the interrogation and plugged in the Sonic device to his ear and they both went home and returned in the morning. She was worried for Lesner who had time travelled to the past in order to contact the council of mutant legion. It was hard to let him go… one thousand years back was very dangerous; back then it was a matter survival of the fittest. Would he be able to survive or triumph? Will he succeed? They all have to pay the price if they must defeat the Jixor-Cult.

They got to the room and Garret was already sobbing, just like every other person. Emilia pulled the Sonic sound away and waited for him to regain his hearing and started interrogating him.

Garret confessed; that the mayor and some other mystery people had carried a quaking box, down to the mayor’s residence and they kept it in the under-ground bunker. ‘’The mayor’s residence is believed to be impenetrable. Beneath it is highly secured and classified facility.’’ He explained.

“Garret, how can we enter the mayor’s residence unnoticed?” Emilia asked.

“Only if you can enter through the underground sewers disposal system.”

“Yokes!” Ivy exclaimed, irritated.

“There is one other way.” Garret suggested ‘’what if I drove you in?”

“How am I sure that you won’t betray us” she retorted.

“It’s either me or the sewers.” he smiled.” which do you prefer?”

“Okay what’s your price?” Emilia asked

“one million units and I will take you in myself”

“Nine hundred thousand “Ivy haggled.

“I said one million units or nothing. “

“Deal!” Emilia Agreed.

“Now please ladies treat me like your business partner.” he requested to be loosened and they loosened him.

“Garret, may I ask you a question?” Emilia asked.

“Sure, business partner.”

“Why did you betray your boss effortlessly?”

“It’s simple, the Jixor-Cult has one simple rule for all its employees. Never be caught by the enemy alive, if you do, they assume the worst of you and kill you.”

“So, if I capture the mutant locket holders, they will be executed.” Emilia chipped in.

“Yes…. Darn you…you said nothing About any mutant lockets holders!” Garret revolted in fear.

“Do you want to back down now?”

“Do I have a choice? I don’t want to suffer the fate of Malice.”

“How did you know about him?” Emilia asked.

“He was executed in the mayor’s bunker by that man, I always forget his name...his brother used to be top short police officer before he was murdered.” He quipped. Emilia’s mind was beating faster than usual. She felt colder and she shivered at the allegation of this thug. She didn’t want to give herself up. So, she comported herself and asked casually.

“Do you mean Viom Lawkens…head of V.P.D?”

“Exactly, that man is evil…evil as the word would go.” he responded.

Ivy knew that this was another bad news for Emilia. She held her hand and walked her to another room and held her in her arms in silence. Emilia was in shock and didn’t say a word. They both took comfort in the companionship of silence.