Emilia Lawkens by MN Precious Charles - HTML preview

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It was dusk and as usual the guards at the mayor’s residence were changing shifts as usual, when Garret pulled in, flashing his unusual smile at everyone he met. They seemed excited to see him,

“Garret!!!” they cheered him. They really seemed to like him genuinely.

“Thanks Garret, we got it you know.” one of the superior officers thanked him.

“Always got your back” he greeted and they allowed home to drive in.

“they seem to like you” said Emilia.

“I ensure that they lack nothing…I take care of them.” he replied.

“So, why did your partner not come with us?” he inquired.

“That’s my business!” she shut him off that conversation. She knew that she didn’t trust this Garret, but it’s a risk that she was willing to take. She needed to keep Ivy safe from her enemies. She ensured that Garret could never be able to trace the interrogation underground bunker.

Garret pulled through several check points where he was hailed by the soldiers on the same way. Emilia suspected that there was something fishy going on, Garret was not a likeable person, talk more of loving him. There was something he had not told her.

“Less I forget, what do I call you? Garret asked

“Cyanide Rose…” Emilia replied him and stabbed him with a tranquilizer on his back. She knew that he had already seen Ivy's face. She injected him with a short-term memory loss syringe. His memory for the past few days was wiped clean.

“Am sorry Garret.”

She slowed the pod-car down and she opened the door of the pod-car and combat-rolled out, while the car was in gradual motion. She knew that her best chance was the vent. She lurked in the darkness, knowing that every underground house needed a vent which would encroach to the surface. She saw the statue of an angel with air holes in its wings and garment was not for artistry expression, it was for a purpose. Although It looked like an artistic statement but she knew that it was the perfect camouflage for an air vent. The whole air vents in the vast compound where camouflaged. She reached close to the statue and monitored and discovered it was hollow on the inside. She evoked a blade from her fist and she cut a door out from the back of the hallow statue. She was about to climb in when she heard Garret’s car crash into the parking lot and the security alarm went off. The whole residence was now swarming with soldiers and M.N.Cs. She climbed into the vent and slid over forty feet down. She crawled a long distance and entered another vent hole, she slid for about another twenty feet and she saw a very long vent hole. She looked closer and discovered that each opening had a laser light protecting it. She threw a dart and the laser lights sliced it into pieces. She evoked two short fiery knifes out her palms and she cut out an opening on the wall of the vent and she jumped down. Behold, she was in some kind of office. She could hear the security alarm blaring and footsteps of soldiers across the hall way outside. Emilia knew that because she was putting on white overall, that made her stand out. She was wearing a white leather jacket, white pants, white boots with a green sole, even white lips stick. Emilia took out her white electronic armor vest and stamped it on her chest and it enveloped the whole of her body. She stepped towards the door and pulled it off its hinge. Immediately she was outside the office, she could feel the lockets drawing her, they were giving her directions. She pulled out her gun just in time to combat the soldiers who accosted her. She slid forward in the mist of them, pumping laser bullets into their body. She ran down the hallway as she was drawn by the lockets: she came across a dozen mutant soldiers, all clothed in a unique body armor. She dodged their bullets, she shots different rounds at them, but few were able to evade her. They had jet packs and so they flew towards her shooting deadly laser shots. She dodged and jumped ten feet into the air and swirled, pumping deadly bullet into most of them. One of them, punched her in the face, knocking her to the floor, she rotated forward, in time to avoid the laser bullets they shot at her. She rotated in mid-air and shot deadly laser rounds in all directions. She landed on her feet and they were all down. She ran towards the direction of the attraction she felt. There was a strong iron door that seemed too impenetrable. She stretched forth her hands and she caused a whirl wind to appear and she used it to strike the whole wall that supported the door, but it only quaked for a while, she repeated the same thing for about five times and the wall collapsed, and there she left a hole in the ceiling and on the floor. She walked through the rubbles and it was if the whole army were waiting for her. They all started shooting at once, she evoked a shield on all sides and pushed forward… then she caused a whirlwind and entered the middle of it. The whirlwind moved and was violent. She snatched some soldiers into it and knocked them out and after which flung them out. Every weapon they used against the whirlwind seemed abortive, she saw that they were trying to shut the other door. She started shooting at them with her laser blaster. They only saw a white armored hand out of the whirlwind, shooting laser blasters. The hall was filled with the sound of people being snatched in and thrown out of the ferocious whirl-wind. She jumped out of the whirlwind and flipped forward in time to pass through the closing iron doors. She landed in front of two mutant soldiers. For a second, they looked at her and she them, both parties waited for the first person to make move. They were tensed at the mere sight of her, as she crouched playfully on the floor. For few seconds there was an apprehension and awkwardness, as each party had their hands on their weapon waiting for who to draw out first. Emilia enjoyed the suspense but she was running out of patience, she had things to do.

“Who is that?” she yelled, pointing behind them. They turned back and she evoked two harmers and knocked them out. She saw a lift leading down, she entered, she poked the music button on her amour vest and she voice activated it,

“Play me Mutant rebellion.” she requested.

It started playing, she was dancing to it. When the door of the lift opened and there were many mutant ninjas waiting for her.

“You all are so happy to see me?” she waved at them.

“Who the hell are you?” the commander in charge barked.

“Cyanide Rose” she replied.

“I have never heard of you” he retorted angrily.

“You don’t get it?” they shook their heads to signify that they didn’t. “Cyanide the poisonous substances, white Rose, the flower you all buy for your love interest. Death in its best disguise! Am sure you will get it with broken necks and bleeding ears.” she pulled out her laser blaster and blasted about three of them down. All hell broke loose, they released all their ammunition against her. All that was left was a shattered hole where the lift had been. The commander went forward and looked down the lift pit. He saw a hand reach out from below and dragged him down, throwing him. He screamed as he fell to the depth…she pitied him and threw darts that pegged him to a wall. The other soldiers watched in fear, she jumped up in and she waved at them, they all opened fire in her direction once again. She threw darts, killing the light in the vast floor. The floor was now totally in darkness. They heard a voice singing mutant rebellion jumping from one place to the other. They all fired shots in the darkness at themselves unknowingly.

“Can’t we all just love?” she sang out loud. She reached for the vaults door and it was opened. The confident commander, so sure of capturing her did not bother to lock the vault door. She slid in and there she was in a treasure room. She followed what she felt, until she came to a quaking box. She was about to reach out to grab it. But the vault door slammed close behind her. Next, a strange gas was pumped in and she started losing consciousness. She Could hear a public address system loud with voices of people laughing out loud. With her last strength she activated her communication mic and left a message of Ivy.

“Erimly, I have been…” She hit the floor unconscious without completing the statement.