Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 95


8:30 PM EST Day two of 1260 New York - The Network, Brad Williams’ Office

Brad Williams had just come out of the meeting regarding the Ken Giles’ murder and the news about the President and the suggested bribe. Biggman had made it clear that they had switched sides on Stevenson and that their network was to start the campaign to destroy him. For what reason, he had no idea. They were normally on Stevenson’s side and all in for his support, but the boss had a different agenda this time and he was in control after all. Such was the way of politics and the media.

Brad knew that The Network was owned and operated by a large organization which, when they wanted something done, it happened. They would insinuate and lie when necessary to get to the results that they wanted. Now it appeared that Stevenson was caught in the crosshairs.

He smiled to himself and thought about Bear News who usually took the stance of opposing the President. He wondered if maybe they would switch and start supporting him. Now that would be interesting, Brad thought. That would be very interesting.

His thoughts were interrupted when his Assistant Producer, Michelle, stuck her head in the door. She said, “Brad, they are setting up for a press conference at Camp David. They want you on the desk to handle the comments.”

“No problem, Michelle. Thanks.” He stared after her as she walked out the door, and smiled. Nice looking woman she was.