Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 94


7:00 PM CST Day two of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk

During the top of the hour commercial break John Roddenburg was handed a dispatch about Ken Giles, the Attorney General. With the knowledge that the AG was the only one to leave Camp David that morning, he would normally have gone on the air and started questioning circumstantial evidence. Questions such as why Giles was the only person who left the camp, and was there an issue between him and the President. That would be an easy one, for it was common knowledge that Stevenson did not care for Giles. His appointment of Ken as Attorney General was forced down his throat. That would make for good press. 

He then looked at the comment or accusation made on The Network about Jack South and the Israelis and a bribe. That was another story that he would normally jump right on, for his primary strength had always been attacking the government and feeding conspiracies.  What was strange to him was that normally, The Network and Brad were Stevenson’s primary champions. They usually took the support road with his administration and this bribe had not been confirmed by any known sources other than The Network’s. This was out of character for them, very much out of character. There was something going on. 

He leaned over to his producer, Donald MacKee and said, “I think this is going to force a press conference at Camp David. We will interrupt the broadcast to go live immediately if that happens, so make sure Debbie Cochran knows she needs to be ready, and not leave Camp David until we say.”

“Will do, Jack; and by the way what do you think about this “Jack for bombers” accusation from Brad?”

“It’s very much out of character for them. That is a first and I am concerned there is a lot more going on here than meets the eye. Let us put some feelers out and see if we can get a bite somewhere. I think we may be changing sides for if Brad is now on the other side and is kicking Stevenson’s rear end, we will move to the other side and support Stevenson. I would not feel comfortable being on Brad’s side, ever.”

“I know what you mean John,” Donald had to agree that this was definitely a change in direction.