Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 97


8:45 PM CST Day two of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - International Airport

Aafre’s plane had landed at KCI about the same time as the press conference began at Camp David, so they had remained on the tarmac and tuned in to watch from the communications room. Aafre was quite pleased. Everything was happening exactly as he had planned. It was amazing how the free press in America would tear down their leadership in a heartbeat, even based on rumors.

Aafre and his resources had made the President as he had made all the presidents in the past few decades. He decided who would lead the U.S. They would put their resources behind him, and he was elected. It took money and it took people willing to do as they were told. They were not much different from sheep. Imagine clawing your way up a corporate ladder then finding out that even at the top, you still had someone else to answer to. It also required that they not be pure of heart. Chivalry itself was long dead, of course, and would never return.

In the meeting on Monday he had told the members that under no circumstances was Jack to be harassed. However, that did not apply to him. He had had to have Jack harassed in order to get the document from him. The Attorney General’s death was going to be of use at the session on Friday. Ken Giles would be an example of what happened when one did not follow the rules. The other great thing about the Ken Giles murder was that he had the tapes of the conversation between Stevenson and Giles just prior to him leaving Camp David. The threat would not bode well if the press got a hold of this evidence against Stevenson. He might even be accused of killing him. Conspiracy theorists were always good about going down that avenue.

Jamal was a good man. He was loyal, very loyal. He would have to take care of him in some way to show his appreciation. The tapes would be kept and put away for now and used only if Stevenson got out of control. Then he would use them as needed; but for now things were fine. He also wanted to keep Jamal in the White House for Stevenson would know who had taped the conversation, and he needed to know the President’s plans. Just like in the press conference, Jamal had come through on the brief sent to Justice. He even had a copy. It was so easy to feed it to a newsperson. They were eager to bite and bit hard.

What Stevenson did not know was that the United States had to be neutralized in order for the final plan to work. Aafre’s Master knew it and Jack’s God knew it. The overall plan was the revival of the Roman Empire, which could only happen in Europe. America, at least as of yesterday, was the world’s super power. This had to change. It had to change quickly so that Aafre and his Master’s plan could come to fruition.

That meant that he needed to back Stevenson into a corner, let this witness or witnesses destroy the infrastructure of the States, and the U.S. give up their sovereignty. The reason he needed the sovereignty of the U.S. was to control the vast military complex they had built since World War II. No sense in wasting all this firepower, no sense at all.

His Master had also told him that the United States was being punished by God, but they would only be the first. It would continue from country to country. However, the Europeans would not be dealt very many blows in this first round of approximately three and a half years. After that, the real battle would begin. Jack’s people wanted conversion to their God and acknowledgement that He existed. Well that was fine, for when they left, the real Master of earth would take over and put an end to the insanity humans had been living with for over five-thousand years.

Just a matter of time thought Aafre. It was just a matter of time.