Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 98


7:45 PM CST Day two of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk

Bear News had to break away from the Special they were airing in Kansas City and go live to Camp David for the press conference. The producers had decided to finish the special tomorrow night, in the same time slot and concentrate on the press conference and the death of the Attorney General.

“John,” Donald, his producer said, “We are going live in thirty, which means thirty seconds.” John turned back to get in position behind the makeshift news desk on the stage in Kansas City. He adjusted his papers and stared at the camera operator and the digital counter, five, four, three, two, one.

“Hello America and the world, John Roddenburg again broadcasting from Kansas City, Missouri, here at the Liberty Memorial Park. As many of you already know, there have been several breaking news stories in Washington, including a hurried news conference from Camp David. I am sure that all of you can see that there are many things occurring in the world and we are going to bring you up to date.

“First off, for those of you who were watching our news special on Jack South and his predictions, rest assured we will air that in its entirety tomorrow evening. However, in the meantime we need to cover all the breaking news as it happens and keep you informed.”

“I want to remind all of you that it is around 1:45, Wednesday morning in Africa, and it has been raining there since yesterday. Our meteorologist, Chester Nichols, is here with updates on Jack’s prediction of constant rain in that area for thirty days. Chester?”

“Thanks, John. I have a map here of the area with a satellite photo superimposed over it, which was taken about an hour ago. You can see from the photo that the entire area is covered in storm clouds. You will notice the darker areas of these clouds which are called super cells. These are the most dangerous thunderstorms we know. The entire area is covered with these, from Turkey to the Western Coast of Northern Africa. It appears that sustained northeast winds are blowing up moisture off the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea. The Gulf and cooler air from Asia is meeting the moist air from the south. In effect, it is raining and it is raining very hard. In some areas, it has been raining as much as 2-3 inches per hour. It appears that unless the winds die down, this will continue for some time.”

“Chester, do you think it will last for thirty days as Jack said?”

“I don’t see that it would rain this hard for thirty days, but it could rain steadily as long as the conditions as I described, continue. As long as that is occurring, then yes it will continue to rain.”

“Are there other events like lightning or hail that usually accompany super cells?”

“Yes, and I am glad you asked John. I have another map here that shows the lightning strikes in the area; and as you can see from the map, they are everywhere. As of yet, we do not have any reports from the area about hail or possible severe wind issues. But given the circumstances you can be assured that this may happen soon.”

“Thanks, Chester; now to other news for today.”

“As many of you know, in the press conference a few moments ago, Press Secretary, Christopher Hughes raised the possibility of martial law being implemented nationwide in the coming few days. As of now, all personal rights are currently suspended in Southern California in an attempt to stabilize the area. To help us understand the implications of such an order, we have with us, via a communications link at Harvard University, Dan Simmons of the Harvard University Law Department. Dan is the Dean of the Law School there.”

“Thank you Dan for being with us on such short notice. Can you explain to our viewers what was really said this evening at Camp David?”

“It is really quite simple John. In the event of any of the situations that Jack South has foretold, the Federal Government can, with the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the military, and other high-ranking federal officials, put into effect martial law and take over the country. This suspends the constitution and the people’s rights. The justification to do so is very broad and falls into the category of civil support, homeland defense, and any civil support activities. By the way, this law was enacted in January of 2010 by executive order number 13528 and was considered by the courts as constitutional, based on Article 9. Keep in mind, the broad statement in Article 9 of the Constitution states, ‘The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion of the public safety may require it.’ In our situation, considering if Jack South is right, then the Federal Government can argue that with more than twenty-five million people at risk, in transit and possibly homeless, it would take little if no effort for the Justice Department to put a stamp of approval on such a move.”

“Dan, say they do implement martial law temporarily, how is it rescinded or can we do anything about it if they decide to keep it in place?”

“If certain groups wanted it lifted and the government did not then this issue would go through the courts, most likely the Supreme Court. However, it is likely that the catastrophe would be over by the time it ever got to court, as was stated in the California situation earlier this week. Also, realize that the President’s spokesperson said the document was sent to the Justice Department for review. If the court puts their stamp of approval on the request then it would literally take years to be rescinded through the courts. That is of course, if the government chooses to keep it in place. Right now what they are doing is crossing their ‘T’s and dotting their ‘I’s.”

“So what does it mean to have martial law?”

“Simple; you have no rights any longer and you do as the government or their agencies tell you, or face imprisonment. This, for your information, also suspends elections of all government officials including those within cities, states, and the federal government as a whole. So any elections scheduled would be cancelled till the order is rescinded.”

“Thank you, Dan, for your expert input.” John turned again facing the camera and said, “That was Dan Simmons, Dean of the Law Department at Harvard University. There it is viewers. It appears that all our rights will be in limbo for some time if the events as described by Mr. South do occur. And, with Chester, our meteorologist showing us the rain is falling as predicted in Northern Africa, then we may well assume Jack South, as he has been in the past,  is still one-hundred percent correct. This means the ever looming threat of the hurricanes seems almost inevitable at this time.”

“In some other related news,” as John looked down at his notes, “The Chinese Government has verified that the South organization has requested permits for its people to hold rallies in Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong. There was no comment on whether or not it has been approved; only that Jack South’s people have put in an application. We also have statements from the governments of Mexico, Canada, and most of the South American countries, which are confirming the requests for visas and permits for a rally in their most populated areas as well. The only agreement so far appears to be Mexico City, which, according to sources, issued the permits and visas. No word on any other countries in Europe, India, the countries of Africa, the Middle East, or Russia.”

“We need to break for a commercial. We will be right back.”