Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 103


11:00 AM EST Day three of 1260 Camp David, Maryland - President Richard Stevenson’s Office

“Mr. President, Secretary of State, Bill Krasner. We have received calls for help all across the North African continent; from Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia. I assume we will be hearing from the Saudis soon and God knows who else.”

“What do they want us to do, Bill? There is not much that we can do under the circumstances. We are up to our eyeballs in a mess as big as theirs are right now. From what I have seen of the weather reports, the second tropical depression has already formed off the coast of Africa. The first hurricane, what are they calling it?”

“The first hurricane is being called Alex, Mr. President.”

“Please call me Richard today. There is no one else here, if you don’t mind.”

“Okay, Richard. Things have not changed much and as you know, Alex is right on target and gathering strength. It appears that it will hit Houston in five days. I know our resources are limited; still, we have always helped other countries, in spite of our domestic issues.”

“Yes that is true Bill, but this time they need to go to the Europeans, Russians, or the Chinese. They are in a much better position to help than we are. The way things are shaping up, we may be in need of help ourselves. By the way, Bill, have you made arrangements for your family and for moving your office, temporarily, to Cheyenne next week?”

“Yes, we are from South Dakota, as you know, and it seems that there is nothing that Jack has predicted that would affect the area there, at least not yet. The closest thing we have that would affect us is if the Yellowstone Cauldron decided to erupt. So they will be safe there.”

“Good, I am glad your family has somewhere safe to go.”

“Now, Bill, we need to get a strategy together for our country. We will be very vulnerable over the next few months. That is a big concern of ours. I do not like the reports I am getting that certain parts of the country will take not only months, but also years to rebuild. That means we will have to figure out some way to rebuild and control over twenty-five million or so refugees, and do so without money. I’m not real happy with the General’s plans.”

“I am also really concerned that when we reopen the markets on Monday or Tuesday, there will be a run on American stocks, treasury bonds, and notes, as was the case on Monday after Jack’s interview. That means that we have a problem and one that I do not know how to handle. I am trying to figure out how we can prop that up and still remain solvent. But if all this does occur, then the good old U.S. of A. will no longer be what we were.”

“I agree. Moreover, believe me, I wish I had an answer. The problem here is that if Jack South is right, we will not even have enough time to rebuild. I have studied some prophecy and this is just the beginning. Not only will Northern Africa and we feel the brunt of this initially, so will other countries, over time. According to the Book of Revelations, these two witnesses will be able to do this for three and a half years. And Richard, it just started two days ago.”

“You go to church, Bill?”


“That’s good. You know, I was in this for the long haul of seeing a world brought together and run like the U.S., a democracy. Even as a young man, I worked towards that. I had a vision that it would all happen so I hooked my star to some very interesting people, who I think own me now, and probably all the rest of us. I think I should have paid attention in church. Maybe I might then have a better idea on what to do.”

“I understand, Richard. I really do.”