Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 102


9:15 AM CST Day three of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Crown Plaza

Thomas had been in Kansas City since Tuesday morning planning the Rally for Jack. He had started by calling in some friends from churches he knew from other times that he had visited the area. He had managed to get a contingency of various forms of Christian churches for a meeting here in City Center yesterday afternoon.

At the meeting, he had answered a barrage of questions about the Rapture, Jack South, God, Satan, and anything else one could imagine. Reverend Marks, this, Reverend Marks, that. Finally, after several hours, once he was able to get past all the theological questions, he was able to secure singers, entertainment, and an organ. They were able to tie this into the sound system, thanks to Bear News. Several bands from the area were going to perform their particular brands of religious music. He spent half the night Okaying song choices and rejecting others. Then the Kansas City Philharmonic wanted to be a part of the rally too. He decided that would be great, but they would have to expand the stage to accommodate them. This was done.

The Catholics, Methodists, and some other churches wanted to do communion, but that idea was shot down. Marks did not believe that Jack would approve, firstly, because of the logistics of having communion for the countless mass of people scheduled to be there. The next issue was that the different sects did not all do it in the same way.

They all wanted a speaking part, but they were politely turned down. All were told that only Jack would be speaking.

Some relief effort and housing for some of the pilgrims entering the city were accomplished by using churches and their grounds. It did help the situation. Both the Mayor and the Colonel appreciated this action.

His hotel room phone rang and Marks picked it up, “Hello, this Reverend Marks.”

“Reverend, how are you today?”

He was trying to place the voice but could not, other than that it was a man.

“I am fine. Who is calling, please?”

“This is David Matthews, Reverend; you don’t know me personally, but I know you.”

“What is it you want Mr. Matthews?”

“I understand that you are doing the preparations for Jack South’s Sermon tomorrow night. Is that correct?”

“Yes, that is correct. It is common knowledge.”

“Well I just wanted to let you know that you have caught the attention of a lot of people and some that want to underwrite your own ministry, not only here, but the entire world, just like Jack’s.”

“Really? And who may that be?”

“All I can tell you is that they are some industrialists from the United States and Europe who are familiar with you. They contacted me to call you personally and see if you might be interested in a meeting.”

“Not today, Mr. Matthews. I am quite busy until Friday morning.”

“That’s okay, Reverend, I understand you are busy. Our group is staying at the City Center, just as you are. You may have heard about us in the news. We are having our meeting here in Kansas City on Friday and Saturday. The President will be there also. We would like you to come over and meet us while we are here.”

“Okay, Mr. Matthews. How do I get a hold of you?”

“Just call the hotel desk downstairs and they will be able to get in touch with me. Ask for David Matthews.”

“Okay, I will call you, maybe on Friday.”

“Great,” Matthews replied. “That will be great, Reverend.”

Thomas hung up the phone. As he placed it back on the cradle, he said to himself, “The Beast is coming to get me. He is trying to tempt me.” He knew who was holding their meeting here on Friday.