Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 105


2:30 PM EST Day three of 1260 New York - Airspace, Jack South’s Private Jet

We had left New York a few minutes ago in our jet, headed to Kansas City. I felt like talking so I asked Veronica, “Can we talk, now that the plane has been swept?”

“Yes, Jack. We can talk.”

“Did you find anything interesting from the sweep?”

“Yes, the entire plane was bugged, and as I expected, a radio bomb was also hidden in the fuselage.”

“So were they planning on killing us?”

“No, it was probably just put there to send a message to us I believe, more than anything.”

“What kind of message?”

“We never lose in the end. It’s been that way since the Six Day War, always making sure your friends, and your enemies know that nothing is sacred.” She paused, “You know, Jack, you are going to have a lot of times in the next few years of being in the same situation as yesterday. The people and governments of the world will not take what is happening lying down. They will fight back and you need to know how to fight back on your own terms, without me or anyone else.”

“What are you saying?”

“You could have gotten out of there yourself yesterday, if you had really thought about it.”

“So how was I going to do that, become Superman, break the cuffs with my bare hands, beat them all up, and fly away?”

“No, Jack. Be serious. You have the power to help yourself; you just don’t know it yet.”

“What power is that?”

“Power over all that is physical on earth. For example, let us say that yesterday you were all alone in this, no government to help, no me, no anyone. What could you have done?”


“Yes, you could have done that, but what you would have needed to change was your physical environment.”

“For example?”

“Let’s say, when you were threatened by their interrogator, you said something like, ‘You really do not look well sir. In fact, I think that inside of you, your arteries have hardened, maybe from too much good food, and you look pale. It appears that the stress of having to deal with people like me will possibly cause you a heart attack.’”

“Okay. I make him feel inferior.”

“No, because you said it, then it will happen. He would have had a heart attack right then and the other person in the room would have told the commander what happened. They probably would have flown you out themselves. They know you are a man of God and fear of death is exactly that, the fear of death.”

“So how do you know this Veronica?”

“Because Shraya has the same power, but he has had over 2800 years to develop it.” She hesitated, and then started speaking again, “Do you remember when you were angry at The Network, and you shouted out the lottery numbers to them?”

“Yes, I remember.”

“None of us gave you that information. When the numbers were drawn, those were the numbers.”

I sat back in the seat and as I looked at her, I remembered saying it. She was right. No one had given those numbers to me.”

“Are you telling me that if I say it, then it will happen?”

“Yes, Jack. You have that power.”

“Then the earthquake, the rains, and the hurricanes, are happening because I said it?”

“Yes. That is right.”

“I don’t believe it. Why go through all this trouble to give me information from angels or messengers and go on TV when I am the one who had the power all along.”

“Because you would not have done it Jack. You are too sentimental and caring. In time, that will change also. Here let me prove something to you.”

She pulled a cigarette out of the pack by me and handed it to me.

“Now, hold that like you are going to smoke it, but do not light it. Close your eyes and say I want this cigarette to be lit. Do it now.”

I closed my eyes and thought I wanted it lit and I really wanted to smoke it. I was nervous. Then, opening my eyes, I saw the flame on the end of the cigarette. I almost fainted.

“Jack, your training is now over. There are no more instructions for you. The agenda has been set. You are ready to be on your own as God’s Witness. I will be here with you, so will those you have chosen, and those you will choose.”

“Who have I chosen?” I asked.

She smiled, looked at me, and said, “Your friends, Jack. You know who they are, your only friends. Now think who they are.” She looked at me as if I was suffering from brain lock, then said, “Mark, Luke, John, Thomas, and now me. Look for the others. They will help you. There will be eight more, but one will try to hurt you and eventually will, just like they did with our Christ.”

“But I am not Christ. I am a man.”

“No, you’re not Christ. Nor are you God. Nor are you his son. However, Jack, read the scriptures and you will understand. Now we have about an hour and a half or so before we land in Kansas City. I think you need some time alone.”

I gazed at her as she started towards the galley. Then I called out to her, “Veronica, what is your whole name?”

She looked at me, leaned her head against the doorway to the galley, and said, “Mary Veronica Magdalene. I go by Veronica by choice. Jack, you really need time alone.” She went through the cabin door and closed it.