Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 106


5:00 PM CST Day three of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - City Center, The Waldger Group Suites

“David, how did the phone call go?” Aafre asked.

“You mean to Reverend Marks?”

“Yes, the one I asked you to make.”

“It went okay. He would not commit one way or the other to a meeting with us on Friday, but he did not say no either.”

“In your opinion then, do you think he is receptive?”

“I don’t know if he is or not. I think he was somewhat shocked that I called. Even when I told him that he was selected to be just like Jack, I thought he would jump, but he didn’t.”

“Alright then, let’s go to plan B, just in case he turns us down. For unlike Jack, he has some skeletons hidden in his closet. Doesn’t he?”

“Yes he does. He had some issues with drugs at a younger age and he is divorced. There is a rumor that he is very sexually active with some of his flock.”

“Any proof?”

“Not yet. I didn’t go too far into his everyday habits.”

“Then look and do so quickly. If nothing else, we will use it to convince him to leave Jack’s little band and join us. Maybe it will work. He is a proud man, I see. Moreover, proud men are just that. Most will sell their soul’s to keep being proud.”

“I will get in touch with my contacts and see what we can dig up.”

“I know you will David. You always come through for me. Also, do me a favor, when Stevenson gets into town tomorrow, tell him I want to see him please.”

“Will do.”

“Thanks David. You can go now.”