Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 107


5: 10 PM CST Day three of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Airspace, Jack South’s Private Jet

“Jack we are landing in about ten minutes or so.” Veronica started putting on her seatbelt and I followed suit. “When we get to the airport, a military transport will pick us up and move us from the airport to City Center, where our rooms are. We are on the same floor with the Reverend, or Thomas as you call him, John Roddenburg, and Luke from Anthony Williams Advertising. We also have another larger room that has been set up as a conference room.”

“And Jack, they are saying for security purposes they will go and get your family from Independence, and bring them down to the hotel. Their homes are guarded and the area cordoned off, but having you out there is too risky for them and the neighbors. So unfortunately Jack, till you leave on Friday, it is the hotel. You cannot go anywhere other than to the Rally tomorrow night.”

“Thanks, just what I wanted to hear. Could be worse though, I could be back in that cell in Israel,” as I winked at her.

“Funny Jack, real funny.”

“Well, hopefully they still have that Japanese Restaurant there, the one where you sit down on the floor and eat Sushi. I would love that. It was very good the last time I was here. Will I at least be able to go there?”

“I don’t know. We will have to see what the security people say.”

“Who are the security people?”

“My people, Jack. You should know that by now.”