Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 111


6:45 PM EST Day three of 1260 New York - The Network News Corporate Offices

“Sam, let me tell you what is occurring,” Joe Biggman, President of The Network said. The ratings in the past couple of days have Bear News not only maintaining the market share, but nine out of ten TV’s are tuned into their network, almost around the clock. Even among our normal shows, which used to be in the top ten, we have seven that are not being watched. Our news rating is almost nonexistent, and that is a problem.”

“Yes it is,” Sam said. “So what are we going to do about it, Joe?”

“We tried last night to break the story of the bomber sales to Israel, where the President traded Jack South’s release in exchange for the planes. Nevertheless, the viewership was limited, even for something that would normally be a big controversy. I tell you Sam, if someone dropped an atomic bomb on Moscow today and we reported it first, no one would pay any attention. I do not know what to do. This idiot anchor I have screwed us royally with his attitude on Monday. We had the person in our hands and we would have been the number one network in the world. No, he and that idiot producer really screwed us up big time.”

Sam leaned back in his chair and realized that what he had to say, he wanted to make sure Joe understood. You did not become owner of the largest network in the world and build it into a powerhouse over the past twenty years by letting a situation like this destroy you. Sam, like his last name Gold, had capitalized on his abilities from early on in his life and was a self-made billionaire, and a member of The Waldger Group. He knew that what had happened had been done on purpose and that Jack and his supporters knew Brad Williams would lose it and go off. They set him up pretty good. That was the problem with success, it went to your head and instead of working the person, which Brad should have done, he just thought he could do as he pleased and did not look at the broader picture. Not good. He then turned his attention back to Joe.

“Joe,” Sam said, “They set this up to happen this way. I mean the South people, or whoever they all are, knew what they were doing and they did it on purpose. You and I understand that we help shape public opinion and we make and break people on this network. That also goes for companies, countries, politicians, and just about everything else. We are the media and have been for several years and will be again.”

“Yeah Sam, I know what we do. And we have done it well and also know how to follow instructions well, but I am still angry and upset about it.”

“Well don’t be. Very soon South will become the most hated man in the world and we are going to help that happen. Do not forget we have not only The Network, but also most of the radio stations, and many of the larger newspapers. We have all our people working on Jack’s destruction as we speak. I am sure you know Mr. Waldger and his power. In time, perception will change and I need you here to make sure that when it does, we hit this person and his group as hard as we can and turn public sentiment against him. Then people will watch us.”

“Now, on another subject, we need to relocate the entire team from New York to somewhere else. Jack is always right and New York will be a disaster. Any ideas, Joe?”

“Everything on the east coast is out and we need broadcasting abilities for a long period of time. I do not think that portable field systems will work for a long-term situation. It appears that the safest area is in the Midwest, so I would say our best bet is Chicago. We can oust our affiliates from their offices. There is also plenty of other office space in and around Michigan Avenue, where they are located. So I would assume that would be best.”

“Good choice,” Sam said. “Start it moving. We don’t have a lot of time.”