Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 112


7:20 PM CST Day three of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk

John did the spot interviews from the Gulf coast area and the day’s breaking news along with commentaries on Jack and news of the pilgrimage to Kansas City. He was in the process of doing the summary part of the program. “This just about wraps up this portion of the news for today in our extended broadcast of our coverage from around the world of the Jack South phenomenon. We do have some other news we need to pass on. This is just out from the AP and it says that SEC chairperson, Gordon Bermann, and Weiymer Weinstadt, the Federal Reserve Chairman, are going to allow the markets to open again on Monday. They are moving all the operations to Chicago, Illinois where they will share space with the Chicago Stock Exchange. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is moving to its affiliate in Chicago, known as the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. All operations normally conducted in New York and Washington D.C. will now be done from there. Also, just coming in across the wire, most banks and high profile financial companies from Wall Street in New York, are temporarily moving to Chicago or Dallas, Texas. We will provide more information on these developments as they become available.”

“On a similar note, Bear News will also temporarily be moving its headquarters from New York to the Kansas City area, where we will continue to follow the unprecedented news of the self proclaimed Witness of God, Jack South. Tomorrow evening’s newscast will be starting at 5:30 p.m. CST here, from the stage where Jack South wants to talk to the world at 7:30 p.m. We do not know how long this broadcast will be, but from the time Jack steps on the stage till he steps off of it, we will be broadcasting live and commercial free for that period of time.”

“Goodnight America and the world. We will see you tomorrow.”