Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 113


7:40 PM CST Day three of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - City Center, Jack South’s Suite

We had gotten to the hotel about an hour ago in the military transport. The normal process of checking in did not occur. Veronica simply handed me the hotel key card for my room. She then told me that it was on the 24th floor overlooking Liberty Memorial Park. Since it was still daylight, I could see from my window that work was continuing at the Memorial in preparation for tomorrow night’s event. I also saw what looked like a choir practicing on the stage, which meant Thomas was down there also. That made me feel good. I knew he was doing a great job.

I had decided not to go and see my family or have them come here until at least Friday, but most likely Sunday. Since The Waldger Group had decided to have an impromptu meeting in Kansas City following tomorrow’s events, the city would probably still be full. When The Waldger Group was in town, there were always protesters in the same city. They would have signs that said, ‘No one World Government,’ ‘We are not your Slaves,’ ‘Antichrist,’ and so on. So, the city would stay in turmoil for some time. I thought that since they were leaving on Sunday, I might be able to slip out then and go see them.

I was also not sure where I was off to next. I wanted to go to California and see if I could help some, but I was not sure of my agenda. It seemed the only person who knew it was Veronica. It seemed that Gabriel and Ariel were gone, and from what Veronica had told me, I was on my own. I was not sure about that, but I guessed I would find out soon enough as to the next steps in my journey. I did know we were also waiting on permits from cities around the world where I could hold more rallies, but I did not know the status on them.

I had enough time also to watch part of the Bear News special with John. I watched with intense curiosity about how the major companies were moving operations to Chicago and other Midwestern cities. I guessed they felt that was safer than being near the coast.

The stock market move interested me also. For last week, prior to my interviews on Monday, the bulk of my winnings had been converted through money exchange markets from dollars to Euros and yen. With the run on the dollar before the markets closed on Monday, I had nearly doubled the cash available by my broker to almost a billion dollars, or I should say, half a billion Euros and Yen, and coupled with buying oil that went right through the roof, I had made even more. I suppose one could accuse me of insider trading, but I was not sure that acts of God were included in criminal charges. However, the fact still remained that I did know what was going to happen and no one else did.

This was a good thing, I supposed. The rally was costing a lot of money. This one alone was reaching thirty million American dollars and I had hundreds more to do over the next few years. All I would be doing was traveling, speaking, and so on. I had many people to convince and not a whole lot of time in which to do it.

Supposedly, Shraya would be putting on disciples. If I understood Revelations correctly, over 144,000 converts from Judaism to Christianity would also be preaching the gospel throughout the world, with Shraya of course, and me. However, when God’s time ended and we were gone, all that would be left were the converts. God and the Holy Spirit would then be gone and the powers of the Antichrist and his False Prophet would be all that remained.

I also wanted to call home to my wife and kids, but I avoided it, for I was worried about their safety. There was always that possibility that they would be used as a wedge against me. This would put them in danger. I did not want that, so I guessed the best thing was not to lead people to them and let them be for now. I really wanted a hug from them; but that was not going to happen anytime soon.

Thinking about all of it was giving me a headache. I still had not studied for my sermon by reading my copies of the papers Gabriel had given me and which the Israelis had copied. I really needed to get it done. I grabbed the binder, opened it, and started reading God’s words and symbols. I began absorbing what I was to say and do.