Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 5


6:50 AM EST New York - The Network Studios

The door opened and Molly, the dog woman, entered. I was somewhat relieved to see her for I had grown tired of my attorney’s continuous questioning of what I was going to say to Brad. I needed a break from his questioning and turned towards Molly. “Are the dogs calmer now?”

She replied, “They are doing fine, Jack. I needed to get some coffee and freshen up some.”

“Me too. I need to look my best on TV, right?”

She smiled at me as she poured out coffee into a Styrofoam cup and started adding sugar.

I excused myself and went into the restroom to comb my hair and make sure I did not look too bad. As I gazed into the mirror, I checked my tie, collar, and brushed some lint off my sports jacket. My hair was fine. As I looked at my reflection, I realized that in a very short time, everything that was my life for the past fifty-eight years would now change. There was a plan for me beyond my power. It was beyond anyone’s power here on this earth and it was time for me to do as I was asked. I was ready, although I had no idea why I felt so calm.

I was thinking of my family and what they would think after today. I had not told my wife the whole story. Lois would have been quite upset if she knew all of it before today. She would have said no. I did not want her and the kids in the middle of this. I only explained to her that because of all the money, she and the kids would be at risk. She thought about this for a while, and then had packed herself and the boys up and moved out of the country to a villa we had bought in Brazil. They had around the clock security at this time. You never knew what people would do, especially after today. I hoped they would be safe, regardless of my personal demise.

There was a knock on the door of the restroom. I opened it to find Michelle there with another man. She introduced him as Chuck, one of the pages for the show. He put his hand out to shake and I responded in turn. Michelle said, “You are on at 7:20, just before the 7:25 local station break away. I wanted to take you down now to get comfortable on the interview couch. Are you ready to go?”

“It’s now or never,” I responded. I motioned for Mark to follow us and together, we left the Teal Room to go to the studio where the interview was to take place. I glanced over my shoulder to Molly and waved goodbye.

She said, “Good luck. Break a leg.” Mark and I then walked through the door and down the hallway, following Chuck.