Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 6


 6:50 AM EST New York - The Network Studios, Anchor, Brad Williams’ Dressing Room

In his dressing room, Brad Williams looked at the clock by the door. It was 6:50 a.m. He had just finished doing one-line spots for various affiliates around the country and was having the makeup people touch him up before the actual show started taping. He had about five minutes before it was show time for him, Brad Williams, the “Best Anchor in America,” to deliver the day’s headlines and happenings.

Today though, he was a bit uneasy. He had the interview with the multiple state lottery winner, Jack South. Ordinarily this would not bother him, he thought, but yesterday he had been called into his producer’s office and there was Joe Biggman, President of News Network. They wanted to talk about the interview with Jack South. They both knew he had interviewed several lottery winners over the years and knew what he was to do. This was the first time that he had been called in and been given a completely different set of questions for the interview than the standard ones given to Jack a week ago.

Brad had been directed by the big man himself to find out why Jack South had spent millions on a criminal defense team. This Jack was utilizing the services of the largest law firm in the U.S., which defends major criminals. He had also spent millions more on a nationally recognized PR firm. As Joe said to him, “There is something wrong with this whole Jack South thing and we want you to use your skills to get him to spill his guts on national TV.” Joe went on to say, “We are going to change the rules to see if we can catch him off guard.”

They had done that in the past; tell the interviewee that he or she was on at a certain time, sit them down early, no pre-introductions, start the interview early, and change the questions they may have been prepped for. Usually, this worked with the person and they got answers they would not normally get. It had been done before and they were going to try it with Jack South as well.

Brad was still uneasy. His sixth sense was telling him that Jack South was not the normal lottery winner. He and his demands before the interview, like having his attorney present to video tape the interview himself, and having the legal right to a copy of the interview were not normal at all. What was Jack up to? Why all the uproar by the head of the news department and the producer?  

Brad had a whole dossier on Jack, which was colorful at least. Jack had been in a lot of trouble as a kid and had been through several marriages. His life was just spotty in general. If necessary, Brad felt that he could crucify him on TV and get to the truth, but still he was uneasy.

His thoughts were interrupted when his assistant said, “Mr. Williams, time to go. We have less than two minutes before you need to be out front.” Brad looked in the mirror, smiled, tore off the paper around his neck, stood, and walked towards the door. Just another day, he said to himself.