Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 122


10:50 AM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - City Center, Hallway 2nd Floor

As were leaving the conference room, I motioned for Veronica to come over to me. When she was close enough to hear me I said, “Do you think my room is bugged?”

“No Jack, it’s not. We took them out before you checked in. They were there, but we removed them and your room was checked again this morning while we were in the meeting. They checked it after the house cleaners cleaned up. Also, I have a private security guard outside your door, just in case someone decides to get clever.”

“Thanks. Just so you know, I have Thomas stopping by to talk about the sermon. I need a professional opinion about something I read in God’s word.”

John came up to us about the same time and said, “I have a lot to do. We still have the evening news, and then the program itself will start at 6:00; an hour and a half before you begin, Jack. We need to be ready for that. I have a news briefing in about an hour or so, I need to attend. Lots of news today. By the way, Jack, are we still on for the interview after the sermon?”

“Yes, I will be ready for you, but no panels. I am not up to it.”

“Okay Jack, no problem. Oh, by the way, I may have already told you, but the feed is being translated into over one-hundred languages worldwide. We even have Middle Eastern networks broadcasting you live, which surprised me when the request came in. We have two sign language people, and of course subtitles. I do not know if you know it or not, but for the time you are on TV tonight, not any one event nor one person has ever had this many people watching. I find that amazing.”

“So do I John. So do I.”

“Well, gotta go,” he said as he left.

Luke, Mark, and Thomas were still in the hall. Veronica and I walked over to them. I said to Mark, “Well you got to come anyway. That is great. I am glad you are here. In addition, Luke, you people are doing a great job out there for me, considering you have only had three and a half days. We have achieved our goals. I want to thank you so much.”

“After listening to you over the past few days, Jack, I have to tell you, my firm and I are proud to be a part of your ministry. We look forward to the continuation of our agreement. I have read a lot of prophecy, I have a lot of faith, and I believe you are who you say you are. So, if you need anything at all, even if you’re broke, I will be there for you.”

I held out my hand and said, “Friends, Luke.”

He shook it and said, “Friends. Listen, I have to go. I will catch you all later.”

“Later, Luke.”

I turned to Thomas and asked, “I know you have a lot on your plate and I’d asked earlier, but I wanted to know if you could come to my room in a bit and discuss something with me? I really need your help. We can order up lunch in the room.”

“Sure I can Jack, just say when.”

I looked at my watch and said, “Give me an hour. I am in Suite 2401.”

“I will be there.”

I said goodbye to everyone and got on the elevator to get back to my room.