Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 123


11:20 AM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - The Waldger Group Suites

“Mr. Waldger?” the door was open a crack as the security guard on the other side called to him.

“Yes, what can I help you with?”

“There are two priests here to see you. They say they have an appointment.”

Aafre got up from the makeshift desk in his suite and walked over to the doorway as his aide ushered in the guests. He was pleased the two had made it on time. “Cardinal Richital, what a pleasure,” Aafre said as he looked behind him, knowing very well who was with him. He said, “Bishop…very pleased to finally meet you in person, after all these years. Please come in.”

They entered the suite and he offered them a place to sit. “Bishop, we were worried that you might not make it in time for the Rally and our meeting tomorrow, which, as you know, is very important.”

“Thank you, Aafre. Do you mind if I call you by your first name?”

“No, no not at all, we are all friends here. Was the trip coming here okay? I knew of the flooding in your area. I was concerned you might not make it.”

“No, we left North Africa early Tuesday morning, making a stop In Rome to see the Pontiff, and then picking up the item we discussed. In addition, the Pontiff knew we were coming here. He wanted to see us first. He is not doing well and could not make the trip himself, but had asked us to keep him up to date. He will be watching on TV, I am sure. We left there right after the meeting at the Vatican. We boarded a commercial jet to New York, then a private one provided by you which took us directly here; which we are grateful for.”

“You are more than welcome. We have much to do in the next few days and so much to plan together. Moreover, you Cardinal, you look well. I hope, like the Bishop, you have found things acceptable, yes?”

“Definitely Aafre, everything is going well and all things are in place, as we have discussed.”

“Well, good. I knew that we could count on you. Now Bishop, you know that tonight we will get to see the Hebrew God’s Witness give a sermon. I am so curious to see what he says and hear your opinion.”

“I think he is a very dangerous man and needs to be carefully watched,” the Bishop replied. “If possible, he needs to be controlled before there is no world left for us. His agenda seems strange. Why kill all these people? It does not make sense to me. That is not the God I know and the God our church teaches.”

“I agree, Bishop. I so much agree.”

“Would you mind, Aafre,” the Bishop asked, “if I use your facilities? It has been such a long trip and we have yet to go to our suites.”

“Oh yes, please do.”

When he left, Aafre looked at Cardinal Richital and said, “He is very imposing, isn’t he?’

“Yes, Aafre. He will do as we want and he understands the power he is to receive to battle these witnesses. And like me, he is so much looking forward to tonight.”

“Yes Cardinal, we are all looking forward to tonight. And I assume the item he referred to is the item we had discussed?”

“Yes Aafre, he has the item and has the power to use it. We picked it up from the Vatican’s secure archives.”

“Good Cardinal, very good. So now, we will see and hear the lies from Jack and maybe even some fireworks. One never knows, do they?” as he laughed aloud.