Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 124


11:35 AM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - City Center, Jack South’s Suite

I heard the knock at the door and I thought to myself, it is too early for Mark, but maybe he got confused. I opened the door and the security guard was there. He said, “Mr. South, this is FBI agent Rankill, he has something for you. I checked his credentials and he is okay.”

Agent Rankill stepped up to the door. He had a package that looked like a tube about seven feet long. “What is this I asked?”

“It was delivered to the hotel awhile ago, addressed to you sir. We took delivery and ran it through one of our luggage screeners. We then had the dogs check it for explosives. It seems to be okay. I brought it up personally, because we are not using hotel staff on these floors, for security reasons.”

“Thanks agent, uh?”

“Rankill sir, Agent Phillip Rankill at your service.”

“Well, thanks Agent Rankill. Again, I do appreciate it,” I took the package from him and closed the door.

It seemed a bit heavy. I laid it on the bed and opened one end. There was a note stuffed into it. I took the note as I sat on the edge of the bed and read it.

“Dear Jack,

What I have sent you is something you will need tonight and in the coming months and years. It is quite old and very valuable. There are some rules, though. Never leave it lying around when you are in public. Keep it with you always and in your right hand, unless you intend on raising it above your head. Always use both hands if you choose to do so. Do not let any other man have it, borrow it, or touch it. Only men of God can touch or use it, so make sure if you decide to let another do so, you are sure of their allegiance. I am sure you will figure out where it came from and what is was used for in the past. However, this much I can tell you, it came from God.

In Christ, Gabriel.”

I stared at the box and then I knew what was in it. I was afraid to touch it. I just stared at the box. I was afraid to take it out. This was the staff of Moses, for only God would have had it. He had taken it from Moses when he was allowed to see the Promised Land, but not enter it. How did it get here?

Then my mind clouded and for some reason the room changed. It was as if I could see two men in front of the Pharaoh, the staffs turning into snakes, and one devouring the other. Then I saw a man strike a rock and water flowed from it. I shook my head, cleared my eyes by blinking, and I looked at the box again. I picked it up, opened the other end, than tilted the container so the object would fall out on the bed.

It was twisted like a serpent and was covered with carvings and ancient writing. One end was tapered and the top had a ball on it of some sort. I picked it up with my right hand and I could feel the vibrations in the stick. I closed my eyes and my hand tightened its grip as I felt something like a mild electrical current flowing through my body. I stood there for a few moments feeling the sensation, opened my eyes, and gently laid the staff on the bed. Then I heard a knock at the door.