Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 126


11:45 AM Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - City Center, Jack South’s Suite

After I heard the knock, I cracked the door and the security guard said, “Mr. South, Mr. Marks, uh, I mean, Reverend Marks is here to see you.”

I opened the door and said, “Come in, Thomas. Glad you made it.” I closed the door again while Thomas stood there. “Come over by the couch,” I said. Then he saw it.

“What’s that Jack?” he asked as he moved towards the bed.

“Stop, Thomas,” I said rather sternly. He stopped. I guess my voice was raised and he heard the panic. “Don’t touch it.”

He turned to me with a bewildered look on his face and said, “Is there something the matter?”

“No, Thomas,” I said as I guided him to the couch. “Sit down, I will explain.”

I got up and went over to the bed, picked up the note from Gabriel that I had left there, came back, sat down, then said, “Here, read this. It will explain it all.” He read the note, looked over at the bed, and then read it again. Glancing back to the bed, then to me he asked, “Is this the staff of Moses?”

“Yes,” I said. “It is the staff of Moses.” I told him what had happened before when I held it. 

Thomas just sat there and stared at the staff. He finally said to me, “It’s powerful, isn’t it?”

“Yes it is Thomas, very powerful. It is more powerful than you could ever imagine. Look Thomas,” I said, “let’s order something to eat from room service and then we’ll talk.”

“Was the staff why you wanted to talk to me Jack?”

“No, it is something else. What would you like, a hamburger or something, coke?”

 “Anything is fine.”

I picked up the phone and dialed 211 for room service. When they answered, I ordered burgers, fries, cokes, and a side crab salad.