Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 127


12:00 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk

John went through the checkpoint using the back door for the first time and followed the path between the barriers. He was checked twice more before he reached the stage area. He walked up to the sound booth where they were testing the sound system. From the stage, it sounded like a giant echo. They would have to put an earpiece in Jack’s ear or he would get too much feedback, John thought.

As he neared the anchor desk, he saw Don coming up to greet him.

“Hi John,” Don said, beaming with pride, “we made some improvements last night and put a clear screen behind you. That way we can superimpose the Memorial on it. Like it?”

“Looks great Don, and as always you pay attention to detail.”

“Yes, well that’s what you get when you get a MacKee. We have a family tradition of always doing our best.”

John smiled at him and said, “I just wanted to come over and see the layout before I have to do the news, then Jack’s Sermon.”

“No problem John. I will show you around. We already have the spots marked out for close-ups of the President and others.” He walked across the stage and said, “Here the President and his wife will sit. There is a Bishop from Northern Africa here, with the uh, oh yeah, Cardinal Richital, from the Vatican. They will also be in the front row, and the list goes on.” He pointed to the camera stands at all corners of the stage and the platform ones above them.

John walked to the edge of the stage. Looking down towards Union Station, he saw the incredible sight of a sea of people standing and milling around. There were thousands upon thousands, just waiting. They still had seven and a half hours to go to see and hear Jack. He hoped they would all be okay.

He turned back around and saw Don looking at him. “Quite amazing, isn’t it John? Just like the films you see of the pilgrimages to Mecca in the Middle East. It looks almost the same.”

“Yes it does Don, it most definitely does.”