Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 129


4:55 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - City Center, President Richard Stevenson’s Suite

Air Force One had landed at 4:20 p.m. in Kansas City. The Presidential party had been put into two army Black Hawks, which made the fifteen-minute trip into the city. They arrived at the heliport atop City Center Plaza at around 5:15 p.m. with one copter landing and discharging its passengers, then the other. They escorted the President and the First Lady to the Presidential Suite. The Secret Service and the President then had a quick meeting about the seating arrangements and entry to Liberty Memorial Park.

The Service had said that the President would be one of the last seated, but that the early seating was due to the program starting early at 6:30. There was a preshow of choirs and other local talent, so they needed to immediately get to the staging area. He would be sitting with the Prime Minister of England, on his right, and his wife on his left. All other heads of state would also be seated in the first four rows of seating. Other dignitaries, except Aafre Waldger and the two priests, would be in the other rows along with some other clergy and corporate leaders.

The President asked where Aafre would be sitting and was told right behind him. The agent then said that they needed to be at the access door at 6:15 at the latest, which was about 45 minutes from now. The agent took leave of the President so that he and the First Lady could get ready.

Richard moved towards one of the bathrooms, and then as he was walking across the living area, he asked his wife, “Thelma, do you think I should go casual, which is my normal style, or put on a coat and tie?”

“I would go casual,” she said. “It is warm out and a tie would be somewhat overbearing in this weather. We will be outside for over two hours. I am wearing a light chiffon blouse, slacks, and some sandals. I would assume most would dress the same way. Besides, most people are very used to seeing you casual rather than stuffy,” as she laughed.

He heard the telephone in the suite ring and then the Secret Service Agent say, “Please wait,” that meant the call was for him.

“Mr. President, sir, I have a gentleman on the phone, a Mr. Aafre who would like to speak with you.”

“Thanks, Agent Simpson,” Richard said as he took the phone. He stepped away into another room and sat on the couch before speaking, “Hello Aafre. How are you today?”

“Fine, Mr. President, I was hoping we could have a few moments together before the Rally, but I guess we need to be seated by 6:30. I just wanted to say that I am pleased you are here. We will talk later, maybe after the fireworks display with Mr. South?”

“That will be fine, and I look forward to speaking with you.”

“Great, Richard. I will see you soon, on the stage.” The call disconnected.

As Richard replaced the receiver, he thought that today he was only going to be a bit player or window dressing. He wondered what Aafre meant about fireworks. No one said anything to him about fireworks. Maybe he should alert the Secret Service about what he had said. Aafre was not one to be to comical when it came to things like this. No, he thought, because then he would have to argue with them all over again about attending. That would not do.

He was thinking that Jack had people that were more famous and world leaders coming tonight to hear the Sermon, as he called it, than a State Funeral. Richard was also somewhat afraid, for even though he was a part of The Waldger Group, he felt that this man’s power far superseded anything Aafre and his Master could muster. He only hoped that in the end, he was on the right side.