Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 130


5:25 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk

John had to make sure that the evening news was over by 6:00 p.m. and that his co-anchors for the pre-show were at the anchor desk. He would do today as he had done most of the time and keep the news to about 21 minutes of reporting and nine minutes of commercials. At 6:00 p.m. CST, they would go live for the pre-show, then Jack South’s message at 7:30. There was more than enough to report on. Their people had also been filming all day in Kansas City. This in itself was a great story and he would be filling in details on celebrities and world leaders while the dignitaries were being seated. He had a list of those attending the rally and it read like the who’s who of the world. It was amazing that they were all here together for this. His thoughts were interrupted by the camera operator who asked, “John, you ready? We are down to thirty.”

John turned, faced the camera and said, “Let’s do it.”

He then heard, “Five, four, three, two, and one.”

The announcer began, “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Bear News Live tonight with John Roddenburg, from Liberty Memorial Park in Kansas City, Missouri. Tonight is our three and a half hour special on the state of the world and the greatly anticipated sermon of Jack South, the self proclaimed Witness of God. Now, here is tonight’s host, John Roddenburg.”

“Good evening America and the world. Tonight, as you all know, we are again providing live coverage on Jack South’s message starting at 6:00 p.m. CST, right after our evening newscast. However, let us get to the news updates from the world and here at home for this Thursday. First, let us go to Brian Wilcox who is standing by in Rosemead, California. Brian?”

“Thank you John. It is about 3:30 here in Rosemead, California, which is south of Pasadena. You can see behind me that, like Pasadena, this area also looks like a war zone. I am standing on San Gabriel Boulevard where, just a few hours ago, there was a shoot out between looters and the National Guard. Two guard members were wounded and three looters were killed. Two other looters were caught and are in custody. They are being held in a makeshift military stockade near the Pasadena command center. You will also see behind me, like yesterday, troop carriers being loaded with refugees or people with nowhere to go. Here in Rosemead, like the situation reported in Pasadena yesterday, they are being transported to a makeshift FEMA camp at Twenty-nine Palms. Our understanding from military authorities, is that over three-hundred thousand people are there and it has pretty well reached capacity, as of about an hour ago.”

“Have they said where they will start sending people to next?”

“No John. The military has not made any comment. Rumors are that if they can get clearance, they may go up to Bakersfield and use one or more of the migrant field worker camps there. However, that may be an issue since the I-5, known as the Grapevine, has sustained a lot of damage.”

“Are there any other reports of looting or other crimes, Brian?”

“Yes. Last night, according to military commanders, there were several robberies, muggings, and break-ins of partially held buildings, where the owners were trying to protect their property. The reality of it all is this is like a third world country during a civil war. It is hard to keep some semblance of order. The Commander down in this sector is saying that people need to get out of the area, for it is not safe. The gangs are going for as much as they can get. In addition, John, I overhead one guard member tell his friend to shoot and ask questions later. I don’t know if that was an order they had received or if it was just them talking.”

“Do you still feel like you are being censored, Brian?”

“Definitely John, as I affirmed last night, definitely.”

“Okay, Brian. Standby, we may be back to you.”

“Thank you John. This is Brian Wilcox reporting from Rosemead California.

“Now, let’s turn to our Washington correspondent, Debbie Cochran. She is outside the White House where the Vice President is staying while President Stevenson is in Kansas City.”


“Hello John, not much more to say since the Camp David meetings ended. Vice President, Alvarez Johnson, is staying at the White House to oversee things until the President returns. However, as you know, this is protocol when the President travels. There is also no new word on the assassination of the Attorney General. The FBI has said little about it and the local police are mum. However, there is a rumor that President Stevenson will address the nation on Monday night; but there is no confirmation as of now.”

“Thanks Debbie. We will get back with you.”

“Thank you John. This is Debbie Cochran reporting from the South Lawn of the White House.”

“When we come back we will go to Houston, Texas, where we have an interview with the mayor regarding the fast-approaching hurricane, which is now in the Caribbean. It is expected to hit on Monday morning. A satellite picture is in the background, behind John, showing the enhanced photos of Hurricane Alex. It now stretches over three-hundred and fifty miles across.”