Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 131


5:45 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - City Center, Jack South’s Suite

I heard a knock on the door and opened it. Veronica, Mark, Thomas, and Luke were all there. I invited them in and the first thing Veronica said, as her eyes glanced towards the bed was, “He gave it to you, huh?”

“Gave me what, Veronica?”

“The staff there on the bed; and don’t worry I know not to touch it.”

“Have you ever seen it before?” I asked.

“No, but I knew that you would eventually have it. Shraya said you would and that God would give it to you in good time.”

Mark asked, “Is that really Moses’ staff?”

Thomas replied, “Yes, that is exactly what it is and Jack got specific instructions with it from Gabriel.”

“Mind if I pick it up?” Luke asked.

“No Lucas. You cannot. I cannot let any man touch it except myself. It is a command.” I did not want to tell him that only a man of God could touch it. His feelings would probably be hurt.

“Okay, just asking.”

Veronica then said, “Alright gentlemen, we don’t have much time and we need to chat a moment. We will be seated in about a half an hour and we need to get going soon. Jack, Thomas brought you some vestments. Do you want to try one on?’

“I guess, but if it were not for this staff, I would not even consider it.”

“It’s not that bad, just try it. All preachers and priests wear them,” Veronica said.

“Do you have something simple?” I asked, looking at Thomas.

Thomas laid out the four vestments he had brought on the couch and I looked them over. “What do I wear with them?” I asked to no one in particular.

“You just put them over your clothes you have on,” Thomas said.

I saw a light tan one with a dark brown rope belt and said, “Maybe that one. Red, blue or white will not work for me.”

“Well, try it on,” Veronica said, seemingly impatient with me. Sometimes she made me feel like I was her child, but then I probably acted like one sometimes.

Thomas picked it up and handed it to me. I took it from Thomas then slipped it over my head as I looked in the mirror by the dresser. “I look almost like a monk,” I said.

“It looks great Jack,” Veronica said. “You will be fine. You need to play the part, so quit whining. Here, let me straighten your belt.” She adjusted and retied the rope belt then stepped back from me to admire her work. “Looks good, Jack. Grab your staff and let’s see how it will be.”

I took my right hand and picked up the staff from the bed, turned and looked at my flock. “That will work. Now you do look like a witness; as well you should,” she said.

Each of them agreed, so I reluctantly said, “Okay. Before you go, can we all pray together? I really think I need your prayers and Thomas would you lead us?”

The others and I kneeled down. I held the staff with my right hand. Thomas began to speak, “Oh Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ, please pass among us your wisdom and help us O lord to pass the same upon the people. We know your desire and will comply with your wishes within our human abilities and proclaim your word and that of your son, Jesus Christ, unto the nations. Lord, as you send your witness into the world tonight, fill him with the Holy Spirit, that he may proclaim and show your power to the world. In addition, one final request dear Lord, in this time of Tribulation, those whom you take, may they be sealed by the love and blood of Christ. Amen.”

We all got up. I walked over to my desk, and took a folded piece of paper off the top and handed it to Thomas. “When I come out onto the stage and I ask you to lead us in prayer, say this prayer. It was on one of the pages I read.”

“I will,” Thomas said. “I will.”

As everyone started walking out the door, Veronica came over and said, “Shraya said to do this at the beginning, then they will listen.” She handed me a small scroll. “And Jack, regarding the staff, you know you can hand it over to a man of God? Read the chapters in Exodus about Moses and Aaron in front of the Pharaoh. It is important to know when you can and when you cannot use the staff and pass on the power to another.” She also then handed me a Bible.