Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 134


6:26 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk

John looked around the stage. He noticed that Reverend Mark’s crew was getting everything ready. The camera people had been filming the dignitaries and guests who were being seated on the stage behind the bulletproof glass. These included many of the world’s power brokers, commonly known as The Waldger Group. His co-anchors had been doing commentary since 6:00. His thoughts were on the fact that his entire career had been based on attacking this group and for the first time ever, he had so many of them just a few feet away from him. John had really wanted to walk among them and ask for interviews, but that would not be appropriate today.

He was sure that in lieu of God’s Witness coming forward, The Waldger Group was the one that would battle them. This was described in Revelations, which he had read up on just a couple of nights ago. Would the Group be the one to produce the Antichrist and the False Prophet? He had a feeling on what the truth was. In the past few days, he had brushed up on Daniel and Revelations, and it was all beginning to make sense to him.

John noticed that sitting with the dignitaries was the young former Jewish, now Catholic Bishop, from Africa, Praterus. Some called him Peter and he was here with Cardinal Luke Richital, who was from the Vatican. He wondered if there was a connection. It was very unusual for an event like this to have them both attend, even though the rumor was they were representing the Pope.

Praterus was rumored to be the next in line to succeed in the Papacy, when the current Pope dies. His background was that he was born a Jew, then became Catholic at a very young age when his mother remarried after the death of her first husband, and became Catholic herself. He became almost an overnight success as a young man in the church, taking the oath of celibacy when he was 18. He climbed through the maze of Catholic politics very quickly and now at the young age of thirty-four, was the youngest ever Bishop in the history of the church. He was quite powerful and known by many.

John also noticed Aafre Waldger, who was already seated, was the somewhat self-proclaimed leader, the Chairman of the Board. At least that was what he had been reporting all these years. It seemed that no matter what was occurring in the world of politics, finance or even sometimes, criminal acts, somehow the road always led to him. Nothing could ever be proven, for they controlled the media, at least until Jack showed up. His holding companies, John knew, controlled a string of news media outlets and movie studios around the world that usually kept public opinion in the favor of he and his members.

John noticed the Baroness Sherry Billings from England was here also, but then she had attended every meeting of The Waldger Group since he could remember. She was also accompanied by the Prime Minister of England, Sir Richard Weingart, whom everyone knew was a lifetime member of the Waldger Group. There had to be a connection with Revelations. There was no doubt, he thought. It was probably time to find out what. He noticed that well over one-hundred of their members were here on the stage and in public for the very first time together. This included every leader of the Common Market countries and most western ones also. That made it even more interesting. Why would they now come out in public and not behind closed doors? Moreover, why would the President of the United States be seen talking to Aafre in public?

He guessed Jack was right. The time had come for the new world order to take shape and it was time for God to take back the earth, and that would be a battle.