Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 135


6:30 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial Stage

Ann told him it was time to start, as Thomas walked out onto the stage. Most of the microphones were remote; so, he did not walk up to the mike stands. He stood in the middle of the stage and said, “Welcome,” to the multitudes that were assembled. He then turned to his left and welcomed those on stage.

“To all of you that have taken time from your busy schedules to come witness the first sermon from God’s Witness, it is a pleasure to have you. I am sure God is pleased that so many leaders of the world are here tonight.”

He then walked to the edge of the stage, which overlooked Union Station and started addressing the massive crowd, “Tonight, as we all know, God’s Witness, Jack South, will talk to you within the next hour. However, before that, we have for you some spiritual songs performed by many of your local talent in Kansas City. We also have worldwide acclaimed talent who will praise God and his son Jesus Christ.”

“Before we start the evening’s program, I would like to make a very important announcement. Jack South has requested that there be no offering collected at this event. What that means is, if you see people coming around asking you to donate to God, donate to Jack, or even mentioning the word “offering,” they are professional cons and thieves. This program has not, and will not ask you for money. If you hear of someone requesting funds, then please report it to the nearest official.

Jack does ask though…If you wish to give an offering, you can hold onto that wish till you return to your communities and give back to them or your church.” He paused, and asked everyone to bow his or her heads and said an opening prayer. After his amen, he continued, “Now with that said, here is Kansas City’s singing star, Clyde West, singing “Mama Liked the Roses.’”