Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 7


7:00 AM EST  New York - The Network Interview Studio

The interview studio had a couch with the anchor’s chair adjacent to it. The studio lights were on full tilt and the room was comfortable, if somewhat warm. I was directed by the page to sit on the corner of the couch next to where Brad Williams would sit for my interview.

As I sat down, I wondered why I had not at least gotten to say a cursory hello to Brad, but remembered in the coaching that they may try and set me up to see if they could learn something. A man walked up and started talking to me, “Hi, Mr. South, I am Lester Marks and I am in charge of the cameras and lighting. I want to have you move a bit closer to the arm of the couch and look straight out to the target you see over there,” as he pointed to a relatively large red circle located near one of the cameras. I looked directly at the spot and Lester said, “Okay, smile. We are doing a little promo on you and all you have to do is look at the target and smile if you like. Are you ready?” he asked.

“Yes,” I said. He moved away from the couch.

 “After about thirty seconds,” he said, “We got it. You can relax now, Mr. South.” He came back over to the couch and sat beside me. “Okay, here is how it works. Brad Williams will come out and sit right beside you in his chair,” pointing at the interview chair. “It will not be necessary for you to get up to greet him. We will give a countdown,” pointing over to an area that would be behind Brad, “over there.” The assistant producer will use his fingers like this,” he showed me his hand. He bent one finger down and then the rest, “five, four, three, two, one. The camera will then focus in on Mr. Williams, and then the two of you; after which the interview will begin. All I ask of you is to look at Brad when speaking. Try not to look directly into the camera. Do you have any questions?”

“No, I think I understand what to do.”

“Great, I’m sure you’ll be fine,” as he stood and walked back to the cameras.

I glanced at my watch. It was 7:05 a.m. I looked around and it was a sea of people. There were cameras and wires everywhere. A woman came up to me and said, “Mr. South, I need to hook up this mike on your lapel. It is wireless and you can put this earpiece in your left ear away from the cameras.” She adjusted the mike on my lapel and I put the earpiece in my ear. She then asked me to say my name, which I did. She got a heads up sign from one of the technicians located in the control booth. She said, “You’re wired and ready to go, Mr. South.” She left to go to her position, which was in the control booth in front of the studio area.

I started thinking to myself, well here we go Jack! I felt in my pocket for the piece of paper with the information I was about to share and sat rather stiffly on the couch. I looked at my watch again and it was now 7:09. I looked up and saw Brad Williams coming towards me. Stopping in front of me he said, “Mr. South, Brad Williams.” We shook hands and he sat down. Two techs came over and checked his mike. He then leaned towards me. “We decided to start a bit early on your interview. Are you ready?”

“Yes, I am as ready as I will ever be.” I glanced at my watch. It was 7:11, not 7:20. I knew now that they were definitely going to try to trip me up.