Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 143


7:32 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial Stage

As I climbed the stairs, I could see the stage lights and see over the top of the stage itself. I then heard Thomas say, “Ladies and gentlemen, children, friends, and those in Christ of the world. For the first time in over two thousand years, a man selected only by God, as prophesied in the Book of Revelations by the Disciple of Jesus Christ, John, on the Island of Patmos, is now here to teach you and to test you. He is here to help you find the way of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let me introduce you to God’s Witness, Jack South.”

I took the last step to the top of the stage and walked slowly to the center of the stage. I was sure that many saw the staff for the first time and the vestment and wondered what I was doing. I walked to the front of the stage and the people were screaming as if I was some kind of rock star. I walked to the other side of the stage and the screaming continued.

I stood there for a moment, just standing. Then to make sure that everyone could see, I again walked right to the edge of the stage overlooking the bluff down onto Union Station. I raised my two hands with the staff in my right, and slowly let them down, as a signal for silence.

I repeated the process four times before everyone became quiet.

I bowed my head and said in a powerful voice, I never knew I had, which came from the bottom of my soul, “Now every head bow in this place of God’s. Every knee bend, in every home and in every place, prostrate your selves in the presence of God’s power, as we pray to Him as a world that is in need of prayer and a world steeped in sin and misery as in the days of Noah. Let us bend down in reverence to our God in heaven who has made all things for us, that we cast aside for our pleasures of the Angel Lucifer, who was thrown from heaven to the earth by the Archangel Gabriel, and who was banned from God’s presence. Bend down now and show reverence to your Father and His son, Jesus Christ. Feel the power come over and touch you. Feel the power.” I knelt to one knee, with my eyes closed, and the staff in my right hand. I could feel the power in the staff burning through me, and so all could hear, I said to Thomas, “Please Thomas, lead us in prayer.” I stayed kneeling, my head bowed, with one knee on the ground and my right hand on the staff as Thomas began in his thunderous, deep voice.

“Dear Heavenly Father, as we gather here today in your true church, to worship you and your son Jesus Christ, we are like your son, teaching the people under the open skies. We are not gathered in glass houses made by men, or ornate buildings built as shrines to other men, but humbly, in your presence. We are here, as your son who preached in the streets of the biblical lands of the New Testament. Where he preached on the mountains and the beaches, he did so for the common people to hear the word of the Lord. He did so for the people could hear your word and not have to pay the money to the priest of that time for perceived salvation in their temples. Once again, we gather like those days so long ago.”

He paused, then continued on, “We are also gathered together with our enemies near our sides who wish to destroy not only this Witness, but lead people astray into their world of deceit and pleasures of the devil himself. They are here today among us, and like this witness before us, you know who they are. We, through your word and your presence, know their plans. We also know that very soon your son will come down from heaven, as promised to the disciples; when your son, in his glorified body after rising from the dead said, “As you see me ascend to my Father, now you will see me return the same way.” Moreover, we know that the return of Christ is now very soon. Dear heavenly Father, allow the world to see your power through your servant, Jack, and let his enemies tremble as they hear your word. We are but humble humans, created by you from the dust of the earth, as we try using your witness, Jack, one more time to win the souls of men. These things we ask in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, now and forever. Amen.”

I could hear the thunder of what seemed like a cannon going off, when the viewers in the Park, on the streets, and in the city all resounded with a thunderous, “Amen.” Then I stood and began.