Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 142


7:30 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk

As she ended her performance, John said to his co-anchors, “I have to say, that was beautiful and awe-inspiring. Her voice and the choir were just beyond belief.”

“Yes it was,” Mary Ann said. “And I think it was extremely moving and a very nice touch.”

“I agree,” Geraldo said, then looking over at John he continued, “I think the Reverend is ready to introduce Jack to the world.”

“Yes, you are right Geraldo. Jack is coming up now to the stage, walking over to Reverend Thomas Marks. Therefore, for our viewers, I will remind you there will be no further commercial interruptions of this broadcast until Jack is through. When the sermon is finished, then we will be back. Also for those who are not aware, we will have an exclusive interview with Jack around 9:30 p.m. CST, here in Kansas City. Without further ado, we will now turn to the stage as Reverend Thomas Marks, we believe, will introduce Jack South.”