Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 146


8:35 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial Stage

In the replays that would be shown over and over again for the next three years, thanks to the presence of the slow motion cameras that were on Jack for the entire sermon, the details that emerged were incredible. What would be reported is that Jack, when he was coming out of his kneeling position from his prayer, spun at a speed that was almost super human. His right hand, with the staff pointed toward the tower of the Liberty Memorial, was lifted in microseconds. The staff of Moses was pointed directly at the tower and the shot was heard by millions. The bullet was aimed at Jack’s head but the shell dropped harmlessly to the ground.

The tape in slow motion showed that as he raised the staff at superhuman speed, his body was encased in a light blue light. The bullet, which was picked up as it came into camera range, hit the blue light, and, as if it had hit armored steel, flattened and dropped immediately to the ground. Because all were straining to hear Jack’s prayer after the display in the heavens, it was eerily quiet. All heard the shot immediately and gasped. However, as the tape showed, it was a failed attempt to kill the witness.

As soon as the bullet dropped, a man dressed in white clothing like a desert dweller in the Middle East, with long black hair, flew onto the stage. As the cameras started to focus in on him, and in the close up, you saw the fire burning in his eyes. The stranger looked up at the tower and in a voice that was so powerful, it instilled fear in almost everyone there, he shouted, “You in the tower! Come throw your weapon over the edge or you will feel the fires of hell on this day and join non-believers, where you will be tortured for eternity. Throw down your weapon!”

Immediately as he spoke and lifted his right hand, he pointed to the top of the tower, a bolt of lightning hit the edge of the tower and a small chunk of the concrete fell to the stage. He shouted again, “Throw down your weapon! Take out the bullets and throw over your weapon!”

No one moved. The police, the soldiers, the Secret Service, and the FBI were all transfixed, watching the stranger and the tower. John could see though, soldiers with their rifles aimed at the tower, but no one moved.

The stranger then took his right hand again and starting from the bottom of the tower, began pointing, and said once again, “Throw down your weapon!” As he pointed to the lower part of the tower, it began glowing like the coals of a fire, and began inching towards the top, as he guided the heat with his hand.

The rifle was then thrown from the tower and it clattered as it hit the stage. The clip was thrown down immediately after. The stranger put his arm down and the tower quit glowing. The stranger said, “Come down from the tower and show yourself.” He waited then started raising his hand again. The man in the tower put his hands over his head and shouted, “I’m coming down.”

At that same moment, a Secret Service Agent started toward the tower and the stranger said, “Do not advance on the tower. Return to your post. I want to talk to this man.” The agent ignored the request and the stranger said to Jack, “Point your staff at the man over there.” Jack obeyed as the agent started towards the tower. A ball of fire erupted from the end and landed exactly in front of the agent. The stranger said once again, “Return to your post and protect the one you came to protect. Stay out of God’s business. I will not warn you again.”

The agent slowly backed up to the stands where the dignitaries were sitting, who also were in fear of being assassinated or that this stranger would just kill all of them. Still no one was moving, not the police, the soldiers, the agents, no one. It was still, very still.