Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 147


8:42 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial Stage

I watched Shraya as I came out of the shock that he was here on the stage with me. I watched as he waited for the man who came out from the side door of the tower, with his hands over his head. As I looked at the man, I then knew why I had wondered about that man earlier this morning in the meeting with the mayor. The shooter was Colonel Roland Winters. I watched as he approached Shraya and stopped not two feet in front of him.

Shraya then spoke, “You are an American officer I see Colonel.”

“Yes, I am an American officer.”

“Would you like to tell me why you wanted to kill God’s Witness tonight?”

“I don’t like him.”

“That’s not a very good answer Colonel, for I know that is not true. Who asked you to kill Jack?”

“No one.”

“No one,” Shraya paused. “So sir, are you going to tell the world no one? Who would believe that Colonel? Who would believe that?”

Then Shraya walked over where the dignitaries were sitting and looked directly at President Stevenson through the bulletproof glass. Then he said, “Are you not this man’s leader, sir?” he asked. When he did not get an answer, he said, “Mr. President, I believe your name is Stevenson, are you not this man’s commanding officer?”

He then started to raise his right hand, several Secret Service men started reaching inside their inner pockets, and then Shraya scratched his head. He asked once again, “Are you not Commander in Chief of this country and all military personnel under your command?” He paused, then said, “Someone, give him a microphone.”

A tech ran across the stage and handed a mike to a Secret Service Agent for President Stevenson, who then stood and asked to have the mike passed down to him. Once the President had it in his hand, he slowly brought it to his face and said, “Yes, I am the Commander in Chief of the United States, and I can assure you this man is not operating under my orders or any of my staff’s orders.”

“Fine,” Shraya said. “Then tell this man to tell you who gave the order to assassinate Mr. South.”

The President then walked out of the stands at the dismay of the agents, who were almost in shock. He stood tall and erect, almost stately, I thought. The Secret Service started to follow him and Shraya said to them, as he blocked their way, “We are not going to hurt him. Let it be.” He stood there and the agents moved back a step and did not move, more in fear than anything.

President Stevenson walked over to the Colonel, stopped as he stood in front of him and said, “Colonel, as your Commander in Chief, I want to know who ordered this.”

The Colonel looked at the President and said, “The Director of the CIA sir. I got the order Tuesday morning to take him out. I was sent to help with the security of the city and we knew we could secure the tower. No one would be suspicious. I was doing my duty as commanded, sir.”

The President then said to his agents, “Please find the Director in Washington, and have him placed under house arrest.” Then he said to the Colonel, “Your superior officer has misled you with that order. It did not come from this administration’s office.” He then looked at Shraya, “Would you please let two of my agents come over and arrest this man?”

Shraya replied, “Yes,” as he stepped aside and two FBI agents descended on the Colonel and put handcuffs on him.

The President then commanded the agents, “Turn him to face me please. As they complied, he said to the Colonel, “You sir, are dismissed and under arrest for treason.” The agents then took the Colonel and proceeded to leave the stage.

The President then said, “Is the show over?” looking at Shraya.

“No it is not. I have some things to say.”

The President responded with, “I would like to hear what you have to say,” and walked back to the glassed area, returned the microphone, and sat back down.

Shraya then walked over to Jack and whispered, “Are you okay?”

I answered, “Yes. Shall I introduce you as Shraya or the other name?”

“Elijah, Jack, Elijah. The world needs to know. This is now the time. The audience is large. Let’s not lose the opportunity to continue with God’s work, with so many eyes and ears upon us.”