Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 15


8:15 AM EST   days New York - The Network Interview Studio

“Jack, let’s get out of here before I can’t help you,” Mark said.

“They will be here any minute and when they do, start taping again. I mean everything. Tape it all.”

“Okay,” he paused, “You’re footing the bill, and it’s your butt, not mine.” He seemed to be losing patience with me.

Immediately to my right, I noticed Michelle come running across the studio heading for me. She stopped and started stuttering, “Ja- Jack, they want you upstairs in the newsroom. You were right about everything, and they, they want you in, in the newsroom please. Sorry, I am a bit nervous.”

“I understand, Michelle, but we are leaving now. I just called for my car,” I lied. “We are going over to Bear News, where we are not treated like garbage. Also, tell your superiors that members of your staff have threatened me and within the next twenty-four hours, The Network will be receiving a lawsuit in regards to my treatment from your producer, Jonathon Langer and your anchor, Brad Williams. It will also include breach of contract.”

I turned away from her and said, “Let’s go, Mark. We are going over to the renegade network, Bear News.” It was loud enough that anyone within fifteen feet could hear. “We will leave in an hour or so.”

As soon as we got to the elevator, we saw Brad Williams running down the hall with a microphone in his hand and two camera operators in tow. When they were within about three feet of us, the elevator door opened and Mark and I entered.

Brad put one of his hands in to stop the doors from closing and said, “Jack, we need to talk. You can say anything you want; but I need you to come back to the studio.” He hesitated, then said, “We will do it live and we won’t cut any of it out; not one word.”

Still in the elevator, I leaned out and asked, “Are those cameras live right now?”

“Yes,” Brad answered.

“Then listen to this. You wouldn’t let me warn people of a natural disaster and so instead of a few dying and being injured, now 90% more are suffering. That would not have happened if you had let me finish to begin with. It’s your show. You explain it to the people of California.” With that said, I stepped back and allowed the elevator doors to close with Brad staring like he was in total shock.

We rode the elevator down to the ground floor and walked out through the side door that we had entered from earlier this morning. I figured we would take a cab over to Bear News, but as we stepped out the door, a man handed me a folded slip of paper and said, “Over here, sir.” I unfolded the paper and looked at it. It said that I was to follow this man. It was signed by Gabriel.

The man led us to a limousine and opened up the passenger door. Ariel and Gabriel were sitting inside. Ariel said, “Get in.”