Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 16


3:25 AM CEST   Brussels - The Waldger Group Corporate Headquarters, David Matthew’s Office

At his computer, David was watching both Bear News and The Network News on his thirty-six inch desktop monitor about the earthquake in California, using split screens. On another monitor, he replayed the internet video feed of the interrupted interview with Jack South. He had just finished speaking with his superior, Aafre Waldger, who told him to find out everything about Jack South and how he was able to predict this so accurately. He was also to monitor his movements, wherever he went.

As instructed, he then called an associate they had used before in New York to start tracking Jack and whomever he associated with. The man they would now use was not conventional, and to be honest, he was something of a shadowy figure who took chances. However, they needed answers, and he was the best. David’s instructions to Presley were to use whatever tracking means necessary to keep 24/7 tabs on Jack and to send updates via text to his cell phone. He was to include pictures if possible. No contact and no rough stuff were to be used, period. As of right now, he knew that Jack had left the Morning Headlines Studios in New York and had refused any more interviews with them. He also knew that Jack had stated that he was going to Bear News. This was a concern.

Bear was a renegade network that had no ties to The Waldger Group. They helped other critics of the Group to monitor their activities. They were good at broadcasting a lot of innuendos about The Waldger Group that were primarily about one a world government and their ability to control the economy, the governments, and the officials of the entire world. Bear News implied that they were a hidden government, which governed the public ones. Therefore, according to Bear News, The Waldger Group was working in the shadows, pulling the strings worldwide.

David smiled to himself, because the reality of it was, they were right. However, Jack South seemed to be a problem and somehow, he had this feeling, very soon, South would start attacking The Waldger Group also. When that happened, he would probably be told by his handlers to get the CIA or Homeland Security involved. They would need far more in-depth interrogation in order to find out what South really knew. As of yet, that order had not been given. He was told not to do anything other than to track him. Under no circumstances was Jack to be interrogated or harassed by any agency, anywhere. Using their extensive resources, the Group had gotten the word out to several worldwide agencies to let South do whatever he was doing for now and not make a move on him until they were told to.

Amazing, David thought. They could actually tell the CIA, FBI, Interpol, and even Mossad what they could and could not do.

He started thinking again about Jack going to Bear. Who knew what he would say or how things might go. The one thing they knew for sure is that this man had an uncanny power to see the future or had a direct link to something or someone not of this world. This made Jack unique. That also made Jack valuable. If he knew what was going to happen on a worldwide scale, then he needed to be controlled, if that was at all possible.