Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 19


8:35 AM EST   New York - Somewhere in New York Traffic

I looked at Gabriel as Mark and I climbed into the limo. He motioned for Mark to sit on the same side as me, facing him and Ariel. The driver pulled away from the parking area of the studio and headed towards Fifth Avenue, into the early morning traffic of New York, which never ceases.

Gabriel looked directly at me. He said, “Jack, I see that you pulled it off without a hitch, but I also see that you are very troubled as well. I do understand, and it will get more complicated and troubling.”

I looked directly at him then turned my head to look out the window, knowing that possibly thousands, make that millions of people, thought that I could be the cause of such a disaster. It was so hard for me to figure out which side I was on; and he was right, it was troubling me a lot. I looked over at Gabriel and said, “It always hurts me when another human, no matter who they are, die. Even people being executed for crimes bother me at times. I know death is the natural progress of life, but even natural catastrophes do not make it any easier. I also know that this one was planned and that there are going to be a lot more people dying.” I knew that because we had already talked about this when we first met.

Ariel said, “Jack, the last time God said He would destroy the world all He kept was a small remnant. There was no plan to save humanity then, as now. You are able to warn them, this allows them to prepare and make peace with God. The other witness will be the opposite of you. He will cause disasters and kill many in the name of God. Your function, at least for now, is to warn the people of what is coming and allow them to prepare. All of this, as you know, is part of the time we are in and you were chosen. You will I know follow as God tells you to. Am I right?”

I bowed my head and simply said, “I am my God’s servant. And I will follow his instructions faithfully and deliver as I have promised.”

Gabriel took his hand, laid it on my head, and said, “You are a good servant, Jack. You will be fine.”

Mark was sitting there taking all this in, shaking from head to toe, and then he said, “Who the hell are all of you?”

Gabriel looked at him and said, “We are the messengers of God, Mark. I have told you that before.”

“Oh my God!” he said. “How did I get into this?”

Gabriel said, “You are a man of faith and you were selected. We know you will do what you can to help. You are a side player in a big story and we need your expertise until Jack leaves here. Eventually, they are going to try to incarcerate him and see if they can coerce anything out of him. You know the system and you can stop them, or at least slow them down. That is all you have to do from this point forward. You are in no danger and your firm can and will make the difference.”

“Are you angels. Are you really from God?”

Gabriel smiled. “No, we are messengers. We discussed all of this before. You have read too many books and seen too many movies. We look just like you, but we have powers you do not have. When this is all over, through your faith, a special place will be made for you in heaven. I know you’re fearful, but we need you now more than ever.”

While they spoke, I thought about the picture of the guardian angel I had once received as a gift when I was a child. Now, as I sat across from the two men, they looked to me just like everyone else, not like that picture from my childhood. I suddenly realized that when the strangers had gone to Abraham and dined with him, they were like Gabriel and Ariel, possibly the same. Now I was in the same situation. Could this have been the same way Abraham had felt thousands of years ago?

I noticed Gabriel and Ariel were both dressed in suits, ties, and wing tipped shoes, as they always did; and looked like any other business people. Gabriel had an athletic appearance with a straight jaw, short blonde hair, blue eyes, and a fair complexion. His nose was longer than normal and he had a strong chin. Ariel, on the other hand, looked Middle Eastern, with black hair and dark eyes. His complexion was dark also. He was thin and stood only about five ten. Gabriel was well over six feet. One looked very different from the other. I guessed that like the people here on earth, the messengers came in all shapes and sizes too.

“Jack,” Gabriel said, “We need to go over what is going to happen at Bear News.”

“Okay. Hopefully Luke, from Anthony and Williams, sent the graphics we need.”

Mark responded, “They are there Jack. Luke sent them. He called me to confirm it.”

Then I asked, “Is John Roddenburg doing the interview?”

Gabriel looked at Mark, who turned to me and said, “Yes. He will be the one.”

Gabriel handed me three typed pieces of paper from a folder on his lap. “This is what is going to happen next, in detail. Leave it with Mr. Roddenburg before you leave today. Bear News will need it to analyze all the data. It goes against most weather and physical knowledge currently known here on earth.”

I started reading the pages and was immediately in shock.

“Gabriel,” I said, “This will pretty well decimate a large portion of the U.S. in less than a few days, let alone the other parts of the world.”

“That’s very true Jack, but we have already discussed most of this and you are aware of what is to occur not only now, but over the next few years. You are also aware that for the prophecy to come true, the U.S. needs to be disabled as a world power. This and the California disaster are only the first salvo. It is going to get much worse. Jack, I know you are a compassionate person, but you need to understand. As we discussed before, it will all make sense in due time. You will understand then and this will no longer bother you during your ministry. However, let me reinforce again to you, the only way to get them to listen is to make them fear God and that is what we are going to do. Do you understand, Jack?”

I nodded my head, then quietly said, “Yes, I do understand. I just wish there was another way.”

“Now Jack,” Gabriel said, “you know how Noah and Abraham felt.”

Mark’s phone rang. He answered and listened for a little while before saying, “Okay, I will get back to you on that. Yes, soon.…In just a few minutes…Okay, I will call you right back.” He folded his cell and then turned to me.

“Jack that was John Roddenburg’s assistant from Bear News. They want to have a panel of religious leaders to question you as part of their interview today. I am to call back and say yea or nay. I think we have gone over those types of questions pretty well in the last few days. We knew that eventually, someone was going to request it. Do you feel comfortable with that, Jack or should we tell them no?”

I looked at Gabriel and asked, “What do you think Gabriel?”

“It’s up to you Jack. We have discussed what to do when you are at a loss for words. You know how you need to communicate with God when that occurs, correct?”

“Yes, I remember what you told me. So I guess that I am ready.” I then added, “Can I use the ‘If you don’t believe or you threaten me, I will cause an immediate catastrophe’ scenario if needed?”

“Not yet. Not until we have Shraya, the second witness, in place so that he can act on those threats. We do not want you being able to call God’s power by your word yet. That will be Shraya’s position and ability. For now, you are the good guy, telling people what will happen so the believers can make preparations to avoid individual disaster.”

It got very quiet for a few moments, and then Mark said, “You should also make it known that you are going to hold your first sermon in Kansas City, Missouri for the people at Memorial Park on Thursday. Luke has already obtained all the permits and the equipment we need. It has all been shipped already and will be set up and ready by then. There will be secure seating on both sides of the stage for security issues. That is for the dignitaries, if they should choose to attend. However, under the circumstances, I think many will. You’re now well known and after this next interview, you will be very famous in some people’s minds and extremely infamous in others.”

Mark also added, “Luke’s firm is sending special invitations to the President of the U.S., Israel’s Prime Minister, Great Britain’s Prime Minister, the Prime Minister of Canada, President of Mexico, most of our U.S. allies, and a few enemies. They will get them this evening after the interview today. I’m sure that by the end of the day, everyone in the world will want to attend to hear what you will do next.”

“How many people do you think will come then?” I asked Mark.

Gabriel piped in and said, “Have you ever seen the television broadcast of the Muslims in Mecca?” Not waiting for an answer, he continued, “It will probably be something like that.”

“How are we going to accommodate them,” I asked. “It’s going to take a lot of equipment and preparation for all those people to be able to see and hear the sermon.”

Mark said, “The reason we hired Luke’s company is that he can put on a Super Bowl or Woodstock. All it takes is money and you have plenty of that. It will be fine Jack, it will be fine.”

Then Gabriel said, “Take note, that on that day, someone will try to assassinate you. It is okay. We know who it is and will deal with it.”

“Thanks Gabriel. That is just what I wanted to hear. How do you know they won’t be successful?”

“Have faith Jack, have faith. We just want you prepared.”

“So Jack, do I call Bear News and tell them okay?” Mark asked.

“Yes, tell him it is okay.” More to think about, I thought. This was getting to be a very long day.

Mark was on the phone finishing his call, as the car slowed and eventually came to a stop. The driver turned his head to say, “We’re here.”