Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 18


8:35 AM EST   Washington, D.C. - White House War Room

President Richard Stevenson looked around at his Cabinet in the War Room. They had just finished looking at the tape of the interview that had made it to the internet and around the world. They had all just sat dumbfounded at the idea that this person had the ability to do this and had tried to warn the people of California; but Brad Williams had blown it, at least that is what the public would think.

They also had the news feeds of several networks nationally and internationally reporting on the situation at hand. The President motioned to one of his aides to turn the volume down. As that was being done, he turned to the cabinet members who were present at the time, and began speaking.

“The first order of business here is, as you all know, to get on the air immediately and declare California a disaster area. The quake hit about half an hour ago and we need to get Homeland Security and FEMA in gear immediately. Samuel Jordan has already called, but I was unable to speak with him. I will call the director of FEMA here momentarily and instruct him to move forward as quickly as we can.”

He also told them that he had spoken with the Governor of California a few minutes before and had assured him that they were going to authorize the National Guard to move in and declare martial law in the entire southern California area from the grapevine down to San Diego.

“Because of the total destruction in the area, I am using presidential powers invoking Article One, Section Nine, which will be immediately imposed for the affected area. It needs to be very apparent to the public and to the state of California that in this case, the National Guard will have all police powers in the area until order is restored; and that may take some time. We need to immediately establish a command center and start moving Guard troops in. Is that understood?” He paused, looking around the room to see if there were any objections, then he continued. “Get me the presidential order typed up so that I can sign it and send it to Congress. In addition, someone write up a press conference speech so that all of this can be announced to the public. Call the networks and to announce that we will address the nation and give further details in the Rose Garden in about thirty minutes. When you call the networks, let them know that no questions will be answered until we have a better handle on this; and that includes questions about Jack South. Any questions?”

The secretary of defense, Christopher Albiger, asked, “What about this Jack South guy? Are we going to move on him and find out how this happened?”

The President then looked around the room and said, “Listen to me very, very carefully. Under no circumstance is Jack South to be picked up by any agency or any information released about him from state or federal levels until I tell you different. No renegades here; we go by my game plan. Do you all understand?” He paused again, seeing if there were any dissenters then said, “This includes local agencies and the entire federal government. Please get the word out.”

They all nodded in agreement; and then he said, “Go to work. We have a mess in California that is of biblical proportions, and we need every man at the helm.”

The President then motioned to Jamal Jones, Director of Homeland Security, “I need a moment of your time alone, Jamal,” he said as they left the room.