Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 25


9:50 AM EST   Washington, D.C. - White House, the Oval Office

The President and Jamal Jones, director of Homeland Security, were having an off the record meeting in the Oval Office. Jamal assumed it was about Jack South, but he waited for the President to speak. He had known and worked with Stevenson since he was in the State Legislature in Illinois. Stevenson had been very vocal on state issues from early on in his career, and in a short time had reached star status in the state until he was eventually elected Senator. It seemed to Jamal that since he had known him, Stevenson just seemed to get things done. Stevenson was very popular and good looking. He was six feet two inches tall and appeared to stand even taller. He had little body fat, and weighed around 180 pounds or so. His balding top only seemed to add to his stature as the years went by.

About eight or more years ago, the Democratic Party decided that Stevenson should run for President. Jamal became his campaign manager in Illinois. In the process, he, like Stevenson, learned that in order to get to the presidency you had to take orders. They figured it out and played the game. After the election, Jamal was appointed as Director of Homeland Security for all his years of service with Stevenson and helping to get him elected. Like others who attach themselves to a rising star, Jamal did so willingly. To him, Stevenson was his star. However, he still had his own ambitions too.

“Jamal,” the President said. “You and I are going to go down to the War Room alone and will be attending a video conference with The Waldger Group that is in Brussels. During that conference, we will also be watching to see what Jack South is saying in his interview on Bear News. It is important that we understand what this person’s agenda is and how it is going to affect all of us in the coming days. There is something different going on here. I think we are dealing with a power that is helping him and that we have prepared for all these years. If Jack is who we think he may be then we cannot even begin to stop him and his ability to cause destruction for the next three plus years.”

“What are you talking about?” Jamal asked. “Why could we not stop him?”

“Jamal, we all knew that one day we would have to fight a war not of this world. That is what we have prepared to do for hundreds of years. For instance, the ICBM System was built just for this purpose, to protect us from something not of this world; not the crap fed to the public about protecting our shores from nuclear attack. Unfortunately, Jamal, the person we suspect Jack South to be may have the power to torment us for some time. However, after he is gone, assuming he is the one, we will prepare for that final battle against his masters, which we will win. We will then set up the perfect government and turn the earth back into an Eden.”

“That is all supernatural to me. I mean, I have read the Bible, but I thought the Catholic Church said all that stuff had already happened in Revelations and that none of this was relevant to what they call the last days.”

“Well they are wrong and we know they are; and so do many powerful men in the Church. However, if the time is now and our nemesis from another world is setting the time clock, then we have to be ready to act. We will only get one chance. So keep all this in mind today during the interview and during the conference.”

“I will do my best sir. Are we ready to go now?”

The president looked at Jamal with a worried face and said, “Yes, let’s go. They are waiting for us.”