Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 26


9:55 AM EST   New York - Bear News Viewing Room

John Roddenburg was winding down comments on the presidential Rose Garden speech and giving an update on the carnage in California, along with clips from the internet of my interview with Brad. Then, his co-anchor took over and offered even more coverage for the viewers from California, including press releases provided by FEMA headquarters in Washington.

Mark and I were sitting inside the room with the coffee and snacks. I was actually hungry. It was almost 10:00 a.m. and other than the donut hole in the Teal Room I had eaten, I had had nothing else to eat. Therefore, the fruit and pastries were looking good. I helped myself to a plate full. Mark just sat quietly drinking a cup of coffee, loaded with sugar.

John Roddenburg walked in smiling and asked, “You two doing okay? Do you need anything else? If you do, I can send a runner out to get it for you,” as he busied himself getting some ice in a cup and then poured himself some soda.

John looked up at me, then pointed over to a small table in the room with some chairs around it, “Let’s talk; we have about thirty minutes till we go live. Oh Jack, one more thing before I forget, we have all the graphics and the software your people sent. We hooked up a computer and a large viewing monitor that we use in the newsroom. You can use it if you like. Want to tell me what they are for, Jack?”

Direct and to the point, well that was John, I thought. As we all sat down, I answered, “They are for the viewers to understand what is going to happen next. In addition, we would like a climatologist or meteorologist for the interview, if you have one available, for I only know specifics, not scientific details. I am not sure I can explain the far-reaching effects.”

“So, is it weather related?”

“Yes, it is all weather related for now.”

“So what else is going to be occurring? Can you give me some insight into your next prediction? At least, I assume you are going to predict something else.”

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the three pages of printed instructions, and handed them to John.

“Read this and then you will know why we will need to get the message out.”

John Roddenburg unfolded the pages and started reading. You could actually see the color draining from his face. His jaw tightened and he ran his fingers through his hair. He finally looked up at me and said, “Is this for real Jack? This is scary and it is not limited to a specific area. This has worldwide implications.”

I looked at him and, then said, “John, this is the way it is going to be, and to a ‘T;” no exceptions, and no misunderstandings.”

“I understand now why you need help Jack, but I am not sure I know what it all means either. So we need, as you say, some expert advice. This is really short notice, but then this whole thing is.” He thought for a moment and said, “I will see if I can get one of our meteorologist guys over here in a hurry. They usually have the midday and afternoons free.”

“That would help John, because I want your viewers to be able to understand.”

“I’ll get right on it. By the way, we are broadcasting every few minutes that you are here. We are even going live on the radio with our affiliate stations. I did want to ask you though, how long do you think the interview should last?”

“Well, that is up to you. When you are through asking questions, we will leave. You will have done your job and we will have done ours. But we need some ground rules.”

“Like what?”

I replied rather sternly, “First, I will do my best to answer the questions about California and the messed up interviews at The Network. Then I will answer the questions about what we are about to tell the world. However, if I say that I cannot answer any question or I do not know the answer, then you stop. There will be no going after a question that I will not give an answer to. Just move on to another subject or, as earlier today, the interview will end. Agreed?”


Getting up, John said, “I’ll be back in a few minutes. We are going to use the interview room upstairs. A page will come to escort you both; and oh, by the way, we were able to assemble the panel we called you about putting together. So is that still alright with you?”

“Yes, that will be fine John.”

“Thanks Jack. I’ll be back soon.”

As he was leaving, I got his attention again and said, “No tricks John; straight and to the point.” He shrugged and nodded yes and then walked out of the room. I assumed that he went to get his resources together.

Mark looked at me and asked nervously, “Can I read that paper?” I reached back in my pocket and handed it to him, hoping that he would not have a heart attack and die on me.